
The Unwanted Daughter

The Puternic Imperial is an empire with a strong, powerful emperor and his three powerful sons. The emperor had his affairs and concubines but no children from those who were under his foot. Those who dare slander the royal family with accusations will die by his sword. Naomi was the daughter of a prostitute named Marie, and her father was unknown. She was a small girl, only five but had experienced abuse, making a grown man cry. Marie lived a life of luxury while her daughter was starved and beaten. Each night, the young girl prayed that her father would save her from this life of misery one day.

littlekitkat01 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 1

Naomi's day did not start on a good, and the weeks that followed were the same. It has been a month since the mysterious man appeared in her room, and her mother was on high alert. It wasn't for her daughter's sake but a letter from the emperor. Her mother grew angry after reading the letter; she started screaming and throwing things across the room. After her breakdown, her mother dragged her into the bedroom and locked the door.

Naomi sobbed as the maids stopped serving meals and dared not to speak to her. She couldn't count the times she screamed and cried for her mother to let her out and how she will be a better daughter, but no one ever answered her pleas. Will someone save her from this hell?


Naomi POV

I stared at the dark ceiling recounting the cracks within the stone when there was a loud bang outside the hallway. I don't know how long it has been since someone came to see me, but it might be my mother. I curled myself in a tight ball, just waiting for her to unlock the door and start her punishment, but it never came. It was not long before I heard chattering outside the door and the lock's clicking along with more chattering. Did mother invite someone?

I looked up to find several men dressed in imperial soldier armor; they all had a stern face riddled with the inconvenience of seeing me in my room.

I gulped, "Did my mother send you?"

The soldiers were quickly standing on one knee and bowing their heads to me as if I am someone with high status.

"Lady Naomi, the emperor, has requested your presence."

The emperor?! What did my mother do? Did she sell me off or told the imperial family that I have committed treason? My stomach churned at the thought of what scheme my mother has come up with now. Too deep in my panic, I failed to realize that one of the soldiers had picked me up and taking me out of my room. The sun warmed my face, and the wind tickled my legs. I questioned myself on how long has it been since I went outside and enjoyed it? I only remember the harsh cold weather of the night as it was the only time my mother let me out of my room, and even then, I could not stop and enjoy it.

The soldiers stalked throughout the home until we finally reached the front door and were greeted with more soldiers along with a carriage fit for a princess. Was this all for me? A nobody? Tears started falling as they loaded me into the carriage; maybe my life will change for the better.

I knew from that moment on; I would be ready to live my life how I want. No matter what.