
An Accidental Insight

Lan Wangji

Wangji had gently lay down the unconscious Wei Wuxian over his bed and sat by his side, to transfer him some of his spiritual energy, to help him recover as soon as possible. He took four talisman to make a healing array around the bed, forming a symbol that will absorb white energy from the environment and transfer it to the drained youth of the Wei Clan.

He manipulated the white energy that came in naturally and could be used to heal or restore lost energy and put his index finger over Wei Ying's forehead, closing his eyes in deep concentration, as he carefully beginning to infuse him with the healing energy. The reckless young man, had really try to push himself way too far, yet he could not blame him, as he had done exactly the same when he was first tested.

However, as the transferring begin, he felt a strange spiritual pull, that shouldn't be possible. It was not the first time he had done that kind of transferring, as sometimes, other members of his Clan of his same age also overdid it in their training and drained themselves while cultivating a golden core. He had the experience, yet, healing Wei Ying was proving to be something else entirely, with the spiritual pull intensifying with each second.

Soon, he found himself teleported to somewhere else, a place he had never seen, nor been in there in his entire life. It was cold and dark, barely illuminated by a red, crescent moon. The place, just like his home, seemed to be suspended in air, in a small island, with gray clouds circling it like in a coming storm. There was a white symbol written in the middle of the island, close to a willow that looked like it was dying. Instinctively, Wangji walked toward the symbol that at closer inspection was a complicated sealing one.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji yelled and suddenly a handsome male figure emerged from a cloud of darkness. He was wearing the Wei Clan colors, black and red robes, but his long dark hair, unlike Wuxian's, who wear his only half tied it with a simple red ribbon, was tied in a long ponytail with a light gray one.

He looked the same age as them, young and mischievous, quite similar to Wei Ying, but with a huge difference. That young man, who was now looking at him with clear amusement, was full of dark energy. No, that wasn't quite right, his black core was fully made of dark energy and his eyes were of a deep crimson red.

"Who are you?" Wangji asked, not really sure if what he was seen was real or not.

"I could ask the same. How come you are here?" The other one asked him, while giving a few steps closer.

"Where is Wei Ying?" Wangji ignored the question, making the young man arch an eyebrow in that very same way Wei Ying did before.

"He is outside, right in the next island... the golden one. Can you see it?" The man asked as he pointed to his right and sure enough, Wangji could distinguish another small floating island, surrounded by a golden barrier and a body resting on his back at the center of it.

"What is this place?" Wangji keep it up, completely lost of what was happening.

"I guess you had not reach that level yet, huh? A shame, your spiritual sword is ready for her full release and she is also quite the beauty. Pardon my rudeness, young Master, I am called Xuanyu by the brat and I am Wei Ying's sealed dark energy with a spiritual awareness of my own. This is my home, welcome to Wei Ying's internal world." The words shock him to his very core and Wangji turned to have a better look at the place he was no supposed to reach, even in the wildest of dreams.

There was a supernatural connection between spiritual swords and Masters that when reaching a certain level of cultivation could create an inner dimension in where they can interact and give the sword spirit, a physical appearance of a man or woman, depending of the disposition of the spirit. Also, with enough inner power, the spirit could manifest in the real world, if its Master was in danger and unable to use the sword.

Giving the fact that he was in no real need to have a spirit manifesting outside its dimension to give him support while hunting, as he was capable enough to protect himself without others help, he had not cultivate enough to take Bichen out. Wangji had of course, give her a physical appearance and communicate with her when in need, but never really try to take her out of her dimension to the real world. However, he had never heard that an inner dimension could be breached, more less a sealed one.

"This should be impossible." Wangji said.

"Ah, yes... no one should be able to reach this place so casually, except for Wei Ying himself, but the energy you are transferring to him is not common in the east and Wei Ying is quite attracted to it, as a moth to a flame, thus taking you along with the ride." Xuanyu explained.

"How come dark energy can take this form?" Wangji asked next, quite alarmed.

"If white energy can, why not dark one? Do you want to hear the story?" Xuanyu asked, as his eyes glowed more brightly red.

"I..." However, at that moment a delicate figure, dressed in pure white with hints of silver manifested in front of him. It was a beautiful woman with long white hair, half tied with a bright silver ribbon falling down her shining hair. Her features were elegant, her skin flawless and pale, with rosy lips and light gray eyes. She was as beautiful as she was deadly and she bowed to her Master before giving him, her warning.

"Master Zhan..." She said.

"Bichen..." Wangji greeted her accordingly, also giving her a bow.

"Be careful with him Master... he is quite tainted. A thing that shouldn't exit." Bichen said as she confronted the dark spirit in front of her. Xuanyu simply laughed.

"Maybe, my beautiful Bichen... but here I am, born after Wei Ying absorbed some dark energy to defend himself from wild dogs when he was a foolish kid, trying to prove his father he could go night hunting with the rest of his Clan member when he was barely seven years old." Wangji arched an eyebrow.

"Wild dogs?" The Second Lan Master asked, curiously.

"Master Zhan..." Bichen whisper a disapproval.

"Ah, let him satisfy his curiosity. I may be tainted, but that doesn't mean I am evil and honestly what can I do while sealing like this?" Bichen said nothing more.

"You should know, young Master... Zhan, right? Wei Ying is terrified of dogs of all kinds, even the small ones after he run away from the safety of the Wei Clan protection to follow some members to do a night hunting and prove his father he could do it too. But..." Xuanyu came closer to Wangji, only halting when Bichen stood protectively in front of her Master.

"You are a stunning beauty Bichen, but I prefer men... the one behind you more than most." Wangji was surprised, yet almost smirked.

"So indecent." Wangji said.

"Just like my Master, huh? Maybe he prefer men too, what do you think?" Wangji couldn't help but skip a beat after hearing that. It was not his concern whatever Wei Ying liked men or women and yet...

"You wicked thing, stay away from my Master." Bichen added.

"Ah, don't worry... I know my place. So... as I was saying, the kid go out of the protection and got lost in the darkness of the night. The area had been cleared by the older members of the Clan, but there were wild dogs nearby. Unable to defend himself from living dogs, Wei Ying actually manage to unconsciously manipulate dark energy to survive the feral attack. However, the energy almost kill him right after, thus the elders who found him, sealed the energy that could not be expelled, giving birth to me, as the kid begin to unconsciously cultivate two separate cores." Xuanyu explained.

"Two cores? Wait, how..." Wangji whisper, but before he could ask for more, Bichen put a hand over his shoulder and brought him back to himself.

"Pardon the rudeness, Master Zhan, but you should not listen to remnants of dark energy. It can harm your core." Bichen said apologetically. However, Lan Wangji was more surprised because she had come out to the real world in her human form, a thing that he was unable to do before.

"Bichen..." Wangji mutter.

"From here on, I will be able to assist you when in need. Be careful with Master Wei... he reeks at troubles and it's also tainted." Bichen warned him before she disappear back inside the sword.

Wangji then looked back at Wei Ying, resting over his bed and he smirked. Ah yes, he was indeed a troublemaker, but a very interesting one, that had capture his full attention now, tainted or otherwise. He wonder just how many more 'impossible' things had happen in the east, like cultivating two separate cores simultaneously and of a totally different energy. Such feat should be impossible yet he just witness the strange powers of the so called weak Clans.

Obviously there was nothing weak about them, but the contrary. Sealing cores was not easy task and it was even more astonishing to seal a dark one inside a kid or more so to use yin energy like it would the yang. Technically manipulating yin energy would turn anyone into a fierce corpse, as the dark energy tainted not only the body but also the mind, yet Wei Ying could use both perhaps at will? The dark spirit didn't looked wicked, but calm and collected, chatty even.

He will have to tell Xichen about it when having the time, hoping he will not deem Wei Ying and the Wen's too dangerous to participate in the gathering and promise to keep an eye on them at all times. They had reacted to the Yin/Yang symbol for a reason and that could not be taken lightly, because the Gusu Lan symbol was actually connected to real balance of the energies of the world after the sacrifice of the immortals.

"Wei Ying, just who are you?" Wangji asked, yet the answer will come in due time and he was quite eager to find it. Close by, Suibian had stood in a dark corner, his presence unnoticed by the young man taking care of his Master. Things were getting interesting right at the beginning of their coming to the north.

"Ah, Xuanyu, Xuanyu... you blabbermouth. If you make more troubles for Wei Ying, I will go down your island and destroy it completely along with you." Wei Ying's sword spirit inwardly thought as he go back to his blade.

"As if you could... my handsome Suibian, it had been a while. Why don't you give me a visit? I miss you." Xuanyu's voice reached back. Because they shared Wei consciousness, sometimes they could interact in such ways.

"You wish, I rather keep your hands away from me, pervert." Suibian said while Xuanyu laughed.

"It seems Wei Ying will fall for the young Lan, will you call him pervert too?" Xuangyu said back from his dark floating island.

"Your habits are beginning to unconsciously rubbing on him. Just don't push him too far." Suibian counter and the one in the island laughed.

"You should know his mind is as strong as steel, if he ends up loving another man, it's not my doing, although I can't blame him. He definitely had a good taste." Xuanyu said and Suibian almost sighed.

"Just shut your mouth and don't go telling outsiders about you." Suibian said with a hint of annoyance.

"At least, when Wei Ying begin yelling his heart out at the sight of a dog and run away like a frightening kid when they go down to the town, Lan Wangji will know the reason and look less foolish into his eyes." Xuanyu teased and Suibian laughed.

"Well, that's true. Hey... do you feel the pull too?" Suibian asked more seriously now, which was the real reason he was in contact with Wei Ying's inner dark spirit in the first place.

"Of course. Something big is going to take place here. The white energy around this place is restless."

"A worse Dark World coming?" Suibian asked.

"Not exactly... perhaps the opposite. I think the world needs the restoration of the balance once and for all." Xuanyu voiced his opinion.

"Can't be, our brat is not strong enough for that." Suibian knew Wei's strength better than anyone.

"Who knows... let's watch and find out." Xuanyu responded and Suibian sighed.

"Agree... let's see what will play out." The sword spirit agree, before he was back to dormant inside his blade.

AN: Okay, an insight chapter for the building of this world story. Hope it was interesting and yes, the dark energy inside Wei Ying is none other than Mo Xuanyu, giving him a chance, as he sacrifice his body for him. Thanks for reading, until next time, take care. 😊😉❤❤❤😙