
A Dangerous Night

Wei Ying

Fooling his father was no easy task, even if he had said so to the others. It was true he had done it before, but really fooling his father vigilance require his best work and masterpieces. However, he was a genius and so he worked on the talismans he needed with efficiency and speed. While he worked, he made Lan Zhan change clothes, as his white ones will caught the attention of both allies and foes alike and giving the dare situation he agree.

Thus, Wei Ying was momentarily distracted when his Lan Zhan went naked at his side, as he liked to admire that hot body none stop, yet this time he didn't have the luxury to droll over it. If everything went well, then he may had a chance to undress him again and be loved by him like almost all nights in the past month.

In a way it already felt like they had been together for years, instead of a short month. For the people of the east, they were married, even if they had not done it officially. That was because his mother had insisted that sharing a room with a lover was equal to be married, whatever there was an official record or not. She loved her handsome and serious son in law and no one was going to deny her of been related to the two Lan Jades whatever they want it or not.

Xichen was also a favorite of hers and she was quite pleased with  the way he had given Wangji the freedom his own parents were deny it. There was still the issue of the Wei's heir, as the darling Yuan was to become a Lan by his own choice, but they will figure that out later, as Ying was still a youth and they could also adopt another kid, as Wuxian will never cheat on his lover, not even to have a heir, which she agree.

Fifteen minutes later, Wei Ying secretly sent man shaped talisman to the members of the team that sneaked between pavilions under his father's watch in the middle of the night. They went in and once inside their rooms, they became short letters with instructions of what to do next and the necessary talisman that will teleport them directly to the land of eagles.

Ten more minutes and they all used the provided talismans simultaneously and teleported several miles away from the main Clan. The place they had teleported to, was the one in which Wei Ying had jumped to get his eagle to go to Gusu. They were teleported a safe distance from the border of the cliff and once Wei Ying make sure they were all there, dressed in black as well, he distributed a second set of talismans to conceal their presence.

"Hum... Wei Wuxian... how do we do this? It's not like we had ride eagles before." Mianmian asked and Wei Ying whistle a few times. Because they were at the top of a cliff, the whistle seems to be lost in the air that went above a vast valley below them, but a few minutes later, as he was giving the group instructions, a few big figures could be seen in the distance.

"Alright, they are here. Just hang in there, it's not all too different from riding a horse. Huaisang, you stay here and be sure to use the talisman I gave you to warn us if someone from my Clan comes to this cliff looking for us." Wei said to him, as the eagles' approached the cliff.

"But I want to go too!" He protested.

"No you will not, that is my condition to help you out. You are too emotional right now and will not keep your cool in whatever its happening in there. I don't blame you, because I would be the same in your place, but for this to work, we need to keep our wits and see how we can help your Clan the best. Stay here, this is a safe place and Qingfeng will take care of you and let you know how we are doing. The link between spirits it's not bonded by distance, so the others will keep Qingfeng updated." Wei said as the spirit slightly bowed to Ying.

"I will protect him well. Thank you for granting my Master this request. Lord Mingjue will be in debt to you as much as my Master." Qingfeng said and once the eagles landed, he used a bit of his spiritual awareness to make the eagles understand their plan and destination.

They were going to fly in pairs, which pleased Jiang Cheng even more, as he will be holding Wen Qing for a while and make Wen Ning blush a bit for that exact same reason, but with Mianmian. She find him cute and along with his shy personality, she kind of like him a lot these days.

"Alright, you will have to figure how to best keep yourself on the eagle on the way to the south, just make sure you don't pull out any feather or you will be dropped like a rock." Wei Ying said as he mount his eagle, then Lan Zhan follow his example right behind him.

It didn't take long for the others to have the hang of it and they departed from the cliff at high speed to the unknown status of the south lands. Wei Ying closed his eyes and let Wangji hold him still and safe. Chenqing was placed on his waist and as they fly the night sky, both of them try to have a better insight of what could be taking place ahead of them.

"Wuxian... that Yin Metal is no joke... I can sense the dark energy increase by a lot. The corpses are also behaving strangely." Chenqing told him internally.

"Will they hang in there or we will be too late?" Wei asked, also trying to grasp the same feeling as Chenqing.

"Only fate will determine that, but Nie Mingjue is no weakling and he had fight a war before. Also Baxia is kind of wild, he will not disappoint his Master fighting spirit. I vote for him to hold on for a while more." Chenqing said.

"Well, let's hope he does. Can you reach Baxia?" Wei asked.

"No. We don't have a link establish yet." He said, however, Suibian did tremble a little when Zilin did contact him asking him to turn back or they will be facing both his and Lord Wei's rage.

"He found out. We better do this right, or we will had nothing to defend ourselves when we come back home." Suibian told them.

"Ah, damn, he find out sooner than expected... father is getting sharper." Wei sighed internally.

"Yet it's already too late to turn back." Xuanyu said for him.

"Yeah..." Wei Ying agree, finally opening his eyes, only focusing on the scenery ahead of them.

Nie Mingjue

They knew war, they knew victories and defeats, also they knew pain and endurance and that was what was keeping the extermination team fighting like no tomorrow. There were hundreds of fierce corpses coming from each angle, but they fight back with all their might.

Baxia had cut heads and arms, as well as pierce hearts to satisfy his bloodthirsty while in the battlefield, yet those he thought they had killed, somehow, revived once more, turning the tables to their favor. They were a smaller team in comparison to the endless wave of corpses, yet very skilled and worked well together, but under who knows what kind of black magic, when one of them fell, it also became a fierce corpse.

"Master! There is a strong energy coming from your right." Baxia said and Mingjue smiled.

"That must be where that bastard is been hiding." Mingjue said for him.

"Let's get him for good this time." Baxia said wickedly.

"He will pay, for sure!" Mingjue said back as he ran toward where Baxia was directing him. Soon, he saw a tall good-looking man laughing as he approached.

"Nie Mingjue, you are finally getting old if it took you this long to find me." Xue Yang said mockingly.

"If you were to be less a coward, then we would had fight way sooner." He reply and Xue smiled.

"I rather tired you out first, your Baxia is too much." Xue said as he moved from the tree he was reclining on, as he watched the pandemonium.

"Come and face me! You will find out I'm not as easy to kill!" Xue applauded.

"Of course not! Why would I need to use this otherwise?" Xue said as he took a piece of metal from his robes. The thing was not too large, yet it wasn't that small either, however, from it a lot of dark energy was been released.

"The Yin Metal!" Mingjue almost cursed.

"Bravo! You already know about it! I guess I had to thank Wuxian for updating you old folks, but l guess not even him knows what can be done with it. So let me show you one little trick before we go all out." Xue said as he infused the metal with a bit of his energy.

Not knowing what evil thing he was planning, Mingjue didn't wait for him to finish and trusted forward to cut his head, but a corpse got in the way. It was a fierce one that remained stood even after he pierce his chest, but that wasn't all, as he pull out Baxia from the black veined flesh, the fierce corps gave a piercing cry and energy coming from the earth itself went inside of it.

The partially white skin became fully black and it thickens and transformed in the matter of seconds, to a point that the fierce corpse from before became a monster by all means. However, he didn't have time to be in shock for more than a few seconds, as the new darker thing took a fallen sword from the ground and was on him instantly.

His reflexes were good, so he blocked the blow with Baxia easily enough and fight back against the thing, only to find Xue coming from his back, as he had expected from the very beginning. That was not the first time he had fought with two opponents at the same time, but one of them was a sneak bastard and the other was an inhuman monster born from dark energy.

Another thing was that Xue Yang's sword was a double edge one, with double the danger. Still, he fought both of them as fierce as ever, fuelled by his rising anger and sense of justice. However, things around him were not going too well. With the new kind of fierce corpses, more of his men were killed, then got revived by whatever power that Yin Metal had, putting him in an even harder position.

Soon enough, even if he manage to defeat Xue Yang, he was going to be overwhelmed eventually, which meant his Clan will fall, as its pillar rock will make it crumble down. Thinking about the fate of his people, make him fight even fiercer than the monster, even when he had been wounded and was almost without energy.

If he was going to fall, at least, he will make sure to take the damn bastard with him. If Xue became a corpse, then serves him right, to taste his own medicine. Thinking about that he laughed and went berserk. This also pleased Xue Yang, as he teamed up with his ugly corpse to bring him down.

"I will turn you into a fierce corpse! No, wait, I will cut out your limps and turn them into corpses themselves!" Xue laughed.

"In your dreams, you bastard!" Nie shouted, as he almost got his abdomen.

"Ups, that was close. You are indeed too much..." Xue laughed as another monstrous corpse came to help him kill the troublesome Clan Leader.

Fighting with three at once was something Mingjue will not be able to hold for much longer. He had already fought for who knows how many hours and there were two monster with seven times the strength of a fierce one. Thus he was soon badly injured and unwillingly brought to his knees.

"This is your end Nie Mingjue! Have a better luck in the afterlife!" Xue yelled and the monster at his back was going to cut his head off, when something unexpected happen.

The sound of a flute filled their battlefield and with it also brought the feel of power and all the corpses stopped moving. Then just as it had happen before, more dark energy came from within the earth, but this time canceling the one controlled by the metal and like smoke spirits, they went inside of the two kind of corpses, making them fall on their back, to never stand again and those who didn't fall, to begin attacking other corpses instead of the remaining Nie disciples.

As those who were still alive where trying to figure out what was happening, a dark figure came into view, surrounded by dark energy he controlled with the sound of Yin's flute and turn the tables back to their favor. The slender man looked imposing under the light of the moon and otherworldly as he walked so fearlessly among the chaos, while playing an equally chaotic sound.

This sudden change of fate was so unexpected that took even Xue Yang by surprise and Mingjue took the opportunity to move his Baxia forward, only been half blocked by Jiangzia. With his Master now deeply wounded on his right shoulder, the sword spirit went out of his blade and use a teleporting talisman before Baxia himself could get a hold of him, disappearing in the act. Baxia cursed, yet he could not do anything else than to help his brave Master to stand and watch the new show.

A small group dressed in black had also joined the fight, killing corpses with mastery and speed, pretty much with coordinated precision, as the flute sound commanded the darkness back to where it belong, back to earth. Then, the one using the flute also joined the unknown team and fought the remaining corpses.

Mingjue only knew there was one flute capable to control darkness and that was Chenqing, thus the ones who had come to their rescue most be the untamed team, as Lord Wei himself had call them. Now, sure of it, Mingjue laughed his heart out with both happiness and sadness at the same time. To think that a bunch of wild kids were going to save him from what had looked like a certain death.

He will owe his little brother a big one, as he was sure that such risk taken by coming there could only been had pulled of by his nagging little brother. The group was indeed quite good working as one and their two leaders, meaning Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were awesomely formidable, to a point they disposed several corpses at once without breaking a sweat.

He had to admit that the newer generation will always surpass the old one and that they will soon become a thing of the past. Still, he was glad to see that the Clans were going to be left in such good hands and promise himself to work harder in making Huaisang a more leader material.

A while after, all the remained corpses were disposed of and as mysteriously as the group had came, they disappeared again, not even giving him the chance to offer his deepest thanks. Of course, knowing the risk they took to come all the way from the east, it was understandable that they will hurry back home.

Maybe he should sent Wei Lao a mercy butterfly letter, telling him they had save his life as well as that of all the people living inside their wards. But then again, proving to be just as untamed as he had name them was not going to be left unpunished, even if they end up saving the whole world.

Ming Yue laughed. He hoped for their punishment to not be that harsh... maybe...

AN: Here you go, the fastest update yet! 😄 Hope it was an existing one, even if I didn't describe further the team magnificent fight. I'm leaving that for the Burial Mounds.😂 Thank you again and take care until next time. 😉💖💖💖😁