
Poetic Justice

Nie Huaisang

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth... that was the inevitable payment of a sinner and even more so when the sins committed were at a different level, too evil to be purge, too wicked to be forgiven. He really didn't knew anything when his big brother was killed, but after his death, many things that were previously in hiding came to the light, in a very painful way.

He loved his big brother and admired him, even when he scold him for one reason or another. Huaisang was well aware he was the weakest member of the Nie family, some even had call him coward, while his big brother was the solid stone in which they all could rely on, to keep the Clan strong and going in the right direction, no matter the difficulty. Mingjue, was strict and intolerant of the injustice, which was why he had given Guangyao a high position, thinking he had been wronged by the members of his Clan.

However, just like anyone else, his big brother had been fooled by master acts and calculated words. By the time he had realized of the wickedness hidden in the Clan Leader Jin's heart, the biggest damage had been done and the sinful plans put in motion behind everyone's back. It was because of his brother mysterious disappearance and later his disrespectful death that he had come to know the real Jin Guangyao and the evil things he did to his own family and to the Clans, including some related to Wei Wuxian.

That's why, when Mo Xuanyu had told him about what he found out, they took the liberties to make a plan that will help them both, even if it was in an extreme way. It was obviously not the best one and had involved sacrifices, manipulating and killing some people, but bringing Wei Wuxian back was not exactly evil, nor was it unjust to the spirit of his death friend, who was forced into someone else body without his consent.

It was actually the opposite, because he knew that Lan Wangji was searching for Wuxian, year after year, carrying over his wide shoulder a great grief and regret and it was going to give the Yiling Patriarch a chance to clean up his name, while exposing the many sins of the Clan Leader Jin once and for all and his brother death could be avenged, putting his tormented spirit to rest.

So, when the others were giving him their back, watching at Wei Wuxian playing his flute to try subdue Baxia, he had acted, quite carefully, burning up a special talisman with his blood in one of the candles in front of the statue. No one notice him at a corner while Wuxian and Wangji hugged each other, thinking it was over and his back was to the two wounded men he wanted gone, so when the talisman burned in a few seconds, it was completely unnoticed.

What happen next was something not even him expected, as the talisman he had used was made by studying some dark book in the forbidden section on his home. There were many dark secrets in his Clan, which was why he had access to a few things, like how to extract a sabre spirit from the blade and take his vengeance, but as he reawaken the Baxia spirit with the talisman, he miscalculated, that the resentful energy from the awakening reached not only Baxia, but also the Seal and his brother, who lie down right below the sabre. Then, hell broke loose.

Wei Wuxian

As Wei Ying hugged Lan Zhan, glad that the ordeal was over, now that both Jin Guangyao and Su She were unable to fight back with their respective wounds, Wei relaxed for a second in Wangji's arm, smiling slightly on his neck, in which his face was burry. However, just a few seconds after he had hug his man, he felt the rise of a dark energy coming from a corner.

He had immediately let go of Lan Zhan to look at where he had sensed the dark energy, but in that same instant, a strong wave of resentful energy escaped from the coffin at his side, destroying the suppressing seal he had placed at the top and sending the wood piece and all of them backwards with a great force.

Wangji, who's physical strength was greater and still have Wuxian half hugged, manage to turn himself and place Wei in front of him, so when they crashed against the wall behind them, he will take the impact for him. Pain run down his back, the same it did with all others, expect for the ones that were sat, who have less impact from the wave than those who were standing and closer to the coffin.

"Lan Zhan!" Wei yelled as he looked back to see Wangji spit a hint of blood, but he didn't have the time to check on him as the coffin begin to shake and release resentful energy in more strong waves, keeping them pasted on the walls.

Unable to move, to even take Chenqing from his back, Wei Ying was powerless for as long as the energy keep them in place, so the only thing he was able to do was watch with surprise, as the Seal floated up, releasing spirits right and left. Some of them came their way, but Wei manage to use spiritual talisman forcing himself to move by will alone.

"Don't use more energy..." Lan Zhan whisper at his back, holding Wei's arms over the waist, to keep him in place.

"I have to, your spiritual power is still sealed and these spirits are out of control." Wei Ying protested, as the others used similar talismans as well to protect themselves. Jin Guangyao and Su She were yelling, trying to keep the spirits away with the little energy they had left.

"That can be corrected... hold on." Wangji said as he moved Wei forward to unseal his spiritual energy, instantly sending Bichen to keep the spirits away, then he put his right hand over Wuxian back to transfer him a good amount of his energy in one go. The action was painful for Wei, but it passed after a few seconds.

"That was..." Wei begin.

"Forgive me, there is no other choice." Lan Zhan whisper, but Wei Ying didn't mind. Then, they heard something move inside the coffin and the waves of resentful energy suddenly stopped. They looked at the coffin as they stood up from the floor and with horror, they watched as a pale hand with some black veins grabbed the border of the coffin.

"How did this happen?" Jiang Cheng manage to ask, as he put Lin Jing behind him and took out his sowrd.

"Someone awoke Baxia again..." Wei said, quite certain that the dark energy he had sensed was the forced awakening of the spirit sword.

"Someone? Who?" Xichen asked, also protecting both Sizhui and Huaisang.

"Doesn't matter now, he is coming out, watch out!" Wei yelled, taking Lan Zhan's hand and pulling him away. Wen Ning also moved away after his young master. The hand was followed by the rest of the body, as Nie Mingjue sat over the bottom of the coffin, then took the crimson Baxia in his hand. The resentful energy emanating from both of them was too strong, almost suffocating.

"He is a fierce corps now!" Jiang Cheng shouted as he extended Zibian, ready to strike.

"Wen Ning, take Jin Ling and Sizhui as far as you can from here." Wei ordered, receiving three protests at the same time. One from Wen Ning who didn't want to leave Wei Wuxian alone when he was going to need his help to deal with Nie Mingjue. The other two from the youths that also refused to leave him.

"Ah, just take them and go. Go! They are your responsibility now. Go!" The Ghost General still hesitate. "Wen Ning, you don't owe me anything, go now!" Wei insisted.

"Take them and keep them safe. You owe me that." Jian said and after the two of them exchanged looks for a few seconds, Wen Ning finally assented and grabbed Ling, pulling and putting him over his shoulder, then taking Sizhui hand, running away into the raining storm with two angry juniors. Specially, the one yelling and hitting his back, the kid he had left without a father.

With the kids out of the picture, Wei took out Chenqing and begin playing again, but the flute tone only make Mingjue aware of Wei and the dead man go out of his prison with a roar. His movements were slow, but the strength quite strong. He moved Baxia forwards, as if it wanted it to guide him. He came at Wuxian first, barely affected by the flute tone, but Wangji stop it with Bichen, then backing away.

"Wei Ying, take control of the Seal first..." Wangi said, as he dogged Mingjue's attacks, as he went for him next.

True enough, the Yin Tiger Seal had flown high in the middle of the temple, still releasing spirits, so Wei focus on it first, but that leaved Wangji as a target. In terms of raw strength, Lan Zhan should surpass Nie Mingjue's under normal circumstances, but the one fighting Wangji was a fierce corps with very strong resentful energy, so a strike with Baxia to top that was quite dangerous and overwhelming.

Jiang Cheng used Zidian and strike the former Clan Leader in the back, just in time to get Lan Wangji out of a dangerous situation, then Xichen sent forward Shoyue to help his brother and Jiang Cheng to fight Mingjue and give Wuxian time to control the Seal.

However in the middle of a battle, Su try to sneak the Clan Leader Jin out of the temple while the others fought, but Huaisang yelled their names, making Mingjue aware of them for the first time. Then he sent Baxia forward, wanting to strike the source of all the resentful energy, to strike Guangyao, but Su push him away, taking the strike himself, been killed in the act.

"Minshan!" Guangjao yelled, as Baxia moved out of Su's dead body and lounge forward to strike the one who resent the most, but Xichen's stop it with Shoyue. Nevertheless, as the two sword struggle with one another, Mingjue, pushed away Zidian and Bichen, moving forward with long strikes, as Wei finally regain control of the Seal, but as he called forward the spirits to subdue both Baxia and the Nie corps, Mingjue was about to strike Xichen with a fist. This time, Huaisang moved to push his Second Brother away, receiving the punch in his chest, which send him away probably with a few broken ribs and with no one to stop him in time, the fierce corps took the scared Guangyao by the neck and pull him up, braking his neck a second after.

Wei Ying increased the tempo of his dark melody, finally surrounding both sabre and corps with the spirits. He keep playing Chenqing, once again moving backwards one step at the time, glad that this time Mingjue was obeying the command. Once he got him back to the coffin, he used several talismans over the body, to keep him suppressed as well as Baxia and the Seal, and called forward the top wood, creating several more talisman over the broken one.

Exhaustion finally took Wei out and he stumble backwards, while Lan Zhan catch him, effortlessly carrying him in his arms bridal style as he fainted. This time it was really finally over, Wangji thought as he looked down at the precious man in his arms, unable to resist kissing his forehead. They survived the ordeal, his name was now clean and the evil doers gone for good. Now, it was time to begin anew and live.

AN: Buahaha... a double poetic justice, one for Huaisang, punished with broken ribs that will pain him for months. He messed up with Baxia, Mo, Wei, Lan Zhan and the Clans in general to have his revenge and Guangyao death was destined, the same way he said Wuxian he was destined to be short lived.

Also, I think that Xichen was shaken enough with everything that Jin did, his betrayal, his sins and was going to be hard for him as he trusted him so completely. So I kind of couldn't make him face stabbing Jin because of Huaisang desire for revenge. It was too cruel and really devastate him, so I got softer on him.

I hope you don't hate me too much for this diverge. Thanks for reading, the expected Wangxian's romantic parts comes next, take care, until the next time. 😄😁💖🌹😙❤