
Am I Dreaming?

Jiang Cheng

He was glad he had lasted that long against Wuxian, because it meant that his training with Lan Xichen, when he had visit Jin Ling in the Golden Tower had paid off, however, after Wuxian teasing him about Xichen, he wonder how will he react to the man when they meet again. They had develop a friendship, during those months he was appointed as the Chief Cultivator and he had enjoy his company, but he had never thought of it in a romantic way, as his brother had suggested.

"Living with a Lan was not bad at all?" Yeah, Xichen was too kind to be hard to live with. He was an understanding kind of man, that would always see the good in you even if your heart was as black as charcoal.

"Don't you glance at him and admire him when he is not looking?" Damn, he had done so a few times, but not as Wei Wuxian had suggested. His presence was one that drew attention, he was their Chief, after all.

"Enjoying his company, perhaps way too much?" Well, he did enjoy spending time with him, he was kind enough to offer to train him a bit in the art of the Lan Clan, so he would be more even when dueling his brother. There was nothing romantic about it.

"What about making him drunk? Did you take advantage of it?" He was no Wei Wuxian! They had a few social events in which Xichen had drink a cup out of courtesy, but it had never pass through his mind to take advantage of him. Actually, he had help him out, in order for him not to embarrass himself in front of others, there was no hiding mining to it.

"Damn Wuxian! He came and make my life a mess again and my Clan a love board!" Jiang fumed, as he walked through the gardens toward the pagoda that his sister used to visit. There was evidence that Lan Wangji had been there confessing his love for Wuxian, but at that point he didn't care. In fact, he kind of envy the two, for finding the right ones in their lives, when he had the change and let it slip through his fingers like water.

His sister loved the view from there, as a big part of the Lotus Lake could be seen, well... not as full of lotus anymore, but at least, Wangji didn't pick them all. He sighed.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Jin Ling yelled and Cheng turned to look at him in company of his two best friends, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi. In a way, he was connected to the Lan Clan in so many ways that sometimes it looked as if fate was pushing them on him whatever he likes them or not.

"What is it, brat?" Jiang Cheng asked to his nepew.

"Hey, I'm no brat! What's wrong with you guys? Maybe you are getting old..." Jin Ling whisper under his breath, yet Cheng heard him clear enough.

"Jin Ling, don't be disrespectful. He is your uncle and the leader of the Jiang Clan." Sizhui said politely, greeting his elder with respect. At least, this one resemble more Wangji than Wuxian. Good.

"Hum... sorry. Uncle... can you let us go night hunting tonight? Wei Wuxian said that he will come if you give us permission. Can we? Please, uncle..." Jiang Cheng sighed. Jin Ling was quite eager to spent some time with his other uncle, so how he could refuse it?

"As long as you behave while in here, you can go tonight. You will leave Fairy with me, otherwise your second uncle will not move a single step from Wangji's back." Cheng said, while Jin Ling widen his eyes in surprise.

"What? Change your mind already?" Cheng asked, seen him so surprised.

"Ah, no!" Jin Ling assured him.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" Jiang asked.

"You called Wuxian my second uncle..." He did? Jiang asked himself and sighed yet again. Despite the troubles, it looked like he was getting used to Wuxian as a brother once more.

"Well, he is your second uncle and your mother wanted for you to call him as such and even wanted for Wuxian to name you before she got marry to your father. Now go, I have things to take care off. I need more lotus seeds." Jiang said and Sizhui bowed respectfully again.

"About that, I'm sorry. The Lan Clan will pay for the seeds." Sizhui offer, knowing that his father will offer it himself.

"No need. We had plenty here." Jiang said as he leaved the kids on their own. Troublemaker or not, it felt good to be back to the old ways and at least his Clan was less bored with Lan Wangji and Wuxian there.

Wei Wuxian

He had spent most of the day training the kids again, who were quite demanding, but after midday, he went away with his Lan Zhan, showing him around those places who were especial to him once. They visit the town again, then eat and walked by the lake shore. They decided to rest under a big tree, near the shore, a place that was empty and away from curious eyes.

They kissed under the tree for a while, simply enjoying their company and beautiful view of the lake half cover with lotus flower. Just seen them remained Wei Ying of Lan Zhan's love for him, which only make him want to kiss him even more. He was happy in Lan Zhan's arms and he never wanted to part with him ever again.

Each minute of his life belonged to his Lan Zhan, but he was happy he could also spent time with his son, nephew and brother and their ties reconnected, to make their relationship stronger this time around. By evening, they gather the kids that wanted to go night hunting with them and head out with them tailing them as they merrily joked among themselves.

Wen Ning was close to Sizhui and as he had joined them in night hunting's for quite some time, none of the juniors seems to mind him, which make Wei Ying glad Wen Ning had found his place around his only family and wished Wen Qing had been there to see it.

"Wei Ying..." Wangji whisper to him as they walked around the near forest.

"Hum?" Wei asked back, looking at him.

"Are you okay?" Wangji asked with concern.

"Ah, yes... just remembering old times." Wei explained.

"I'm here for you." Wei smiled, wanting to kiss him there, yet he only took his hand and press it.

"I know and I am overjoyed for it." Wei whisper, as he winked at his lovely husband.

"There! A corpse!" Jin Ling exclaimed, as he ran forward.

"Jin Ling, wait! Ah, that brat is too reckless, come on Lan Zhan." Wei said as they run after Jin Ling.

There were a few of them, but luckily, the corpses were not fierce ones and Jin Ling was determine to show Wuxian he had learn from his teachings, hoping he will teach him again the next time they come down from their training in the mountains. He took all four of them in a blink of an eye, proud of his agility and swordsmanship. Jin Ling turned happily to look at Wuxian, wanting his approval.

"See that uncle Xian? I'm good, right?" Jin Ling asked, but stopped as he realize two things. One, he had just called Wei Wuxian uncle Xian, second, it had taken the whole group by surprise, including Lan Wangji and Wuxian himself. There was a deep silence, as most of the juniors looked at Wuxian, who stood there as if paralyzed by an unseen force.

"Ah... that... I..." But then, Wei Wuxian seemed to regain movement and giving huge steps, he came to hug him tightly, almost taking his breath away. Still, it felt good. He had admired him as Mo Xuanyu, before he found out he was the infamous Wei Wuxian his uncle hated so much. Then, that hatred seemed to possess him for a blinding moment, poisoned by the words of Jin Guangyao as well as his Jiang uncle.

Back then he had stab him, but seen that the so called Yiling Patriarch was not even mad at him for injuring him so cowardly, he felt guilty. Very guilty. Then, as things turned out Wuxian was not as bad as they had make him believe, he was glad, he liked him from the start and now he could redeem himself, even having his Uncle Jiang's blessing to call him as his mother would had wanted to.

"You did well, Jin Ling... I'm proud." His uncle Xian whispered to him and he smiled, hugging him back, taking in by the kindness of the man he hurt once with his own hands.

"I'm sorry for the stab... I'm sorry..." Jin Ling finally said, glad that the weight of the action was finally lifting from his young shoulders.

"Silly boy... I was never mad at you for that." Wuxian told him. Which only make him hug him tighter.

"Then, can I call you like that from now on?" Ling asked.

"Of course. Jiejie would had love it too." Wuxian said.

"Will you train me again the next time you are around?" Jin Ling asked hopefully.

"Yeah, Sizhui too..." Mentioning the name of his friend, make Jin Ling realize they were not alone, so he hastily let go of his uncle Xian and cleared his throat. The other were looking at them, which make him a bit embarrassed.

"What?" He asked in defiance and Sizhui smiled, coming closer.

"Nothing, we are just glad for both of you. Now, what about another hunt? The one who hunts more wins!" Sizhui said as he started running, with a competitive Jin Ling running right behind him. Wei Ying smiled as the rest of the juniors join them in their race and Wen Ning followed them, to make sure they will be safe.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei said, as Wangji hugged him from behind.

"Mmm?" Wangji murmured.

"Am I dreaming?" Wei asked.

"No, you got your nephew back." Wei smiled.

"And with a lovely husband, a talented son, a reconnection with a brother, a new nephew and longtime friend, I can said, I have it all..." Wei whisper.

"I'm glad." Lan Zhan whisper back, turning to kiss him, before releasing him, to run after the kids to a brand new beginning filled with the previous elusive happiness that he thought he would not have it back. Transmigrating inside Mo Xuanyu's body had given him more than the chance to clear his name and expose those who had fool them all, but also a second chance at happiness with those he loved most.

AN: I wonder, should this be the end or you guys want a bit more of Wangxian's daily life? I leave it to you. Thanks for reading. A prayer for our brothers and sisters in China, as well as all those others countries in which the virus had spread. 🙏 Stay safe and healthy, but most of all, enjoy life. Thank you all. 😙❤❤❤