
True Dwarf King


I can hear the faint footsteps of my loving wife behind me. I'd recognize her anywhere.

She comes closer and rests her head on my shoulder before murmuring: "You're here again. You truly miss him, don't you?" In front of me is a small statue of a very ordinary man. One that has died to protect the world. 

I sigh. "Miss him? Yes, but there isn't only sadness or longing. Most importantly it is a way for me to remember the past so I never commit such mistakes again."

"It wasn't your fault. You know that, right? Either our ancestral teachings were wrong or the creatures somehow managed to invade sooner. But you did your task as perfectly as you were supposed to." 

"*Sigh* That's the thing. If we had hurried up, he would still be alive today. Every time I remember that I caused the demise of the man Forgar chose as his direct champion my heart clenches in regret."