
Slime Time!


*Blob blob blob*

*Swish Swish. *

Drip Drop. 

Splash Splash. 


These are the sounds of home. 

It is dark, comfy, wonderful too. One can just stay here and get plenty of food! Here I am happy. Very happy. But lately, I think I am becoming different. I am not the only one, but I am the first. 

I remember that even recently I couldn't think that well. I was sleeping most of the time. I have learned a lot from her. The two-legged slime. She is an unfortunate one. Unlike us, she isn't round and beautiful. 

She cannot touch us either. I'm not sure why, but she can't. She runs away whenever a curious little one goes near her. I made sure they wouldn't disturb her. 

This is something weird too. She is a 'she'. Apparently, there is something called 'humans' out there. They are not slimes like us.