
Getting Furniture

I'm a goddamn genius. 

Today we sold everything in record time! 

First thanks to the charm of our attendant. 

She has the grace of a noble lady for sure. 

Long-term I'll have to get a replacement, however. 

Right now it's fine. 

They are letting her work here for the previous offense. 

But later on, let's face it they'll start asking for things. 

I wouldn't make much of a reliable elder. 

Especially if there is a fight. 

Could you picture me telling them to hold the enemy in place? 

I'd be like just give me a minute to charge my ultimate attack. 

No legit I don't need that long, but still. 

Anyway, the second factor to our success is my great idea. 

The promotional event. 

They enjoyed it so much most of them even bought more than one. 

Thanks to that I've gotten a great idea. 

I will get some tables and chairs to set up near the door.