

We slowly exit the compound.

The whole way I keep shouting as if looking for myself.

I do get some weird looks from people that think they recognize me.

But then my accomplices tell them I just look similar.

Add to that the fact that only a fool would look for himself.

Plus the new clothes that make me look more refined.

Somehow, we manage to make our way toward the city.

The good news is that this thing doesn't seem to concern the city itself.

That is the weird part about it.

"Psst, why are they looking for you?"

[That …I truly don't know.]

"Did you do anything out of the ordinary recently?"

That…should I tell or not…

"As long as it's not something evil I won't judge you know."

[I may have destroyed the hideout of some bad guys. The kind that are involved in many shady businesses.]

"Wait?! Are you the one that destroyed the Corpses guys?!"

[Yes, but keep your voice down.]

"Wow, that's amazing!"


"They should reward you for that, not hunt you."