
Death-Trap, Literally

There are a lot of worrisome glows all around. The four armies are all ready to fight. They are intently glaring at me as if I was the one that wanted to fight them in the first place. 

Oh well, time for some more illusion magic! I focus and curse the nearest guy... or try. It's not working! What is happening?! But that's when I see some of the slavers grin. They point to the ground. As I look downward, my stomach overturns, and the shock stops my breathing for a second. I'm going to be sick! 

Corpses are strewn everywhere around me in a grotesque circle. That is when I notice it. Their expression shows extreme unwillingness. These guys sacrificed plenty of slaves. So much that the ground is the color of blood. 

Unpardonable! Completely unforgivable! I can see a man that seems to be the slavers' leader smile smugly at me while going: "Know your place, trash. Before long, you will be nothing but one of our toys."