
Her beginning

It was a rainy day and there was a pregnant woman who was in labour, her husband was a lazy man was known for his drinking habit and joblessness,

He was in the bar when someone came to tell him that his wife was in labour he ignored the person and acted

like he didn't hear what the person said , later on the person left .

it was almost midnight and his wife was still in labour pain with no one to help her to the hospital , she tried to

go by herself but it was to hard for her , suddenly her

water bag broke and she was in excruciating pain,

All alone in the middle of her living room she had already given up and decided to push out the baby,she

cried and cried in pain and suddenly the baby came out

crying but the mother was to weak to carry the child ,

she lost a lot of blood and was already given up on life then suddenly her drunkard husband came home and found her on the floor with the baby but he didn't care,

he went to his bedroom and slept off .

When he woke up in the morning he started having flashbacks of what happened last night, suddenly he ran to the living room but he couldn't find his wife and the baby , he searched everywhere for them but couldn't find them , he also went out to his neighbor's house to ask if they saw his wife but they denied.

After one week of searching for them he gave up on them and continued his drunkard life.