
The Unlucky Cards of Fate

A unlucky guy got killed by truck-san on his way home, only to get sucked into what he hated most... his luck. "Eh? Wait, mom, we can talk about this! Don't just put me in a dress!" "Hey dad, I'm your son! At least try to help! Wait, did you just shout out in happiness?!"

Yokiri · อื่นๆ
16 Chs


Akira, while taking the test, had something he realized that he didn't want to admit to himself.

Always being the embodiment of going with the breeze, he thought that his transformation while embarrassing at first was going to out grow him eventually.

Even staying as a girl with Toru every so often, it was just natural.

He, however, forgot one crucial thing.

As a guy, he was slightly above average. As any of his transformations? He was a literal walking 2D character designed to make people spend money.

It was a world of difference.

And that difference during his test was made obvious after each of his transformations.

During the track when he transformed into Okita, he made Tenya, IDA TENYA, turn his head when their gazes met.

He felt second hand embarrassment as he reached the finish line under a second.

The grip strength was thought to be a reprieve as he transformed into Nobunaga, but the gazes from his classmates didn't help.

His now long crimson hair seemed to flicker as the grip machine seeming to singe slightly from Akira's tightening palms.

Flying across the long jump as Osakabe, he felt like he was the genuine thing as the gazes from his classmates felt like a cat eyeing a bird.

By the time he got to the side shuffle he straight up refused as he knew the outcome of the test.

Taking it in his originally form, Akira couldn't help but sigh when he saw the gazes finally lighten as the last of the class were finishing.

Toru, being his childhood friend, was laughing her ass off every time he'd slightly fidget from the gazes.

It was just like when he first tried on bras all over again...


Toru Pov-

Akira. Was. HILARIOUS.

Normally, he'd be the one teasing her as he loved messing with her.

Using his quirk for the first time in front of others, at least long enough for people to really notice, made him turn adorable.

Maybe because Akira was a dunce at heart, but he never really had the self awareness of a girl during his transformations.

As a kid he'd always sit in crisscross in dresses that his mom prepared, wore loose clothes, and never cared much for his appearance.

His mom probably saw it coming and smacked it into his head as much as possible that when he was a girl he'd should have the etiquette of one.

Now in front of all of 1-A, he finally got the hint of why.

Akira, as any of his transformations, looked like a princess who walked out of a story book.

The class who probably hadn't had much resistance to it yet were probably questioning their sexual preferences.

Akira, who was now slouching from the mental damage, was probably for the first time in his life reflecting his actions.

"Well, at least he's my dunce."


OG Pov-

Akira, who was none the wiser, was just mentally putting himself back together.

Although he did his best to hide his embarrassment, it wasn't something that could just go away. What he felt was wasn't embarrassment from being just a girl, but embarrassment from realizing the eyes of the class was on him, ogling him as a girl.

Honestly, Akira felt that if there weren't people like Bakugo or Todoroki who followed up in there test with their best performance, more eyes might've been on him.

The test passing one after another, it was too long until it reached Izuku who had been in last for the past four exercises. As the guy who broke the Zero Pointer with just one punch, it wasn't too far to say that many of the class' eyes were also on him.

On the shorter side and seemingly timid, everyone was measuring him up to the image they had in their mind. And the difference so far was staggering.

Now in center stage, it was all the more obvious as his shaking shoulders didn't reflect the same back that some had seen during the entrance exam.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku's eyes spoke of his determination. Flexing his muscles to the limit, he pulled from a strength deep within and with a seemingly audible click, let his muscles loose.

The ball launching with woosh... ended up short as it soon rolled to the ground.

The shock in Izuku's eyes exposing his confusion and despair, Aizawa cut his tension with a quip, "46 meters."

Aizawa had erased Izuku's quirk as he was launching it with all his strength.

Struggling to form his words, Izuku confusion summed up to one question, why?

"It defies reason. How did someone like you enter this academy?" Speaking as if stating a fact, Aizawa looked Izuku in his eyes.

"From what I observed, you can't control your power, and in doing so, injure yourself. Did you believe someone would save you every time you crippled yourself?"

Izuku who tried to refute, was only faced with Aizawa's stern face.

Izkua was simply told in short, 'If you strive to be a hero, be a hero others can rely on. If you can't even save yourself, how can you save others.'

Waving it off with a sigh, Aizawa gave him one last chance. Seeming to dismiss Izuku as he visibly ignored him.

Faced with Aizawa's indisputable claim, however, Izuku didn't just buckle underneath his gaze.

Taking his resolution and facing the provocation full force, the look in his eyes changed as they sparked into bright glints. Head on, staking all his dreams this pitch, he gritted his teeth as his form once again took place and the ball launched. Breaking his index finger to shoot the ball hundreds of meters away, Izuku didn't just fall on his feet but turned to face Aizawa.

"I... I can still move!"

With tears in his eyes and a gritting smile on his face, Izuku's bravado had Aizawa returning him a smile of his own.

The class who watched the exchange couldn't help but give Izuku some respect as he stood there in the field.

Even Akira who had a vague recollection of it happening couldn't help but look on with the class. This was the birth of a hero.

Akira who felt his blood boiling with the same resolution, couldn't help stake his claim as well.

"I will be a Hero."

Fun Akira fact:

After reaching his early teens, his mom finally stopped bringing him out to play dress up.

In exchange though, his mom still dressed him up at home from time to time. Thats why although he doesn't actively wear female clothes, he owns a couple articles for each of his transformations.

His mother and Toru loves messing with him!

Yokiricreators' thoughts