
The Unknown Caller(TUC)

"We are the Unkown Callers. We preferred to call ourselves Unkown to those who isn't worthy to know our names!" Types Of Caller's 1.Call to Inform(CI) 2.Call to Protect(CP) 3.Call to Help(CH) 4.Call to Destruct(CD) 5.Calk to Save(CS) "All I want is a peaceful and romantic life not this kind of life" Vincent said with such disappointment in it.

Aullihk_d34th11 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 4: A Magical Morning

"Good morning"A voice was echoing in my head.So sudden I saw a ray of light reason for me to open my eyes while covering it with my hand.I blink thrice to make my vision clear.

I wander my sight for a moment when I found a girl.It was her.Wait I still don't know her name!!I always forgot.Ok for now I will make sure I will know it.

"Hey go-good morning....What was your name again?"Nice that won't sound awkward.

"Hahaha, as you wish.Good morning, I am your number one fan my name is Aquilla Dehanfre from Hawaii.I'm the same at your age 23.My birthday is in January 7,1997."Complete info!Bravo!!

"Wait how did you know my age?"Yes that's true, how the hell she knows my age?

"Hahaha!!"She laughed.Is she a crazy girl?

"Why are you laughing?Did I say something funny?"I said with a serious look.She slowly stop laughing then look me in the eyes.

"Are you dumb?You put your real age in your book.We're friends in ig,fb,and any social media accounts cause you always accept me and that's such kind of you..."She then walk towards me and give me a kiss.A GOOD MORNING KISS!!( ꈍᴗꈍ)

"So thank you"She thanks me for those simple things.She's adorably cute!!I want to marry her.Just kidding.Hehe

After that good morning kiss we went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.She cooked an omelette with a mixture of onion rings and a crushed potatoes.Don't know how they taste cause it's new to me.Well gonna try this or else I'll never taste it.

I took a spoonful of it and WOW it's tasty,juicy,and....I don't have words to describe it cause it's to....A delicious!!

I ate it like it's my last and she laughed of what I did but I didn't care about it cause for now the important thing is to eat this.

Don't worry she have her own food.It's not that but I think she's fine with it.Ahh people should try this!!


We are here in the park where we first met but not to remember that cause we're here for a picnic.She asked me for that and I agreed cause she said she's gonna cook the idk food again.

But I really love it so it's worth it to go with a beautiful girl.Hirap magtangi!

Habang kumakain ako sa isang Unkown pero sobrang sarap na food nabigla ako nung sumigaw sya.

"Ahhh!!!"Pagsisigaw nya na di ko alam kung anong rason.

"Uhm?What happened?Why are you shouting? You look crazy, look people starts to talk about you"I said shyly cause it's so embarrassing that all peoples eyes are on us or maybe her.

"She then sat down and controlled her enjoyment.Para syang baliw na naka-smile pero pinipilit nito na hindi gawin.

"Mind knowing what just happened?"I calmly said and took a spoonful unkown yet worthy to eat."Uhm..."Now she's lost.

"I'm sorry but it's private.I'm really sorry"Hay oo nga naman who am I to her? I'm just a guy who just helped her or the author of her favorite book but still I'm a stranger I can't say that I'm her friend.I'm still not.

Sorry for the late updates 2020 is messed.I only have few times to do this because I have a module to answer.

Hoping all of you are fine keep safe so stay home guys!Let's not surrender instead let's fight.

Aullihk_d34th11creators' thoughts