
The Unknown Caller(TUC)

"We are the Unkown Callers. We preferred to call ourselves Unkown to those who isn't worthy to know our names!" Types Of Caller's 1.Call to Inform(CI) 2.Call to Protect(CP) 3.Call to Help(CH) 4.Call to Destruct(CD) 5.Calk to Save(CS) "All I want is a peaceful and romantic life not this kind of life" Vincent said with such disappointment in it.

Aullihk_d34th11 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Reading my poem


Maybe it's her.I checked the time in my phone and it's already 7 o'clock. We'll it's not that late naman kaya sige.

I opened the door and there's no one there.That's strange.I step out and suddenly someone tried to stab me luckily I dodge it then I gave the person an elbow blow in his chest(He's a man cause I saw its cause it has a beard, a thick body, and a muscled arms)

After giving him that I kicked him then he fell on the floor.I planned to attack again but it failed whe he throws a dirt or something in my face then he escaped.

"Damn it!"I said as I walk back inside.Dikatagalan may kumatok na naman.

I think it's him again but I should have a weapon he might have a gun or anything that can hurt me so I fetched a knife before going to the door.

l slowly walk to the door so I can't make noise then I slowly opened it.I saw a shadow so he's really back.I run fast and try to stab him but it turns out it's not him it's her.When the knife nearly touched her she dodge it with her bag and tripped me.

"Ouch"I said while kissing the floor.

"Oh my!Sorry"She said

"No it's not you're fault.F*ck it hurts"I cursed from the pain while I stand up.

"Here grab onto my shoulders, let me help you"She ask and I did what she said.

We reached my living room and she lay me down in my peachy black sofa then she starts to walk in my kitchen.She came back with a glass of water.

"Here have a drink"She said softly that with her voice she could heal every wounded person but it's just a joke.Hehe

I accepted the bottle and took a sip then I stood up."Uhm I think you should sit first.Just teach me where is you're guestroom"She said while forcing me to sit.

Wala akong magawa eh kasi medyu masakit pa din ang katawan ko eh.Tinuro ko sakanya kung saan ang guestroom.Andun yun sa opposite direction ng kusina na katabi ang backdoor.Medyu malayu naman ang backdoor mga 3 meters away siguro kaya ok na yan.

A few moments while I got tired of sitting and I feel I'm ok I stand up and went to her room.DONT think bad.I'm just planning to ask if she's fine with it.Dahil kung di sya ok dun pwede din syang mahiga katabi ko

( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)

Just kidding.Hahaha

I reach for the doorknob but it suddenly pulled away and reveals a petite girl in a bathrobes.

"Ahh I'm p-planning to take a bath.W-where is you're bathroom?"She asked shyly.

I'm mesmerized by her beauty reason for me not to hear what she said."Uhh are you ok?"She asked

Ohh sheeps! Awkward!

"Ahh it's r-right there near at the stairs"I pointed where it was.Oo 2 story house ang inuupahan kung bahay kaya nga boring eh.Ako lang isa sa isang malaking bahay na ito pero di na ngayun.

"Thanks"Then she starts to walk away.I'm still watching her even she's not facing she's really beautiful.A goddess.

After she enter the bathroom I went to upstairs to my small office where I write my novels and stories.I also write a poem here's an example

"Love me then Leave me"


I think it's fate

That we met coincidentally

Like I have seen from every movie


I'm ready to dive

Dive into your deepest ocean blue eyes

Cause I'm ready to say your mine


You broke me in two

I've confessed in you that I love you

Yet you didn't love me like I do

Now it is one

I should say its fun

To love someone for free

Unlike a joke "Love me then Leave me"

How's it?Nice?Don't know but I think it's fine already.I sit in my chair and move it near in my desk.I started to think of something.Then something came up.

"Ok I should take a nap"Then I lay my head in the desk and took a nap.


I was woken up by the knock.Slowly I open my eyelids then I heard a voice.A pleasant voice.

"Can I come in?"A beautiful voice is echoing in my ear.Then I realized it was her....Wait I never know her name.

"Come in(Yawns)"I then sit properly while she entered with a smile in her face.She's wearing a big-long white skirt and a above the knee black shorts.I like her style.

"Dinner?Have you already eaten?"Oh totally forgot I never eaten something.Thankfully she's here.

I stood up while she walk closer to me.I stretched just to take away my sleepiness.Then I saw her reading my poem?Wait she read it?What no!!

I quickly grab it and hide it in my back."Hey I never finished it.Come on its amazing"After she said that I was fluttered.I never thought someone would like it.

So I let her finish read it.I saw her facial expression, her eyes are like an anime character that's sparkles.Hahaha I should capture this.I pick my phone in my jeans then I find a perfect post for her face.


"Hey!Give that to me"She said with a tiger look.Hahaha that's also cute I'll capture it too.


"Hey!That's not fair I never give you a permission to capture my face!"I started to run fast while she follows me.

We reached the kitchen and I saw a delicious food.Where did she get this?Where did she learn to cook all of this?It's like a royal family's foods.

"W-what is this?"I said in shocked.

"It's a food.Hehe"She answered

"B-but how?Are you a cook?A chef?It's like I'm eating in a famous restaurant"I complement.

She just laugh.Di ko sasayangin kahit isang piraso ng mga neto.Minsan lang to eh.


"Goodnight!"I said while starting to walk in the stairs.

"Goodnight.Have good sleep"She answered then I closed the door.