
The Universe is Innately Just

Every coin has two faces. Goodness is balanced by evil. Any concept has a counterpart. New Casablanca was the same. A fantastic city full of science and progress, yet such a dark side so dirty no one dares even talking about it. This is the hometown of a young man, Fell Pluck. Unfortunately, it was decided by the gods that he should be born in the slums of the city, the core, where you had to fight every day in the hope of living another one. "Choose your path, change your destiny, show your might. Unleash your will and show them your worth. I revealed to you the way of cultivation; the rest is up to you.." A. In the end, like a butterfly softly landing on a petal, a simple encounter can change the course of events... ################################# As many of you have noticed, UIJ has gone premium! To celebrate this, we're going to have triple daily release! You're in for quite the adventure with this novel, bear with me and I'll be sure to keep on working the quality of my work. "The Universe is Innately Just" is my first work on webnovel.com. Add me to your library if you enjoy the read! Comments and Power Stones help a lot. If you want to support me, do not hesitate to leave some! ############################ Support your author with a warm cup of coffee. :) https://ko-fi.com/lividedge

LividEdge · ไซไฟ
331 Chs

Righteous Jealousy Part One

Swish! Battle Center's magnetic doors opened widely in front of him. His eyes were calm, yet a strange glow appeared in them as he was excited about his future fights.

"Here he is!" he heard someone exclaim loudly, but he didn't think too much about it as he kept walking through the last hall. He felt dozens of eyes marked on his figure, his eyebrows rose slightly as he pondered about why this. was happening His sight traveled all over the room; he noticed that everyone was looking at him with blazing eyes as if he had killed their mother.

"Yeah, that's the bastard", he heard one of them speak in a loud enough voice for him to hear. Then his eyes lit up as he noticed a familiar figure in a corner of the large hall. Tahlya was rested with her back against the wall, her eyes were focused on him and an annoyed expression could be noticed in her pretty face.

He stepped forward in her direction and began traversing the hall in the middle of the strange scene. "Why are they focused on me…", he thought as he didn't interact with anyone in New Casablanca's Battle Center? He only came here once and had stayed locked inside the tutorial room for days. Yet the second time he came dozens of eyes were rived on him.

"He dares to come again!" one of them said while gnashing his teeth.

"How dare he… That lucky child is wasting her time!"

A few seconds later he had crossed half the distance between him and Tahlya, and he had managed to numb his senses from the surroundings comments. Suddenly, an arm appeared from his left blocking his walk, he turned his neck to the left and saw the man who interposed himself in his road.

"Stop there buddy", he said with a smile that was far from being friendly. The man's smile reminded Fell of those cocky bastards in the Core. He had seen someone with the same smile stab a passerby, right in the back when given the slightest opening.

"Why are you blocking me?" Fell asked with a calm tone. Although he was a hot-blooded youth, he still felt that acting without understanding the next party's motive might lead to further problems. He already has somewhat of a rough understanding of why they were acting like this, but he needed to confirm it before acting.

The smiling man in front of him seemed satisfied as Fell had stopped in his track. He rubbed his hand while positioning himself between Fell and Tahlya before opening his mouth. "You see, the poor girl behind…", he said while pointing toward Tahlya. "She had been waiting for you for the last few days. Every day she would just stand there waiting for her fighter", he spoke succinctly without wasting any breath. He paused for a second while watching Fell's face for any minute reaction; he knew that he had the advantage as the mob was with him. This was an opportunity he had noticed a few days, and today he noticed that it was finally time to reap it.

"To put it shortly, you don't deserve her", as he finished his words a smug face appeared on his face while the crowd was incensed by his speech.

"Yeah, you're completely right, brother! Fuck off you fucking trash!"

"You've been wasting her time, what a talentless fuck!"

"Out! Out! Out! Out!" The mob's turbulent voices synced into one powerful sound wave that resounded through the large hall.

Outside of the large group of individuals, a few customers watched the scene from the sides. It wasn't rare for such occurrence to happen. As there wasn't an equal number of Battle Maidens compared to the number of players. Players grouping together to pressure an individual into quitting would at least give them a chance to scrap what was leftover. And most players knew who Tahlya was, yet rare were the ones who actually knew her as they only knew the surface that she let out.

"Isn't the guy whose avatar is named Leffer?" one of the guys looking from the side asked his friend as he pointed toward the man who was blocking Fell.

His friend nodded as he replied. "Yeah, he is quite decent when it comes to his ranking in this Battle Center. Wait let me check", he said before checking his wrist. "Leffer… Ranked sixty. That does explain why he is trying to gain Tahlya's support as his battle maiden."

The smiling man stood still in front of Fell enjoying what he had done. He felt as if the crowd was encouraging him in his act, he crossed his arms and a large righteous smile was plastered on his face. His plan had been progressing quite well, and he only needed to stand his ground and he would make the youngster in front of him run away. Using the crowd's power to his advantage, he could make himself the victor with no further moves. His smug smile ran all over his face, and his hand moved to shoo Fell away. "You heard the crowd? Leave!" Leffer said while raising his voice to follow the crowd around him before putting crossing his arms again.

Fell calmly looked at the man named Leffer that stood before him. Time passed under the constant noise from the crowd, he gazed at the man's eyes in front of him before uttering a single word. "Trash", his voice although quiet seemed to completely overpower the crowd and was heard by everyone in the large hall. Silence took over for a few seconds while Leffer looked dumbfounded toward the black-haired youth in front of him.

"Isn't he aware that I have the crowd with me?" he thought as he was slightly angered by the insult. Then as if time resumed its rules; the crowd screamed even louder than before hurling dozens of insults toward Fell.

"What is going on here!?"