
The Universe is Innately Just

Every coin has two faces. Goodness is balanced by evil. Any concept has a counterpart. New Casablanca was the same. A fantastic city full of science and progress, yet such a dark side so dirty no one dares even talking about it. This is the hometown of a young man, Fell Pluck. Unfortunately, it was decided by the gods that he should be born in the slums of the city, the core, where you had to fight every day in the hope of living another one. "Choose your path, change your destiny, show your might. Unleash your will and show them your worth. I revealed to you the way of cultivation; the rest is up to you.." A. In the end, like a butterfly softly landing on a petal, a simple encounter can change the course of events... ################################# As many of you have noticed, UIJ has gone premium! To celebrate this, we're going to have triple daily release! You're in for quite the adventure with this novel, bear with me and I'll be sure to keep on working the quality of my work. "The Universe is Innately Just" is my first work on webnovel.com. Add me to your library if you enjoy the read! Comments and Power Stones help a lot. If you want to support me, do not hesitate to leave some! ############################ Support your author with a warm cup of coffee. :) https://ko-fi.com/lividedge

LividEdge · ไซไฟ
331 Chs

Guessing Game

Walter's left the MechSuit Test room; his steps emitted deep muffled sounds as he stepped on the solid floor. As he left the room, a bald man approached Fell.

He approached Fell with confident steps, a smirk was on his face, and Fell could notice contempt in the depth of his eyes.

"You're the Slums native that Walter found?" he said while stressing the syllable when he pronounced the word Slum.

Fell's eyebrows slightly lifted as he understood that the man wasn't fond of the Slums inhabitant.

"I should get used to it." He thought before putting a beaming fake smile on his face.

"Yes!" He answered with a friendly face and paused before continuing; "I am Fell! what's your name, Brother?"

"Mark." He answered, "Follow me; I'll show you the different models we have."

Fell followed the man, unfazed by the bald man's attitude. They traversed the room, arriving in the wall opposite to the entrance.

Numerous MechSuit of different colors were placed against the steel wall. Their metallic frames refracted the white light coming from the ceiling.

"We have most of the basic models here; all MechSuit can be grouped in five categories!" He said before pointing to a two-meter-tall MechSuit on his left.

"Let's play a game; I'll tell you the different MechSuit categories. And you'll place the MechSuit here in each type." He finished with a slight smug smile on his face.

As Fell heard the proposal, his eyebrows furrowed for a single breath. Before relaxing, he looked at the bald man with a bashful smile before nodding.

"No way this brat will nail them!" he laughed internally, his smile extended all over his face before continuing with a "Big Brother" attitude.

"The five types are quite simple: Assault, Control, Agility, Auxiliary and Defense make up the five different types of MechSuit," he paused after his explanation, his smugness intensified as his eyes flashed with contempt.

Fell obviously noticed the man's provocation. He decided to play along, he focused himself and started looking at the five MechSuit in front of him.

Although he trusted the man's word and was sure that he wouldn't lie about the information he shared, he was convinced that this little game was only a way to nourish the bald man's ego. In the end, he just needed to pinpoint the difference in their design to know their types.

First, he noticed that their builds weren't that different, probably because those MechSuit's real purpose was for test piloting. Thus, their components were just the most essential.

His eyesight locked on the MechSuit that the bald man pointed. As Fell focused on the two-meter-tall armor, he started noticing a strange similarity with Johnny's MechSuit. The way its frame was built and the aggressive feel it gave him made him sure about himself.

"This one is an assault type!" He casually affirmed while designating the MechSuit.

Mark's smug face cringed, his lips slightly trembled as he heard Fell's answer. "Beginner's luck," He thought in his mind, "He probably only repeated my word, how can he even know what MechSuits are." He reassured himself in his mind.

"You're good at this! You are right, little brother!" He said with a forced smile

Luckily, he had met the Assault Team earlier. Or else, this little game would have ended with his own loss.

Fell looked at the other body fitting armor. He swiftly identified each one, the Assault Team's MechSuit overlapped on top of the test suit in front of him.

He pointed his finger in succession, designating each type in a single sweep.

"This one is the Control type." The bald man trembled as he was even more flabbergasted by the second correct answer.

"Agility Type!" Each answer made Mark shiver, even more; his shoulders trembled as he hoped that the young man would at least fail one of his guesses.

"Auxiliary!" Each one of his answers hit Mark with the momentum of a bulldozer, destructing the bald man's confidence.

"And the last one is Defense!" Fell exclaimed in a loud voice, stressing each syllable as if he knew the damage he dealt with Mark's mental health.

Mark was left dumb in front Fell's successive correct answer. He couldn't understand how the young slum's native accomplished it. In the end, he was only a slum native, how could he have so much knowledge about MechSuit?

"Could it be Walter?" He pondered, "Yeah it should be him, he must have shared his knowledge with him!"

Seeing the bald man's reaction, Fell got the confirmation that his answers were all right. He looked at the man with a bashful smile and exclaimed himself in a childish innocent voice.

"What did I win?" His act was perfect. His eyes were wide open, and a beaming smile that showed his incisive was plastered on his youthful face.

"Ugh, nothing ha ha ha." He quickly brushed the matter while turning around, Fell could see large traces of sweat all over his back.

Disappointment appeared on Fell's face, but he swiftly brushed the matter in the back of his head. In the end, he didn't come here to win anything. Face slapping Mark was only a bonus in his trip; his true goal was to drive those shining MechSuit.

"So… When can I test one?" He briskly asked.

"Well, choose the type you want to equip…" Mark explained while dropping his shoulder to his sides.

"I'll go with the Assault Type."

"Guys, help him equip Model 0012!" He ordered before sighing, his confidence took a hit after Fell's guessing game.

Fell approached the Assault Type MechSuit with hastened steps, his eyes shined with a deep light as he could feel his obsession kick in. An obscene gleam appeared in his eyes, and his hand traced all over the MechSuit's smooth surface.

As his hand traveled all over the armor's body, a deep rattling sound came from the inside of the suit; the acute noise echoed in the large testing space. A deep line appeared in the middle of the armor, splitting it in half.

The MechSuit opened in front of his eyes; thick smoke escaped from the armor as it was slowly revealing its interior to Fell.

Author here! I hope you guys aren't too mad at my update schedule lately.

Sadly, it will still be quite irregular during this week, but i promise that starting next week, things will get better!

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