
The Universe is Innately Just

Every coin has two faces. Goodness is balanced by evil. Any concept has a counterpart. New Casablanca was the same. A fantastic city full of science and progress, yet such a dark side so dirty no one dares even talking about it. This is the hometown of a young man, Fell Pluck. Unfortunately, it was decided by the gods that he should be born in the slums of the city, the core, where you had to fight every day in the hope of living another one. "Choose your path, change your destiny, show your might. Unleash your will and show them your worth. I revealed to you the way of cultivation; the rest is up to you.." A. In the end, like a butterfly softly landing on a petal, a simple encounter can change the course of events... ################################# As many of you have noticed, UIJ has gone premium! To celebrate this, we're going to have triple daily release! You're in for quite the adventure with this novel, bear with me and I'll be sure to keep on working the quality of my work. "The Universe is Innately Just" is my first work on webnovel.com. Add me to your library if you enjoy the read! Comments and Power Stones help a lot. If you want to support me, do not hesitate to leave some! ############################ Support your author with a warm cup of coffee. :) https://ko-fi.com/lividedge

LividEdge · ไซไฟ
331 Chs

"Massin Martial Art" Breakthrough

How Fell used his body during the streak of matches took a toll on him. Every single breath he took turned his lungs into a fiery pit. His sluggish steps showing everyone that he gave his all during his fights. Respectful silence followed the young man's exhausted walk.

An applaud birthed in the middle of the spectators' seats. Like a viral outbreak, it swiftly escalated and soon every single individual was cheering for the young challenger. Tonight, he gave them all the spectacle they deserved, showing everyone the birth of an exceptional martial art genius.

Hearing the commotion surrounding him. Fell's heart rate sped up, he was excited from being the center of attention, a feeling that he rarely got to get.

In the baby cemetery where he grew up, being in the spotlight was rarely favorable. He spent his earlier stages of life trying to go unnoticed, avoiding problems. Making himself as little as possible.

Unhurried in his steps, he shamelessly savored his first taste of glory. His habitual indulgent grin appearing on his juvenile face.

He proudly stopped in front of Moha and Sifiso, his chest pumped in a delightful posture.

"Others would have started showing disdain, but look at him, he waited all his life for this kind of approval," whispered Moha to Sifiso,

"Let him enjoy this moment, he deserves it" sighed Sifiso, then he added while looking at Fell, "You hid your skills quite deeply, where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Tonight was my first fight"

"WHAT?" screamed Sifiso while putting his hand on his chest, anticipating a seizure from the shock he just received.

"You're a complete beginner… AND YOU JUST BULLIED MY FIGHTERS"

"Monster… You're even worse than that Red Haired man", he looked at his old friend Moha before continuing, "Where did you find this guy?"

Moha started revealing Fell's story, his eyes showing the pride he had for this abandoned seed of society. His deep voice turning soft and fragile, showing the deep affection he had for Fell. Sifiso was shocked to learn that the exceptional genius in front of him was from low birth.

Hearing the story, he sighed and patted Fell's shoulder.

"Your life isn't defined by your starting point, keep pushing and someday you'll acquire everything you want!"

"Yes!" firmly responded Fell. His respect for this eccentric senior slowly germinating in his heart.

"Starting today, you can live here. You are one of us!" added Sifiso, a deep gleam in his eyes. "Now Let's go feast!"

Sifiso ordered his assistant to prepare a big feast, using everything he owned to show Fell that he was one of them.

All of the trainees and fighters were present, celebrating New Casablanca's freshly born genius. That night, Fell couldn't remember how much he ate or drank. Every time Sifiso would introduce him to someone, it meant another glass that had to be emptied for Fell. Soon the only things he could hear were the sounds of brotherhood and fellowship. Gladiator Heaven martial artists were easygoing, most of them had recognized Fell's astonishing talent.

"Brothers! Tonight, we DRINK!" said one of the gladiators while emptying his enormous glass full of beer


Having emptied a ridiculous amount of alcohol beverage, Fell was drunk for the first time. Satisfied from fighting to his fill, and happy from being recognized by all. He enjoyed his tipsy state and emptied his heart, feasting and drinking with his new brothers.

Late in the night, the party was still going. Except, all fighters from the Mortal Rank were already dead drunk, leaving behind only those Hardening users. Having trained their body to a point where alcohol wasn't too toxic for them.

Fell apologized before leaving the party, eclipsing himself from the drinking contest they started.

Staggering thought the ugly construct, he made his way to the room Sifiso gave him. The barracks soon appearing in front of his dazed eyes.

Finding his room, he quickly threw himself in his bed. His body tired but his mind satisfied, he swiftly fell into a deep sleep.

The sun gradually appeared in the sky, slowly washing New Casablanca shady night. Fell woke up during dawn, he was particularly refreshed from last night's sleep.

He left his room and found a calm spot near the barracks. Fell started his cultivation, he began with the Massin Family martial art.

Standing under a tree, he gradually fell into a focused state. Repeating the stances one after the other, he started forgetting everything.

His arms were rotating like windmills, his leg stomps left a deep footprint on the solid earth. He soon fell in a trance, his only thoughts revolved around the soft and hard moves.

Some stances made him as slow as a snail while others were so fast that weird shadow appeared around him, giving the impression to others that he had more than just two arms.

Lost in his training, he didn't even notice the ridiculous amount of sweat his body was evacuating. His back was drenched, and a huge puddle assembled under his steps.

He was using all of last night's gains to better himself, repeating the stances over and over. He started making changes to the stance, some of the moves that felt awkward were gradually being changed.

He was changing the Massin Family martial art, making it more suitable for his own fighting style. Gradually a transformation started happening. His eyebrows were relaxed, his moves flowing like water.

He even added some of his own moves into the stances. His legs stomped savagely on the ground lifting the dust around him in a rhythmical dance. The muscles under his shirt squirmed viciously. He was tapping into his body's potential, unearthing all the accumulation coming from his training with Anzar.

His muscles soon started moving, gently contracting in a peculiar rhythm. His veins were squirming, giving off the impression that he had thousands of worms under his skin. His lungs took excessively deep and powerful long breaths, turning the air around him into a small-scale vacuum. He exhaled and punched in front of him, shaking off huge amounts of sweat on the earth.

Lost in his inspiration, he slowly started breaking through his martial art technique. The Massin Family martial art's low success was just a single line away, only needing a single step to achieve it.

He stayed in the same state for an unknown period, his comprehension of martial art lacking only a little bit to achieve a breakthrough.

Before long, he threw his last punch. It was a straight, the same one he used against Ural. Taking a step in, imitating an exceptionally fast rotation from his ankle. All of his joints synchronizing and linking all of his muscles strength, he mixed the concept of hard and soft coming from the Massin Clan martial art into this punch.

An incredible change happened, feeling as if thousands of joints were added to his body. Fell swiftly linked every single one of them with a rotation, before unleashing a devastating straight, right in front of him.

His fist disappeared, ending his training. Half a breath later, the sound of an explosion came from Fell's body. He had truly made a breakthrough; his punch was so fast it broke the sound barrier, achieving sonic speed!

Hello. I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter!

I tried adding as much detail as possible during Fell's training.

I hope you managed to depict it in your imagination, please give me your thoughts on the comment!

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