
The Universal Existence

The story follows a young boy named Aeric Rifold and his journey to learn more about the multiverse and to take revenge .....

S_Quinn_R · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter-1 : Remnants of the Past Part-I

PART-1 The Night of Flames

Celestial Year 2041 October 6

The night sky over Cellus-2 was unusually calm , when Aeric Rifold, a boy only of 7 years stared out the window of his family's grand estate, oblivious to the looming danger.


Suddenly, the ground shook with a violent tremor. The sky lit up with explosions, and the serene night turned into chaos. The next moment he looked again out of the window , his expression became lifeless . The place where he grew up , the garden where he used to play and distant city every thing was on fire..

Aeric Rifold POV:

*BAAM*The main door slammed open with a girl in her late teenage having brilliant black hair and fierce black eyes barging into the room, her face pale and eyes wide with fear .

"Aeric, take your sister and follow me ,NOW!" she ordered, her voice trembling but firm. Without wasting any time I ran with my head full of uncertainty as grabbed my 3 year old little sister Melody .

"Rose , what is happening , where's mom and dad?" I asked the girl , still unsure of what's happening.

"I don't know much either but your mother gave me an order to take you both to safety ,and I must fulfil all her orders as her disciple" , she answered me but the mixture of frustration , anger and fear was clearly visible from her face.

"We need to hasten our pace , we cannot afford to waste this costly time that your parents have stalled for us to escape, hurry my space mobile is docked at the city warehouse"

As we crossed the estate and were about to enter the city which was brimming with light , full of people just a few hours before now all deserted and engulfed in flames. Just as we were drawing closer to the warehouse almost visible to our sight, A giant boulder at rapid speed aimed at us was about to hit us when it was immediately shattered into fine particles , and the one to shatter it was a tall man in his late 30's having blonde hair and glowing golden eyes, Godric , the one who is hailed as the strongest to ever exist , also my father.

He approached me and crouched , our eyes met as he hugged me and said:

" Don't look back no matter what happens, stay strong and protect your little sister like a strong big brother , meet with Eric asap . Remember my son to stay strong no matter what happens , always believe in yourself and do whatever you believe is right, also forgive me "

A stream of tears flowed from my eyes , it was evident that I was sacred , but in my father's embrace I felt protected and secured ...

Even though those moments were short lived I didn't wanted it to ever end , he gently kissed the forehead of Melody . He started to make his way back after he met Rose's gaze as she nodded . Before returning he glanced at me and my sister with a warm smile and leapt back into the sky .

Rose now even more cautious took Melody in her arm and held my hand as we ran our way to her space mobile , her space mobile was bullet shaped and elongated grey coloured Vessel ,and had a space as large as a room inside . During the launch off I glanced over my ruined planet one last time , all the emotions surged within me as I had a feeling that this is the last time I'll ever see my homeland , Cellus -2.

"Brace yourself" Rose announced as we took off the once prosperous planet.

To be continued...