
The unholy contract: A protagonist and a devil walker

Meet Mabus, a 17-year-old introvert with a penchant for bad luck. His life takes a drastic turn when his new stepmom moves in, bringing a torrent of torment that drives him to leave home. With his striking raven hair and deep brown sugar eyes, Mabus may be handsome, but his energy is filled with negativity. Despite this, he has a complex personality, with a mix of kindness and rough edges. Mabus's life is a rollercoaster of happy and sad moments, and things are about to get even weirder. After accidentally contracting with a devil known as "The Tempter," Mabus finds himself on a path to becoming an antihero. The devil sees potential in Mabus's misfortune and wants to harness it to create a powerful force for chaos. As Mabus navigates his new reality, he must confront the darkness within himself and the strange occurrences that surround him. The devil constantly taunts him, calling him a "jinx" and a "magnet for bad luck." Mabus is determined to break the curse and reclaim his life, but the devil's grip is strong. In their banter, Mabus shows his wit and sarcasm, but also his vulnerability and frustration. The devil's words cut deep, and Mabus begins to wonder if he's the only one whose life is a never-ending cycle of misfortune. Will Mabus embrace his antihero destiny, or will he find a way to outsmart the devil and shatter the curse? Can he turn his life around and find happiness, or will the darkness consume him?

Bolish_Baby · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs


Humans always selfish, hiding in their blood dripping mentality or a saviour .

ready to face their next victim to fool, deceiving and entrusting.the kindness they do not deserve it,they think offending or hurting someone can only be cleared with the word "sorry" he snarls,why was he going to hard on himself just to help a human and for one that should be his slave.they are bind he should be in control but he let him go,

,he almost forgot who he really was ,or why would a human dare talk to him like that

His eyes narrowed and looked at mabus dad who was now okay and he walked away

"Hey sorry I didn't mean to misunderstand you , I'm sorry!"

Mabus realising his mistake tried to chase after him,




That was when a nail deeped into the flesh of his feets,



Red blood dripped from it.

He stood there lost , wondering why he did that why else did he react like that? He really felt like a bad person!

Marcus who has been hiding like a mouse came out from his hiding spot and exclaimed

"Fuck me! What the hell was that "

He was really shocked ,that thing really looked more powerful than mutated creatures, the horror was still in his bones and he was feeling closely like a curse hold


Coming from his thoughts he looked at his friend, the only friend his friend {Mabus}has

He saw everything that transpired between him{Mabus} and that mysterious man,

He knows that Mabus is his friend but he his not the one to Kio shut when they feel their closeone is wrong or anything.

He turned to Mabus and told him," why the hell will you doubt someone just the moment you get here! Don't you know it's wrong, that's not like you Mabus or did he do anything to you that made you distrust with him" his voice rang with worry and scolding as he continued," you see now he was just saving your father ,and you just blow it and accuse him"

" he was acting strange and all ,he made me suspicious,he has been acting weird since this even" Mabus busted out trying to explain himself plus he was feeling really awful

Marcus just looked at him with a look that say seriously why are you speaking Arabic

"Excuses,any bye Mabus till next time" he shrugged waving and excited the room.

Mabus stood there lust the pain in his foot he felt it but he didn't react ,it was a normal

Thing since his jinx wasn't gone

he felt bad at himself will devoum ever forgive him.


The place was dark, staggering footsteps walked to his room, the place was in gloom as all the AI light has been off. With a face and heart like it is carrying a thousand burdens, he crunched onto his soft bed.

The air was heavy with an eerie silence, the only sound the creaking of the floor beneath his feet. The darkness was palpable, a physical presence that wrapped itself around him like a shroud, suffocating him with its oppressive gloom.

The place was shrouded in an unsettling stillness, the usual soft glow of the AI lights extinguished, plunging the space into an inky blackness. The shadows cast by the faint moonlight that filtered through the window seemed to writhe and twist on the walls, like living things, mocking him with their sinister presence.

His face was a map of worry and concern, his eyes sunken, his brow furrowed, and his lips pursed, as if the weight of a thousand burdens rested upon his shoulders. His heart felt heavy, like a dense, compacted star, weighing him down, making every step a struggle. His very soul seemed to be crying out in anguish, as if the darkness that surrounded him had taken up residence within his very being.

Finally, he reached his bed, a soft, inviting haven that seemed to beckon him with promises of solace and respite. He collapsed onto it, his body sinking into the gentle embrace of the mattress, as if it were a cloud. The softness enveloped him, a comforting shroud that wrapped itself around his weary form,

laying on his bed, his thoughts agonizing him:

"Why did I act like that with him? I'm so weak, so pathetic. I let my fears and insecurities control me, and now I've ruined everything. I should have trusted him,

believed in him, but no, I had to let my own doubts and biases destroy it all. I'm so ashamed of myself, my lack of faith, my inability to see the good in him.

I'm a failure, a fool, a coward. I shouldn't have let my own insecurities dictate my actions.

I'm disgusted with myself, my own weakness, my own stupidity."