
The unholy contract: A protagonist and a devil walker

Meet Mabus, a 17-year-old introvert with a penchant for bad luck. His life takes a drastic turn when his new stepmom moves in, bringing a torrent of torment that drives him to leave home. With his striking raven hair and deep brown sugar eyes, Mabus may be handsome, but his energy is filled with negativity. Despite this, he has a complex personality, with a mix of kindness and rough edges. Mabus's life is a rollercoaster of happy and sad moments, and things are about to get even weirder. After accidentally contracting with a devil known as "The Tempter," Mabus finds himself on a path to becoming an antihero. The devil sees potential in Mabus's misfortune and wants to harness it to create a powerful force for chaos. As Mabus navigates his new reality, he must confront the darkness within himself and the strange occurrences that surround him. The devil constantly taunts him, calling him a "jinx" and a "magnet for bad luck." Mabus is determined to break the curse and reclaim his life, but the devil's grip is strong. In their banter, Mabus shows his wit and sarcasm, but also his vulnerability and frustration. The devil's words cut deep, and Mabus begins to wonder if he's the only one whose life is a never-ending cycle of misfortune. Will Mabus embrace his antihero destiny, or will he find a way to outsmart the devil and shatter the curse? Can he turn his life around and find happiness, or will the darkness consume him?

Bolish_Baby · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs


The sun had long since set on the city, casting a dark and ominous shadow over the streets. The air was thick with tension as two groups of hooligans faced off against each other, their eyes blazing with a fierce intensity like hot coals. The streetlights flickered above, casting an eerie glow over the scene.

"You think you can take us down, scum?" one of the black leather jacket gang sneered, his voice dripping with malice like a venomous snake.

"Bring it on, punk!" a faded denim gang member snarled, cracking his knuckles in anticipation like a loaded gun.

"You're going down, rival crew!" a black leather jacket hooligan taunted, his eyes flashing with anger like a lightning bolt. "And we're taking the school flower with us!"

"Oh, we'll show you who's boss!" a denim gang member retorted, his eyes flashing with anger like a wildfire. "And she's going to be ours!"

The school flower, a beautiful and innocent girl with long, curly brown hair and a bright yellow sundress, stood frozen in fear between the two groups, her eyes wide with terror like a trapped animal. She had been walking home from school when the hooligans spotted her and began fighting over her like a pack of wolves.

The street was empty, save for a few scattered onlookers who watched with a mixture of fascination and fear. A grey-haired old man with a worn leather jacket and a worried expression shook his head in disgust, his eyes filled with sorrow like a grieving parent. A middle-aged woman with a tight grip on her red purse and a pale blue suit watched with wide, worried eyes like a frightened rabbit. A young bystander with a thrill-seeking glint in his eye and a messy mop of blonde hair whispered to his friend, "Dude, this is insane! I've never seen anything like it!" his voice trembling with excitement like a leaf in the wind. A group of teenagers with brightly colored hair and ripped jeans watched with a mixture of awe and horror, their faces lit up by the flashing police lights like a macabre puppet show.

Suddenly, a bottle shattered on the pavement, and the fight erupted like a powder keg exploding. Fists flew, punches landed, and the two groups clashed in a flurry of violence like a maelstrom. The sound of grunts and groans filled the air, accompanied by the thud of bodies hitting the ground like a drumbeat.

Just then, a group of cops and their robot dogs appeared on the scene, their sirens blaring and their lights flashing like a cavalry charge. "Break it up, you hooligans!" one of the cops yelled, his voice firm and authoritative like a drill sergeant.

The hooligans, taken by surprise, fled in panic, dropping their weapons and scattering in all directions like a flock of startled birds. The cops and their robot dogs gave chase, pursuing the hooligans down the street and into the nearby alleyways like a pack of hunting dogs.

The school flower took advantage of the distraction and made a run for it, escaping into the safety of a nearby shop like a rabbit into its burrow. Mabus, the passerby who had been hit by a bottle, stumbled to his feet and watched as the cops and their robot dogs chased after the hooligans like a wounded animal.

As he staggered along the street, Mabus called out, "Floating Cap! Floating Cap! Come and get me!" his voice weak and desperate like a cry for help.

A small, hovering cap appeared in the air, its propellers whirring softly like a hummingbird's wings. It flew down to Mabus and settled on his head, its brim adjusting to fit snugly like a protective helmet.

As he stood there, Mabus thought to himself, "Why the hell does this always happen to me? Oh, it's my jinx, can't I even get out of the house anymore? Ahh... Why did I even leave the house today? I knew something like this would happen..." his thoughts racing like a runaway train.

The grey-haired old man with a worn leather jacket shook his head in relief, his eyes filled with gratitude like a thankful prayer. "Thank goodness the police arrived when they did. This could have ended in disaster!"

The middle-aged woman with a tight grip on her red purse nodded in agreement, her face pale with worry like a frightened ghost. "Those poor boys, they need to learn to resolve their differences peacefully."

The young bystander with a thrill-seeking glint in his eye whispered to his friend, "Dude, that was close! I'm glad we got out of there when we did!" his voice trembling with excitement like a leaf in the wind.

The group of teenagers with brightly colored hair and ripped jeans watched with a mixture of awe and horror, their faces lit up by the flashing police lights like a macabre puppet show.