
The unholy contract: A protagonist and a devil walker

Meet Mabus, a 17-year-old introvert with a penchant for bad luck. His life takes a drastic turn when his new stepmom moves in, bringing a torrent of torment that drives him to leave home. With his striking raven hair and deep brown sugar eyes, Mabus may be handsome, but his energy is filled with negativity. Despite this, he has a complex personality, with a mix of kindness and rough edges. Mabus's life is a rollercoaster of happy and sad moments, and things are about to get even weirder. After accidentally contracting with a devil known as "The Tempter," Mabus finds himself on a path to becoming an antihero. The devil sees potential in Mabus's misfortune and wants to harness it to create a powerful force for chaos. As Mabus navigates his new reality, he must confront the darkness within himself and the strange occurrences that surround him. The devil constantly taunts him, calling him a "jinx" and a "magnet for bad luck." Mabus is determined to break the curse and reclaim his life, but the devil's grip is strong. In their banter, Mabus shows his wit and sarcasm, but also his vulnerability and frustration. The devil's words cut deep, and Mabus begins to wonder if he's the only one whose life is a never-ending cycle of misfortune. Will Mabus embrace his antihero destiny, or will he find a way to outsmart the devil and shatter the curse? Can he turn his life around and find happiness, or will the darkness consume him?

Bolish_Baby · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

jinx amplified x10

Mabus woke up from his slumber, his body feeling like a heavy anchor had been lifted off his chest. He stretched his limbs and yawned widely, before swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

His feet dangled in the air, feeling like lead weights as he stood up and stumbled towards the bathroom. As he splashed water on his face, his father's hologram appeared in the mirror, looking like a flat, 2D image superimposed over the reflection of Mabus's face. "Good morning, son," he said, his voice like a gentle breeze on a summer's day. "How are you feeling today?"

Mabus tried to nod, but his was hoarse, like a drinkerd waking up in the money after taking seven or eight turkilers after party . His voice sounded like a monster taking its last breath, but he had to answer his father and so his voice came out like a growling gigantisurous. "Yes, dad... I'm fine."

his dad "..."

" please who son are you"

Mabus laughing at his dad's words that came from the hologram he came downstairs

As he walked down the stairs, his feet clanked on the gleaming white metal steps that spiralled downwards like a snake coiling around a tree trunk. The stairs seemed to stretch on forever, like a futuristic slide that deposited him into the dining room. The walls were adorned with holographic paintings that shifted and changed as he passed by, like a digital art gallery.

His father was already seated at the table, a look of concern etched on his face. "Mabus, are you okay what monster made your voice like this?" he asked, his voice like a gentle prod hiding his laughter.

Mabus tried to nod, him too wanted to laugh but his throat was still making him sound like a terrible creature. He tried to keep his voice low so that ,the howling sound wouldn't come out, but it almost didn't work ,he managed to bring out a hoarse whisper. "Yes, dad... I'm fine."

his dad didn't think further and he just enjoyed his meal

somebody wasn't having a nice meal

As they ate, Mabus swallowed something strong and black, like a heavy metal ball that lodged in his throat. He felt a searing pain, like a knife twisting in his flesh, and his throat began to bleed. Tears streamed down his face, like a river of sorrow, as he tried to speak.

His father's eyes widened in alarm, like a hawk spotting its prey. "Mabus, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice like a gentle prod.

Just then, a robot servant, named Zeta, entered the dining room, holding a tray with a steaming cup of coffee. "Good morning, Master Mabus," she said, her voice like a cheerful beep. "I brought your coffee, just the way you like it."

Mabus tried to smile, but his face felt like it was frozen in a grimace. He took the coffee from Zeta and tried to drink it, but it was too hot, and he ended up spitting it out all over the counter.

His father chuckled. "Well, is the food too spicy for you or is it too sweet son, ."

Mabus"...." he could only nod, his mind racing like a car speeding out of control. He knew he had no Tom and Jerry to play with, no cat and mouse game to distract him from the pain. It was the system, the fucking jinx system, that was torturing him.

he quickly got up from his chair leaving the dinner table

As he left the dining room, he spoke to the system in his head, his thoughts like a razor-sharp sword. "Are you the devil's child or something? Cause it's like you wanna kill me with all this bloody jinx."

The system laughed, like a cold, mirthless sound. "I won't kill you, Mabus. I won't let you until I'm satisfied with your jinx."

his eyes flashed with anger, like a spark igniting a fire. "Yea, you are the child of a devil."

The system's response was like a cold wind on a winter's night. "Think what you wish, Mabus."

mabus !walked upstairs, the steps seemed to stretch on forever, like a never-ending staircase to nowhere. He felt like he was trapped in a never-ending loop, with no escape from the system's torment.

Finally, he reached his room, with the gracefulness and peace with all his cool gadgets that was close to him, their playful beauty gave him calmness . He collapsed on his soft bed, his body feeling like a lead weight of flowers, his mind racing with thoughts of the damn system and how to settle scores with it,his mind was racing with rebellious Ness

But then his thoughts. came back to normal thinking,he knew he was trapped, a prisoner of the system's jinx. And with that thought, the purple screen disappeared, and the system was gone, leaving Mabus alone in the darkness,it was as if it was satisfied with the final decision that he took.

Zeta, the robot servant, entered his room, holding a tray with a steaming cup of tea. "Good evening, Master Mabus," she said, her voice like a cheerful beep. "I brought your tea, just the way you like it."

Mabus tried to smile, but his face still felt like it was frozen in a grimace. He took the tea from Zeta and tried to drink it, but it was too hot, and he ended up spitting it out all over the bed.

Zeta apologized and quickly cleaned up the mess. "Sorry,

his head bust,'oh shit fuckkk and fuckk it allll ahhh ' his head was raging but outside he was as calm as brizz'

" it's okay zeta you her dismissed for now "

'let her leave ,he didn't want his tongue to be burn the second time! what surt of servants doesn't know the appropriate temperature to serve,ah ah a robot for that course.'

zeta rushed out of the door as if she that she has done something wrong , looking at her fleeing back he he sighs,' she has never burned anybody's tongue but it was him,when it gets to him,it just happenes yes it is the FUCkEN jinx working , what cruel punishment can the system make again '.

what ever it was he was ready for it ,he wasn't gonna submit , sighs again,

Devoum was cooler than this guy