
The unholy contract: A protagonist and a devil walker

Meet Mabus, a 17-year-old introvert with a penchant for bad luck. His life takes a drastic turn when his new stepmom moves in, bringing a torrent of torment that drives him to leave home. With his striking raven hair and deep brown sugar eyes, Mabus may be handsome, but his energy is filled with negativity. Despite this, he has a complex personality, with a mix of kindness and rough edges. Mabus's life is a rollercoaster of happy and sad moments, and things are about to get even weirder. After accidentally contracting with a devil known as "The Tempter," Mabus finds himself on a path to becoming an antihero. The devil sees potential in Mabus's misfortune and wants to harness it to create a powerful force for chaos. As Mabus navigates his new reality, he must confront the darkness within himself and the strange occurrences that surround him. The devil constantly taunts him, calling him a "jinx" and a "magnet for bad luck." Mabus is determined to break the curse and reclaim his life, but the devil's grip is strong. In their banter, Mabus shows his wit and sarcasm, but also his vulnerability and frustration. The devil's words cut deep, and Mabus begins to wonder if he's the only one whose life is a never-ending cycle of misfortune. Will Mabus embrace his antihero destiny, or will he find a way to outsmart the devil and shatter the curse? Can he turn his life around and find happiness, or will the darkness consume him?

Bolish_Baby · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs


The tiny living room was bathed in an eerie, dim glow, courtesy of a single flickering light. The air was heavy with tension as a shadowy figure emerged, its presence commanding attention. Bob, the cockroach, and Mrs. Cockroach stood frozen on the TV, their beady eyes fixed on the mysterious visitor. Mrs. Cockroach's tiny voice squeaked in a high-pitched tone, inaudible to human ears, but Devoum's piercing gaze seemed to understand her every word.

"Who the hell is this?" she seemed to be saying, her tiny voice laced with fear and curiosity.

Devoum's stern expression silenced her, his eyes flashing with a warning. "Be quiet, creature!" he hissed, his voice low and menacing, making Mrs. Cockroach flinch.

Sensing danger, she scurried away on her multiple legs, abandoning her curiosity. Devoum's attention turned to Mabus, cradled in his arms with an unsettling tenderness. He gently placed Mabus on the couch, his rosy red lips stained with blood, his serene face a stark contrast to the turmoil beneath. Devoum's smirk hinted at sinister intent, his eyes gleaming with a knowing glint.

"There you are, my jinx, sleeping," he whispered, his voice dripping with unsettling affection.

A slender, pale, almost transparent finger extended towards Mabus's rosy red lips, its tip pointing directly at the opening. Luminous, translucent purple energy emanated from the finger, flowing towards the cherry-like lips like a shimmering, iridescent mist. The lips parted, and with a gentle suction, drew in the purple energy as if it were a lifeline, nourishing and revitalizing.

Devoum's voice was laced with amusement, "You are very greedy, even in death." Mabus's deep brown sugar eyes flickered open, staring intensely into Devoum's face. Despite the newfound life, his complexion remained pale, his lips still rosy. "Am I in hell?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion and a hint of fear.

Devoum's expression turned annoyed, his eyes flashing with frustration and playful mischief. "Do I look like hell to you?!" he exclaimed, his tone a mix of exasperation and amusement. Mabus's gaze remained fixed, his eyes still cloudy with uncertainty. "Ignorant... kinda," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, his words laced with naivety.

Devoum's expression turned wry, his lips curling into a sly, devilish grin. "Well, I can see you're trying to be an ungrateful brat," he said, his voice laced with annoyance and amusement, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous light. His face was a masterful blend of contrasts, with a playful, devilish grin and a flash of anger in his eyes, hinting at a complex and unpredictable nature.

The room was heavy with tension, the shadows cast by the single light dancing like dark specters on the walls. The air was thick with an unspoken menace, as if the very presence of Devoum and Mabus had drawn a dark veil over the space. Bob, the cockroach, remained frozen, a tiny witness to the eerie scene unfolding before him.


Mabus gazed at Devoum, his eyes filled with a mix of desperation and frustration. "Stop trying to think about what's not important," he urged, his voice laced with a hint of pleading. "I almost lost my life, and you knew what was going to happen, but you just let it happen." Devoum's expression remained stoic, his eyes narrowing slightly as he retorted, "It was your jinx, Mabus. I wasn't going to block it for you."

Mabus's body shook with a mix of anger and exhaustion as he rose from his seat, his legs trembling beneath him. He strode towards the toilet, his eyes fixed on the door step, where a cockroach scurried across the floor. His instincts screamed at him to crush it, but he resisted, instead offering a gentle greeting, "Hi, little guy. Who are you? I know you're not Mrs. Cockroach, so what's your name?" The cockroach, Bob, twitched in response, but Mabus received no answer.

Devoum's chilly voice cut through the air, "Mabus, Bob is his name." Mabus rolled his eyes, intent on ignoring Devoum, thinking to himself, "I've got no time for this devil here." But Devoum, sensing his thoughts, corrected him, "I'm Devoum, not Devil, JINX." The word "JINX" was emblazoned in capital letters, reflecting the intensity with which Devoum gritted his teeth, emphasizing the weight of the word.


Mabus stepped into the bathroom, the soft glow of the LED lights above the sink casting an eerie ambiance. Devoum attempted to follow, but Mabus's glare was a clear warning to respect his boundaries. The air was thick with tension as Devoum hesitated, then retreated into the shadows, his eyes fixed on Mabus with an unreadable expression.

Mabus emerged from the toilet, the sound of the flush echoing through the silence. He walked past Devoum, who stood like a statue, his face obscured by the darkness. The only sound was the soft hum of the bathroom exhaust fan, a constant reminder of the stillness.

Mabus settled onto the couch, the worn leather creaking beneath him. He summoned his auto-laptop, the screen flickering to life as his fingers danced across the keyboard. The soft glow of the screen cast an ethereal light on his face, illuminating the sharp angles of his features.

Time ticked away, the silence oppressive, as if the very air was heavy with unspoken thoughts. The phone's sudden buzz shattered the quiet, its insistent ringtone piercing the air like a siren's call. Mabus's distraction was evident as he took the call, his face lighting up with excitement. "Hello, Dad! How are you? Do you miss me?" The words spilled out in a rush, revealing the depth of Mabus's longing for connection.

As his father's voice filtered through the phone, Mabus's expression shifted, worry etching lines on his forehead. "What's wrong, Dad? You sound worried." The words hung in the air, a palpable sense of tension building between them.

The call ended devoum turned to Devoum


eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing as he asked, "What is it your dad said?"

Mabus's response was laced with defiance, "It's none of your concern. You can read my mind if you want to find out." He shot Devoum a sarcastic glance, his eyes rolling in exasperation.

Devoum's expression remained unreadable, his voice low and even, "I see what you are trying to do, Mabus." He emphasized Mabus's name, his tone hinting at a deeper understanding.

Mabus's eyes widened in surprise, "For the first time, you call me by my name!" His voice was laced with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Devoum's smile was enigmatic, his eyes glinting with amusement, "It is not the first, Mabus." His tone was matter-of-fact, his words dripping with an air of mystery.

Mabus's brow furrowed, his mind racing with questions, "I don't think so." His voice was laced with skepticism, his eyes fixed on Devoum with a hint of challenge.

Devoum's response was nonchalant, his shoulders shrugging in a careless gesture, "Do what you like." His voice was detached, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief, as if daring Mabus to uncover the truth.