
The unholy contract: A protagonist and a devil walker

Meet Mabus, a 17-year-old introvert with a penchant for bad luck. His life takes a drastic turn when his new stepmom moves in, bringing a torrent of torment that drives him to leave home. With his striking raven hair and deep brown sugar eyes, Mabus may be handsome, but his energy is filled with negativity. Despite this, he has a complex personality, with a mix of kindness and rough edges. Mabus's life is a rollercoaster of happy and sad moments, and things are about to get even weirder. After accidentally contracting with a devil known as "The Tempter," Mabus finds himself on a path to becoming an antihero. The devil sees potential in Mabus's misfortune and wants to harness it to create a powerful force for chaos. As Mabus navigates his new reality, he must confront the darkness within himself and the strange occurrences that surround him. The devil constantly taunts him, calling him a "jinx" and a "magnet for bad luck." Mabus is determined to break the curse and reclaim his life, but the devil's grip is strong. In their banter, Mabus shows his wit and sarcasm, but also his vulnerability and frustration. The devil's words cut deep, and Mabus begins to wonder if he's the only one whose life is a never-ending cycle of misfortune. Will Mabus embrace his antihero destiny, or will he find a way to outsmart the devil and shatter the curse? Can he turn his life around and find happiness, or will the darkness consume him?

Bolish_Baby · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs


Marcus's grin faltered, his eyes locking onto Mabus's with a hint of concern, like a crack in the armor of his carefree facade.

"If it's shit, we face it together," he repeated, his voice steady, a beacon of solidarity in the face of uncertainty, a lifeline thrown to a drowning man.

Mabus's lips curled into a faint smile, a glimmer of appreciation for his friend's unwavering support, a ray of hope piercing the darkness.

***Mabus's thoughts***: He really doesn't know why Devoum is keeping quiet and being mysterious, he feels gloom about us; that Devoum is keeping it a secret from him... Sha! Devoum is always mysterious; there's no need for him to kill himself about it. The thoughts swirled in his mind like a vortex, a whirlpool of confusion and frustration, a maelstrom of emotions churning beneath the surface.

****Back from his thoughts as Marcus nudges him****

Marcus's enthusiasm was not hidden as he nudged Mabus, his friend's negativity a challenge he was always ready to tackle, a champion of positivity in the face of adversity. "Hey bro, are you okay? How's it not me you're worried about? Because I just want you to know that I'm just chill being here with you. And besides, I'm always in for a thrill." The words were a balm to Mabus's frazzled nerves, a reminder that he wasn't alone in this strange and unpredictable universe, a comforting embrace on a cold and lonely night.

Mabus's face relaxed, a small smile creeping onto his lips, like a sunrise breaking over the horizon. "Okay bro, let's have fun, let's be spooked!" He made a scary action, laughing, the sound echoing through the room like a release valve, allowing the tension to dissipate, a pressure valve opening with a hiss of relief.

Marcus's laughter joined in, a deep, rich sound that filled the room, a string of haahahahahahahahahahahaha's that left them both gasping for air, a symphony of merriment, a joyous celebration of life and friendship

. The two friends laughed, their merriment a defiant stance against the unknown, a declaration that they would face whatever came their way together, as a team, a bond of brotherhood forged in the fire of adversity.

The room was bathed in a warm, golden light, the shadows dancing on the walls like playful spirits, the air thick with the scent of anticipation and excitement. The city outside pulsed with energy, a living, breathing entity that seemed to vibrate in harmony with their laughter.

The stars twinkled like diamonds in the sky, a celestial showcase of wonder and magic, a reminder that anything was possible in this strange and wondrous universe.

The walls of the room seemed to fade away, revealing a vast expanse of possibilities, a canvas of adventure waiting to be explored. The air was electric with anticipation, the thrill of the unknown beckoning them like a siren's call.


The two friends were still chatting when Devoum emerged from the shadows like Batman, his presence as sudden and unexpected as a ghostly apparition. His voice was low and gravelly, with a hint of a Scottish brogue, like Sean Connery's James Bond. "Marcus, wonders what just happened in front of him..." Devoum's words trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.

Mabus facepalmed, his expression a mix of frustration and exasperation. "Shit, Devoum, you messed up..." he muttered, shaking his head.

Devoum remained unfazed, his eyes glinting with a hint of amusement. "Hmph. It's here if you wanna die, you're free to stay."

He eyed the two friends with a piercing gaze, then turned and disappeared into the darkness, leaving them feeling bewildered and uneasy.

As soon as Devoum was gone, Marcus turned to Mabus with a look of shock and disbelief. "Shit, bro, who was that?! And what just happened?!" His voice was laced with panic, his eyes wide with fear.

Mabus sighed, rubbing his temples. "Mind why the hell I have to face this shit... Well, you'll know later.

Let's go after him, quick, if you don't want a monster eating you up." He grabbed Marcus's arm and pulled him along, hastening through the dark and eerie house.

The only sounds were the soft hum of Butler robots asleep and the faint ringing of little AI noises, echoing through the empty halls like a haunting melody.

The friends moved swiftly, their footsteps echoing off the walls as they chased after Devoum....