
Into The Forest: Part 2- Those that conquer the dark

Zachariah felt a wave of power envelop him after he killed the bear, so he decided to check his status page for changes.


Name: Zachariah Nosferatu

Ranking: Vampire Noble

LVL: 25

EXP 0/2500

HP: 1900/1900

MP: 1500/1500

Blood (Liters): 30/30

Satiety: 100/100

SP: 100

(Class): (Speaker for the Unholy) 0/20

Race: [Nosfer Sanguinis] {Vampire Stage 2: 5/20}

Bloodline: {Nosferatu} (Progenitor)

Physique: All Devouring Physique of The Unholy

Familiar: N/A

STR: 1300

INT: 1500

SPD: 2200

WIS: 1500

LCK: 900


{Past Life Remembrance} LVL (MAX):

You have kept your memories intact from your old life, along with all of your experience. EXP GAIN + 2% per level CAP: LVL 100

{Tongue of Babel} LVL (MAX):

You can converse and understand all languages in this new world.

{Hands Of The Ritualist} LVL (MAX):

Able to use previous life's experience to masterfully conduct various arcane rituals.

{Blood Father of the Nosferatu} LVL (MAX):

As the Progenitor of the bloodline Nosferatu, You can turn any living being with sentience into one of your progeny. (Current Level = Amount able to be turned)

{Nosfer Sanguinis Racial Skill: Heart of Sanguinis} (Passive):

The Heart of Sanguinis can hold 30 liters of blood that can be used to satiate bloodlust or used as fuel for blood spells and abilities.

{Nosfer Sanguinis Blood Authority} LVL 1: 1/10

The Nosfer Sanguinis all have the ability to sense and control blood to various degrees, being able to form weapons and even control their enemy's blood.

{Nosferatu Immortality} (Passive) LVL 1: 1/10

The Nosferatu Clan are able to survive a fatal attack by expending their own blood, becoming thirsty. (Can only be used if fully sated)

{Nosfer Sanguinis Racial Skill: Wings of the Strix} (Passive)

The Nosfer Sanguinis have large bat like wings that allow them to fly.

{Nosferatu Lord Form} LVL 1: 1/10

As the progenitor of the Nosferatu, You can take on a Monstrous form that strikes fear into the hearts of mortals and drastically increases your power. (Drains 1 Satiety Every 5 Minutes)

{Vampire's Masquerade} LVL 1: 1/10

Able to disguise your supernatural appearance to blend in with normal society. (Has a slight chance to be discovered by higher leveled individuals)

{Nosferatu Eyes of Purgatory} (Passive) LVL 1: 1/10

The Nosferatu are able to peer at the status windows of others and tell the difference between truths and lies. The Eyes of the Nosferatu Clan can also charm those that are lower level than them, making those affected less hostile and more welcoming.

{Nosferatu Mana-born} (Passive) LVL 1: 5/10

The Nosferatu have a innate sense for Mana and can use it to its fullest. They are able to manipulate Mana to create different elemental attacks.

{Nosfer Sanguinis Racial Skill: Life Absorption} (Passive)

The Nosfer Sanguinis race can drain the life force out of their victims and use it to become stronger.

{Supernatural Regeneration} (Passive) LVL 1: 1/10

Where a mortal would take a month to heal a broken bone, Vampires take seconds. You regenerate 1 HP per second Unless You Are Affected by; The sun, silver, or holy magic.

{Child of the Night} (Passive)

You Have A stronger Body At night at the cost of weakness in the day. (Stats Reduced By 25% when in contact with the sun)

{Uninvited Guest} (Passive)

You can only enter owned residences when invited in.

{Vampiric Suggestion} LVL 1: 0/10

You can hypnotize people with lower intelligence to do your bidding.

{Mist Form} LVL 1: 0/10

Turn into an invulnerable mist that allows you to go through tight spaces.

{Bat Travel} LVL 1: 0/10

You can turn into a swarm of bats to travel across long distances.


{Blood Boil} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: 10 Mana per second

Concentrate to boil the targets blood causing irresistible damage based on the targets level.

{Daemonic Blood Symbols} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: Depends on symbol

Can Infuse blood with Mana and Carve Daemonic symbols in the air or on a surface, that have many different uses.

{Ritual of Blood Summoning} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: 300 Mana and 20 Liters of Blood

Can summon a Familiar that will carry out your will and grow in strength alongside you.

{Dark Bolt} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: 5 Mana

A bolt of unholy origins that does a small amount of damage based on the targets level. (Has a 10% chance to blind the target)

{Unholy Zone Creation} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: Depends on size

Create a zone of pure Daemonic energy that drains the life energy out of those deemed enemies by the caster, also in this zone vampires and other dark aligned creatures will be immune to holy magic.

{Blood Servant Creation} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: 500 Mana and 20 liters of blood

Blood servants are beings created by higher rank vampires to serve their needs and help with tasks. Blood servants can be named to receive additional power based on the name.

{Dark Avatar Projection} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: 10 Mana per hour

You can use this spell to project your consciousness in a shadow like replica of yourself. This dark avatar cant be harmed by physical attacks and can move silently through any normal surface or wall. In this form you can only use dark magic.

{Dark Illusion Manifestation} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost: 2 Mana per minute

Create a illusory fog that makes Opponents with lower INT than the caster see hallucinations that can fog their minds and drive them mad.

{Tri Element Bomb} LVL 1: 0/10 Cost 1,000 Mana

Create a giant ball of fire, frost, and electricity to deal massive damage in an area. Can cause a multitude of effects on those hit by it.

His stats had each increased by 500, and his Mana had regenerated all the way, his ability to control Mana had also increased, and he had created a brand new spell! They could easily make it through the forest with that one spell alone if it didn't cost so much to cast. Zachariah knew that he wouldn't be able to cast such a spell multiple times in a row, so he got everyone ready to leave the scene where the battle took place as quickly as possible.

Hey everyone this chapter was just to show Zachariahs new stats and spell. I will be posting a more story based chapter tommorow so i hope everyone has a fantastic day. If you want to be notified of when theres a new chapter, be sure to add it to your collection, and also make sure to vote for this novel so we can rise in the rankings.

David_Hillcreators' thoughts