
The Unfortunate Billionaire Husband

In a world where wealth and status reign supreme, Sophia Johnson, an illegitimate daughter, finds herself caught in a web of deception and betrayal. Unexpectedly married to the enigmatic Jude Parker, the CEO of the powerful Parker Empire, Sophia must navigate the treacherous waters of Oscalake's elite society. As her scheming sister, Mia, plots to secure her own place in the Parker family, Sophia discovers that her supposed husband is oblivious to their marriage. Undeterred, she embarks on a relentless quest to unravel the truth, taking on multiple identities and jobs to infiltrate Jude's world. Caught between her desire for independence and the allure of the Parker fortune, Sophia must decide whether to embrace her new role or fight against the forces that seek to control her destiny. With unexpected allies and heart-wrenching betrayals, "The Unfortunate Billionaire Husband" is a gripping tale of resilience, love, and the lengths one woman will go to forge her own path in a world that demands compliance.

iamgwriter · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs


Sophia's jaw tightened as she experienced extreme anxiety. 

Mrs. Johnson texted her on Messenger as she was about to depart. "There is not a hurry. This Saturday, are you working? I want to pay for your meal. 

It was only then that Sophia realized how worried she had been due to her worries. 

Over lunch at Johnson's? 

A sour smirk appeared on her face. 

She returned the first weekend after moving out of the Johnson house ten years ago. 

She went into the backyard and saw Mrs. Johnson, Mia, and Lucas Johnson chatting and laughing through the glass window. Mrs. Johnson had never seen such a joyful smile on her face. 2.

Is that what you see, Maryann asked? They truly are a family of three without you. You shouldn't avoid Mrs. Johnson if you genuinely care about her." 1.

Sophia eventually walked out silently. 

She only came back every year on Mrs. Johnson's birthday, bringing a modest present to leave on the doorway. 

It was probably time to see her again after all these years. 

Sophia answered the message back. "I ought to make the purchase. This Saturday at 6:00 p.m., let's meet. I'll see you there. 

She emailed me the address of a restaurant. 

Going to the Johnson residence can lead to pointless arguments. It would be preferable to meet outside so she could check on Mrs. Johnson's health and have a private conversation with her. 

"All right, see you then," Mrs. Johnson responded. 

Upon terminating the conversation with Mrs. Johnson, Sophia noticed more updated messages from "Grandson". 

"My grandma is starting to act more and more like a hot-tempered toddler as she gets older. A great deal of patience is required.She finds it difficult to fall asleep. "She has to take two blue pills a day, one in the morning and one at night. She has restless nights." 

The last communication, which said, "The above is forwarded from our family doctor's instructions," was the fifth one in all. Thank you for your assistance. If Granny isn't feeling well, please get in touch with me right away." 

After reading this, Sophia went to the bedroom in silence and sent "Grandson" a little video. 


Two cars were quietly parked not far down the street. 

The first vehicle appeared to be a tiny suite and was completely furnished. 

Donald was using his computer while seated on the couch and wearing a black suit. 

The family physician of Old Mrs. Parker sat in the corner, his expression severe and alert to any crises. 

Old Mrs. Parker needed her sleep, and changing her surroundings may disturb her fragile state. 

A small carelessness might endanger her life. 

They were near Mrs. Parker's place, so the autoobile Luxury car in the back was equipped with emergency gear and ready to go in case something went wrong. 

When Donald's phone buzzed with a fresh Messenger message, he was deep in meditation. 

His normally unflappable expression appeared a bit shocked as he checked it. 

Immediately, the family physician said, "Did something happen to Mrs. Parker?" 

Donald showed him the footage while pressing his lips together. 

It showed an elderly Mrs. Parker blissfully dozing on a bed covered in flowers. In fact, she was snoring a little! 

It was nighttime, barely nine o'clock! 

They would usually be appreciative if Mrs. Parker could get to sleep by one in the morning! 

With a shocked expression, the family physician said, "Mrs. Parker acts differently around this young girl. I think Mrs. Parker's health will get much better if she can always remain with her." 

Mrs. Parker prioritized her sleep because she was physically frail due to her elderly age. 

Donald's eyes were dour and he tightened his jaw. 

the next day. 

Sophia said goodbye to the elderly woman, who appeared well-rested following a restful night's sleep, before departing. Samson, please keep you company. He will arrive shortly." 

"Okay." The little elderly woman dutifully nodded. "Granddaughter-in-law, where are you going?" 

"To meet someone." 

"Who will you be meeting? Do you have to go now?" 


Donald Parker would discover their marriage when he went to register his own marriage if she didn't go see him right away. 

But Sophia really needed the divorce, and her firm was ready to go public. 

The tiny old lady said, "Then I'll have my grandson help you schedule a meeting!" with a dramatic sweep of her hand. There is a lot of impact from my grandson!" 

"Granny, I'm afraid your grandson won't do," Sophia said with a smile. 

In Oscalake, the Parker family was the richest. Granny's family was wealthy, but could they really be richer than the Parkers? 

To go to the Parker Group, she pedaled her electric bike. 

Donald had a somewhat boring schedule. He had absolutely no free time and was either working or traveling. 

"It's you again!" said the front desk receptionist before Sophia could say anything. Mr. Darlington has stated as much. No packages are anticipated for Donald today. You're not permitted to go upstairs. 

"I'm not here to deliver a parcel, I'm," Sophia said. 

"So, do you have an appointment?" the irritated receptionist said, interrupting her. You can't climb without one!" 

Sophia noticed the receptionist's eyes brighten just as she was going to respond. Her face of impatience abruptly disappeared as she welcomed the person behind Sophia with warmth, saying, "Miss Johnson? You're present." 

Sophia scowled as she turned to face Mia. 

Mia smiled softly at the receptionist, her manner elegant and collected, saying, "I'm here to see Donald." 

She then said, "But I forgot to make an appointment," casting her look over Sophia. 

"Miss Johnson, what topic are you discussing? When was the last time you required an appointment, given your stature? It would make Mr. Donald very happy to meet you!" 

With a swipe of her card, the receptionist unlocked the door and said, "Please come in." 

Mia, however, turned to face Sophia and sighed reproachfully, saying, "Sophia, you can't simply stroll into the Parker Group. Don't make things tough on the receptionist if you want to bother Donald." 

Sophia didn't understand. 

Had she ever caused the receptionist any trouble at all? 

But the girl behind the desk at receptionist scowled. 

Mr. Darlington said nothing more than "don't let this woman go upstairs," without providing an explanation. 

Was it the reason? 

The receptionist's face was filled with irritation and contempt. "There are those who genuinely lack self-awareness. Do they believe that their attractiveness will allow them to move up the social scale? They are unsure about their exact location. Miss, please quit interfering with my job and keep your distance, or I'll have to phone security!" 

Lifting an eyebrow, Sophia was about to say anything, but then she noticed the receptionist's contemptuous expression, so she smiled sarcastically. "You're the one who won't let me go upstairs." 

Meanwhile, on the upper level. 

Donald grabbed up his phone and glanced at the message from the "Need Iron" at the top of his chat list after finishing an urgent document. 

It was the peculiar Messenger moniker of the woman. 

He conveyed a message. "Hello, how is Granny today?" 

She gave a prompt response. "Everything was fine when I left the house." 

Donald scowled. Did you report for duty?

"Iron Deficient Element" : One may say that.

Donald seemed irritated. Had she left Granny at home by herself? 

However, he had no authority to order her to take care of his grandma alone and not go anyplace else because she wasn't his professional caretaker. 

He was the one who needed her assistance right now. 

Donald pondered for a while. "At this moment, where are you? I'd want to meet you so we can discuss Granny. 

"Need Iron" didn't say no and offered a direct Messenger address. 

Donald's eyes narrowed slightly at that. 

Was that not the address of the main entrance of the Parker Group? 

He stood up and went into the basement.