
The Unfortunate Billionaire Husband

In a world where wealth and status reign supreme, Sophia Johnson, an illegitimate daughter, finds herself caught in a web of deception and betrayal. Unexpectedly married to the enigmatic Jude Parker, the CEO of the powerful Parker Empire, Sophia must navigate the treacherous waters of Oscalake's elite society. As her scheming sister, Mia, plots to secure her own place in the Parker family, Sophia discovers that her supposed husband is oblivious to their marriage. Undeterred, she embarks on a relentless quest to unravel the truth, taking on multiple identities and jobs to infiltrate Jude's world. Caught between her desire for independence and the allure of the Parker fortune, Sophia must decide whether to embrace her new role or fight against the forces that seek to control her destiny. With unexpected allies and heart-wrenching betrayals, "The Unfortunate Billionaire Husband" is a gripping tale of resilience, love, and the lengths one woman will go to forge her own path in a world that demands compliance.

iamgwriter · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs

Granny's Matchmaking Scheme

As Sophia and Donald continued their discussion, Granny observed them from the doorway, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She couldn't help but notice the growing rapport between the two, and an idea began to take root in her mischievous mind.

Clearing her throat, Granny hobbled into the room, her cane tapping against the hardwood floor. "Well, well, look at you two, all serious and business-like. Don't you think it's time to lighten the mood a bit?"

Sophia and Donald both looked up, startled by Granny's sudden appearance. "Granny! We didn't hear you come in," Sophia said, a sheepish smile on her face.

Granny waved a dismissive hand. "Nonsense, my dear. I have the grace of a cat, even at my age." She turned her gaze to Donald, her lips curling into a sly grin. "Now, tell me, young man, have you been keeping my Sophia entertained? Or have you been boring her to tears with all this talk of schedules and budgets?"

Donald blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Granny's direct approach. "I... well, I assure you, Granny, I've been doing my best to make this process as painless as possible."

Granny let out a hearty laugh. "Painless, eh? My, my, you Parkers do have a way with words, don't you?" She turned to Sophia, her eyes twinkling. "And how about you, my dear? Has this stuffy old man been driving you up the wall with his blunt manner?"

Sophia couldn't help but chuckle, her gaze flitting between Granny and Donald. "Oh, I don't know, Granny. I rather enjoy a bit of bluntness now and then. It keeps me on my toes."

Donald raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Is that so? Well, in that case, I suppose I'll have to try a little harder to keep you entertained, Mrs. Parker."

Granny clapped her hands together, delighted by the exchange. "Aha! See, I knew you two would get along just fine. A little sarcasm and wit is just what the doctor ordered to loosen you both up."

Sophia felt a flush creep up her cheeks at Granny's implication, but she couldn't deny the growing sense of camaraderie between herself and Donald. There was a certain playfulness to their banter that she found surprisingly refreshing.

Granny settled herself into a nearby armchair, her gaze bouncing between the two. "Now, tell me, what other exciting plans do you have in store for this old woman? I'm feeling a bit cooped up, and I could use some adventure."

Donald chuckled, shaking his head. "Adventure, Granny? I'm not sure my poor heart could handle any more of your antics."

Granny let out an indignant huff. "Antics, hmph! I'll have you know, I'm the most delightful and entertaining companion you could ask for."

Sophia couldn't help but interject, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I don't know, Granny. I think Donald might give you a run for your money in the entertainment department."

Granny's eyes widened, and she let out a delighted cackle. "Aha! See, I knew you two would get along splendidly. Why, I can practically see the sparks flying between you."

Sophia felt her cheeks grow warm, and she quickly changed the subject, much to Granny's obvious disappointment. But deep down, she couldn't help but wonder if the elderly woman might be onto something. There was an undeniable chemistry between herself and Donald, one that she was both intrigued and slightly terrified by.

As the afternoon wore on, Granny continued to subtly (and not-so-subtly) nudge Sophia and Donald towards a closer connection, her matchmaking instincts in full force. And while the two tried their best to maintain a professional distance, there was a growing sense of familiarity and understanding that was slowly taking root.

The discussion around Granny's care soon turned to the topic of her diet, and it quickly became clear that Sophia and Donald had differing approaches.

"Now, Granny," Donald began, his brow furrowed in concern, "the doctor was quite clear that you need to be on a strict regimen of vitamins and supplements to address your nutritional deficiencies."

Granny let out an exaggerated groan, waving a dismissive hand. "Bah, supplements! That's no way for a proper Southern woman to eat. I need some good, hearty meals to keep these old bones going."

Sophia couldn't help but chuckle at Granny's theatrics. "She has a point, Donald. A balanced diet is important, not just a bunch of pills."

Donald frowned, his gaze shifting between the two women. "But the doctor said these supplements are crucial for Granny's health. We can't just ignore their recommendations."

Granny leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "Now, you listen here, young man. I've been taking care of myself a lot longer than you've been alive, and I know what my body needs. And let me tell you, it ain't a bunch of chalky tablets."

Sophia placed a hand on Donald's arm, sensing the impending clash of wills. "Donald, I understand your concern, but maybe we can find a way to incorporate both the supplements and some wholesome, home-cooked meals. Granny does have a point – variety is important for nutrition."

Donald let out a resigned sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I suppose you're right, Sophia. But the doctor was quite adamant about the supplements. I don't want to jeopardize Granny's health."

Granny let out a triumphant cackle. "Aha! See, I knew you two would see it my way. Now, how about we whip up a nice pot of my famous chicken and dumplings? That'll put some meat on these old bones."

Sophia couldn't help but grin at Granny's enthusiasm. "That sounds wonderful, Granny. And I'm sure we can find a way to sneak in those supplements without compromising the flavor."

Donald shook his head, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I suppose I'm outnumbered here. Very well, let's see if we can find a happy medium."

Granny clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "That's the spirit, Donald! I knew you Parkers were a reasonable bunch, once you got that stuffy exterior out of the way."

As they set about planning Granny's meals, Sophia couldn't help but marvel at the way the three of them were able to navigate their differences. There was a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that she hadn't anticipated, and it filled her with a growing sense of optimism about the future.

Perhaps, with Granny's unwavering support and Donald's willingness to compromise, they could find a way to make this unexpected arrangement work – and maybe, just maybe, forge a genuine connection in the process.