
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · อื่นๆ
68 Chs

Tian Xiao

'Mmm...?' He had opened his eyes and a bright light blinded him from seeing for a couple seconds.


Was that sound coming from his mouth? Why? What is this place.

"The delivery was successful, go check on the baby." A female voice was speaking.

He was probably laying down on something, as the feeling of being moved was what he felt after the person stopped talking. The loud sound kept coming out of his mouth uncontrollably.

The light that blinded him started to subside and he was facing up at a white ceiling. A few people had stood beside him watching over him. Though his eyes were half closed, he could clearly see. He couldn't move though. Soon, his consciousness started wavering and his eyes completely closed. The loud noise he was making also stopped.

- - - - - - - -

"The baby fell asleep." A doctor that was observing the child, had spoken in a whispering voice to herself.

Soon that same doctor walked away from the child and another doctor took over. In a room down the hall, a woman with long brown hair and green was laying on a bed with her husband standing next to her. They both had a worried look. The doctor had taken the child almost immediately and didn't return with it.

They almost thought the small baby had died until another doctor came in. She informed them that the child was healthy and fine, however... the child's appearance was strange.

They soon brought the sleeping baby wrapped in a blanket. The mother and child stayed at the hospital for a few days after that.

- - - - - - - -

'What's with this place.' He couldn't understand what was going on. The people around him were making gibberish sounds, but somehow, he could understand it slightly. It was a strange feeling. the person he saw the most was a woman and sometimes another person walked in. The guy had black hair and black eyes too.

He spent what felt like a long time eating and sleeping the days away. The only thing he saw except people, was the white walls and beds. He was curious but also didn't exactly care. The man with black hair stopped visiting as well.

However, when he opened his eyes again after a long nap, the place looked so different. A wood ceiling, fluffy bed that had wood sticks aligned in rows, and the place was much bigger and comfortable.

The same person with the brown hair looked at him and her face just lit up. the woman walked over to him and started 'attempting' to tickle his stomach, but he didn't react much. To be honest he just felt uncomfortable at that point.

The woman stopped doing that and walked away before coming back with a weird bottle. She tried giving it him. He didn't want to bite down on a weird bottle either. Eventually, the woman gave up and pouted while staring at him.

"Is taking care of a child supposed to be this easy? It didn't want to eat as often as I was told, it didn't like or want to be tickled, and it doesn't move as much or cry either. It's like it doesn't even need me here."

A few months pass by and the only thing he did was eat, sleep, and observe everything that happened around him. He had grown quite alot in those few months. Surprisingly, he had felt like trying to walk, and practiced everyday. Soon, he could walk and only messed up a few times.

'Hm, I wonder who that man that visited me was.' He started remembering how that man used to visit often, but suddenly stopped. He almost forgot about that old man.

He also observed how the woman had talked to him, or on the small, flat rectangular thing. He caught on quickly and understood most words already. His learning speed was tremendous and no one knew about it. He didn't play that much with the woman, but he did practice the words he heard from her.

A few more weeks pass by after the repeated training in speech. He could fully speak and understand sentences, but for an odd reason he didn't like talking. Everytime he was about to speak infront of the woman who took care of him, he stopped moments before he even said anything.

An even longer period of time goes by, maybe a few more months, and he could walk and run around the house. He also got used to many things. Referring to the woman as 'Mother' inside of his mind, and also the name she gave him. Tian Xiao.

The moment that his mother knew he could walk and understand her, she taught Tian Xiao to do things like cook, clean, and manners. Such as bowing to superiors to 'Be connected with his origins' and stuff like that. After having to bow to people for politeness, it became a habit of his.

He still hadn't decided whether he should start speaking now, or later. At how small he was, maybe he shouldn't be talking. His mother didn't seem to think anything of it either. Tian Xiao's mom was watching television in the living room while he was washing the dishes.

He felt a sudden feeling that came out of nowhere while he looked at his mother, who watched the TV without at care for him. It hadn't happened before, but right at this moment it was like he didn't even exist. He looked into a shiny plate, that reflected his face.

The straight white hair. Bright red eyes that almost seemed to be glowing. It was all different from his mother. Tian Xiao just put the plates away and walked past the living room to jump onto the bed in his own room. His mother didn't even spare him a glance.

The entire room was white. The walls, the bed, the floor, the shelves and desk. A glass tank full of planted Venus Fly Traps. Everything was painted and colored white. It was a decision his mother made. Tian Xiao closed his eyes and sighed. The noise and laughter from the TV and silence of everything else made him sleep only after laying for a few minutes.