
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · อื่นๆ
68 Chs


Lang had a hold of Frenzie's neck but he could also get her neck as well! It was gross, but she put her hand in Frenzie's mouth and used her claws to dig straight through the bottom of Frenzie's jaw.


Frenzie couldn't close his mouth and started to choke on his own blood. It was time for Lang to finish it! She used enough force to snap his neck in two. She made sure he was dead before letting go and getting up.

There was a silence when Frenzie died but then everyone got louder than before!


"THE DEVILS CHILD HAS WON!!!!! SHE SNAPPED FRENZIE'S NECK RIGHT IN TWO!!!!!! HOW BRUTAL BUWAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! Now it's time for the break between fights!!! Enjoy your meals everyone!!!"

The gates that closed during the fight opened again. Before she entered Lang was curious and turned around. Frenzie's body was dragged back to the gate along with the chain.

'Brutal is about right.'

After the fight her wounds were bandaged at the gate and curtains covered the people's view while the arena was being cleaned. Actually, it was more like the ground was dry sand-like dirt, so they just poured more of it on top of the blood and mixed it around.

The place already had the smell of another's blood on it before the fight.

"Good work out there~!"

'That guy....' It was the same person who offered the needle to her at the beginning of the fight.

"Did you know~? If you win the fight, you can go and the guards will let you take a tour of the place~" Lang didn't know if she could trust his words, but he wouldn't have a reason to lie.

She went and guards showed the way back and Lang memorized it. She wouldn't have ar problem getting back on her own in the future. She also wanted to ask before being put back.

"Oh yeah, you should've gotten some sort of privilege for winning right?" The guard actually brought it up first! Lang didn't know how to say it since her speech was all messed up.

"Mm... I think it was a meal at the upper floors..." The entire place was actually directly under a large fancy restraunt. On the weeks that the pups are finished being prepared, the restraunt is reserved for the fights and only the rich and people with invites could enter.

Lang was brought up through an elevator. Ding! The elevator door slid open and the sight she saw was people eating and laughing talking about the fight. Lang got out of the elevator and people whispered and obviously avoided her.

There was also a mirror hung on the wall and Lang saw what she looked like for the first time. Her hair was light brown and a little messy. Her eyes were also a darker brown than her hair. Lang's ears and tail also had the same color as her hair..

In the end, she just grabbed food and went back down though.

'A privilege to just eat some fancy food? This sucks. What if the winner is too injured to eat?'

Lang already went back to her cell and tasted the food. It was good, but she wouldn't say it was mind blowing or delicious beyond words.

'Oh how come I didn't see any pups in there? Wait how come there's only pups in the fights? Perhaps pups are looked down upon.' Lang's guess wasn't completely correct, however its true that the rich and regulars that attend think pups are disgusting creatures.

The higher ups got the news of her completely dominating a match without any injections. They weren't too surprised, but they were still shocked at her overpowering speed and power. They thought it was too bad she wouldnt live for very long. They didn't know they couldn't be more wrong!

A couple more days pass by and many of the pups died from fighting. Even more days pass and the pups started to die without a reason! They just died on the spot. Lang witnessed it from the cells on the other wall. Soon enough, all the other pups died, leaving Lang to be the only one still standing. Nothing changed, she didn't even feel sick!

When Lang was okay after the few weeks, the researchers were baffled. They told her that all pups would die a few weeks after being awakened. Of course, they wanted to run tests, but they couldn't risk her dying.

Being the only one to ever live longer than usual, she got special treatment. Lang was allowed out of her cell since all the other ones were emptied.

'Freedom sure feels nice. But it's kinda boring.' There wasn't anyone she could talk to so Lang had gotten bored of just walking around. She remembered the office she went to as well as the place they made her.

The guards didn't oppose her seeing it and brought her into the lab. it seemed almost futuristic. The glowy tunes with growing pups in them. It was all fun to watch. Lang studied everything that was done to the tunes and learned the tests they did.

Around a hundred pups are created but more than half would die, so they tap on the glass and look for a response. Lang felt silly for not knowing why they tapped on the glass before.

She made daily trips to the lab and helped around. She would always wear always coat because she didn't want her clothes to get dirty when she helped remove a dead pup.

It was another perk of being alive. Her most absolute favorite outfits were jackets, sweater, and loose Japanese uniforms of all colors along with a matching skirt. Lang thought it looked perfect on her.

- - - - - - - - - -

Lang did the same thing over and over at the lab for months before she could finally have a part in awakening other pups. she was really looking forward to it and arrived early.

Somehow, everyone got used to having Lang around and gave her keycards to the places she visited often. It was normal to see Lang walking around the halls of the labs and eating in the staff cafeteria too.

'UUWUUU!!! I can't wait to help move the newborn pups!' Not all the researchers were there yet so Lang walked around and counted how many would awaken first. The reason she didn't see some of the pups she fought was because a group of pups were taken at a time.

Lang felt like she got to see behind the scenes of her awakening. She finished counting the pups and the last researchers arrived. It was time to get the pups out of the capsules!