
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · อื่นๆ
68 Chs


He was surprised once again! Glade tried flying at his fastest speed, and it almost doubled! Although it was hard to make the quickest reactions in time, he could fly much faster than the speed of sound now!

'With this, my search will be much quicker!' He was getting even more excited. He would find something in no time.

Five hours later, he kept flying at the same speed, it was around midnight now. Even though he didn't stop to catch any fish, he already traveled an incredible distance. The weather was getting slightly colder as well, it was only by a little though.

Glade stored some of his plasma inside his body, to warm himself up a bit. Maybe it was just him, but the cold was a little bothersome on his wings. As he stored up his plasma blasts, his spines glowed blue again from the heat, and he continued on for two more hours.

'Oh! An island, I'll just stay there for now.' Glade dived down and landed onto the top of a tree. He could see all the surroundings on the island this way.

Since his sight was greatly enhanced, he could almost see all the structures across the island. Soon he spotted a small cave on the side of a rocky hill. It seemed perfect for now. Glade took off and flew for the cave.

'There doesn't seem to be any dragons living here...' He had already walked in and took a look around. It was just a plain old cave.

Glade had deemed this cave to be free of any dragons and shot the blue plasma blasts that he saved up, into the ground. A shockwave of heat filled the cave. It was now the perfect temperature for him. Or to say, it was just how he preferred it.






'What's that..?' It was probably morning and the cave was still as warm as before. The only difference, was the little terrible terror laying in the corner of the cave!

'I didn't think a terrible terror would just waltz in here and fall asleep.' Glade didn't mind anyways, but if it were any other dragon the terrible terror would definitely have died.

He got up quietly and walked out of the cave. The grass and trees were wet with little droplets of dew, and the temperature was a lot colder. it was strange for the place to change so much in just one night, but he didn't mind it and flew away.

'The air is so fresh~! I haven't done this in a long time!' He flew high above the clouds and then dived down with his wings tucked.

Just before he fell completely, his wings spread out again, and he glided across the ocean at a high speed that made the water push away, even though he was quite a height above from it.

It was quite thrilling. However he had seen a few thunderdrums in the water, but they turned around and went the other way.

'This feeling?!' There was something he felt that started attracting him to the side a little. It was like he instinctively wanted to go in that direction without even knowing!

Unlike the time with the eel, he decided to follow his instincts this time and turned to fly that way. Not long until the feeling got even more powerful, and he used all his speed, breaking the speed of sound.




Many different kinds of dragon's roars. Then the sound of crashing water. Then, a huge gaping hole was in the middle of the ocean! The ocean water was falling into it like a waterfall, however, there were dragons inside of it.

His curiosity and instinct pulled him in. He didn't even know when he already arrived inside the place, but he looked around while flying. It looked like an entire different world. Fish came in from the water that fell, so there was plenty of food, but the entire place looked like it was glowing!

Small to huge glowing crystals were everywhere. Eggs were clustered together in nest as well. Hundreds of species of dragons flying in flocks together. A magnificent sight!

'This place is amazing~!' Everywhere he looked, Glade thought it was mystical.

"Hey, wait watch out!" A female dragon's voice was coming in closer to him at a high speed.

Too bad that Glade was distracted and didn't react in time.



"What's going on~~??!!!"

Both of them crashed into eachother head on and we're falling while their backs facing the ground. Fortunately, Glade got an hold if himself and turned around. He didn't forget the other dragon either, and grabbed onto her. Instantly after that, his wings spread opened and pushed them up.

The other dragon didn't say anything and he brought her over to a large flatter crystal. Only when he put her down and took an actual look at what dragon it was, he was stunned.

She looked just like a nightfury! There were only small differences between them. Her scales were smoothe, snow white, and glittery. Her eyes were a beautiful sky blue as well. It wasn't like a nightfury, but it was close enough that he felt an connection like they wee the same species!

"I'm so sorry about that, ah I'm so dizzy!" The beautiful glittering white dragon looked up at Glade. She seemed stunned as well. They both looked the same but different in some ways.

An awkward silence went on for about a minute as they were just stared at eachother. They couldn't figure out what dragon the other was.



More awkward silence continued.

"You can go first.." Glade broke the silence since the other dragon had something to say.

"A- Right! What type of dragon are you? We look so similar!" She looked really excited for some reason.

"I'm a Nightfury, what are you?" He tried to stay as calm as possible, he didn't want to sound super excited, since he was supposed to be a cool, powerful, and majestic Nightfury.

"Uhh.. if your a Nightfury, you could call me a Lightfury!" It seemed like she just came up with that name on the spot...