
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · อื่นๆ
68 Chs

Finished Goal

"Uh, alright! My name's Glade!"

"I'm Jewel!"

'I suck at social interactions!!!' 2x

"Jewel! I saw you crash! Are you okay! Who's this dragon?" Another Lightfury came flying in their direction. And landed next to Jewel. However, this Lightfury's eyes were slightly darker than Jewel's.

"This is Glade, a nightfury! I kinda crashed into him.."

"A Nightfury? Never heard of one, but you look pretty strong! What can you do?"

'She seems a little pushy, I'll just go along with it though.' The quickest and strongest attack he could do at the moment was a blue plasma blast.

He next second, Glade's spikes and mouth started to glow a bright blue, and he fired in a spot without any dragons nearby. The plasma blast exploded in mid air and a huge heat wave went through that entire area. Both of the Lightfuries seemed incredibly surprised.

"Holy! That was so powerful! Are all Nightfurys like that?!"

"Our speed is the most impressive though..." He felt like he was going to be bombarded with questions later...

"Okay..! That's enough...! Go back and take care of your brother." Jewel pushed the other Lightfury's face away, and that actually made her leave.

"Sorry about that. Y'know.. the whole, decreasing species thing.." It was a little awkward, but at least both of them could relate.

"Yeah! Me too, there are probably only of few of my species out there as well!" After he said that, the atmosphere suddenly became a gloomy one.

"A-anyways, I'm new around here.. could you give me a tour...?" Glade just knew he had to break that depressing air. It worked too.

"Sure! Follow me!" She turned around and flew up, followed by Glade, who went beside her.

"Basically, most of the whole place around here is free range. Except for the areas with nests in them. Especially Lightfury nests." While flying together, they passed by a crystal wall with nests of small slightly see-through eggs. Small white dragons were forming in them, however there was only around ten of those eggs.

In no time, Jewel and Glade flew around the entire hidden world. It had actually been more complex than he thought. Some tunnels led to smaller rooms while others were almost like a maze.

Night started to fall, but the small and large crystals started glowing even more! The entire cave world was brightly lit up by beautiful lights! Most of the dragons slept, while others flew around for a while, but Jewel led him somewhere different.

Across from the "Cave" there was the largest crystal on the entire cave. It glowed a purple and yellow, with smaller crystals at the bottom of it. A tunnel just to the right of it. Large enough to fit a Lightfury and a Nightfury.

He followed Jewel into the tunnel and they went through some long twists and turns before they reached a smaller cave. But it was filled with quite a few Lightfurys. Some were sleeping hanging by their tail on crystals, while others slept on the ground.

'I wanna try that...!' Glade excitedly hopped over to the bottom of one of the long crystals and carefully used his wings to propel himself up a bit. His feet touched the crystal and he immediately used the momentum to fall back and his tail wrapped around the crystal.

The bottom of his tail got in the way a bit, but it was surprisingly comfortable to hang like this. Glade covered himself with his large wings and fell asleep. Jewel saw this and decided to sleep on the empty crystal next to him.




"What type of dragon is he..?"

"So you think he's powerful?"

"He definitely looks powerful."

"Is he a different species?"

'What's with all the chatter?' He opened his eyes and brought his wings to the side. There were a bunch of Lightfuries underneath him!

The Lightfuries each had different shades of blue eyes. And the males had harder and rougher scales, with dark blue eyes. Jewel, who was next to him had just started waking up as well.

The moment she saw the other Lightfuries, her pupils restricted, making it look much sharper than her usual rounded eyes. The other Lightfuries noticed this and backed off a bit.

'Finally, I can stop hanging now..!' Glade copied what Jewel did, and made his tail let go of the crystal, and then turned around with his wings open. They both safely landed onto the ground, and the Lightfuries, once again, crowded around him.

"Hey, what dragon are you?"

"What can you do?"

"What do you think of Lightfuries?"

"Are you a good flyer?"

The questions kept coming before Jewel had let out an annoyed grunt.

"Let's go, we can come back later." Jewel walked into the tunnel and he made sure to follow after her. Then they both sat on the large crystals after getting through the tunnels.

"Sorry about them."

"It's alright. I don't mind that much." She and Glade watched the hidden world for a while before talking again.

"Um, Wanna practice flying with me?" There was nothing else to do in this place except to eat sleep and train.

"Sure!" Jewel actually said yes.

Glade took off first and then Jewel, he had flown out of the hidden world and above the entrance that led to it. He had to wait a few seconds for Jewel to catch up, since she flew a little slower than him.

They began flying rounds around the entrance and raced a few times. Glade won every single time though.

"Ca~can we take take a little break?" She was already out of breath after a few races. But, she was pretty amazed at his stamina. She was one if the more active Lightfuries and Glade still hadn't seemed the least bit tired.

"Sure, we can have a little snack too." Glade headed down for a few fish to eat. She had also flew down with him.

'Fresh fish is so good~! Wait a minute! I already completed the goal I had in mind! Does that mean I should head back to Valka and Cloudjumper?' He had just realized that he already finished his goal and found a species similar to him. Even though they weren't Nightfuries it was close enough.