
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · อื่นๆ
68 Chs


Light slipped through the white curtains and made the floor glow and he woke up.

'Today, im officially two years old.' Tian Xiao studied on his own while his mother gave him books. He learned everything himself. Reading, writing, and also everyday things. Such as time and a little math.

The past year went on with his mother doing absolutely nothing for him, other than feeding him the time he could walk on his own. That was it. Tian Xiao really didn't want to get up, but it was also taught by his mother to always get up from six to seven in the morning. He didn't understand why though.


A fat, black fly was buzzing around in his room. His eyes followed it, closely observing everywhere it flew. It landed on the shelves, then the desk, and finally flew up and down towards him. It was strange. Flies would always come back and get killed over and over. Especially fruit flies. The small bugs always hung around your face and get killed, but another would always come and do the same thing.

The big fly got closer and he held up his arm with his hand open. The fat fly landed onto the palm of his hand. The ticklish feeling of him walking on Tian Xiao's hand, it was too busy walking around that it didn't notice when he closed his hand and captured it.

The fat fly desperately banged it's body on the inside of Tian Xiao's hand. It didn't help and only injured it's own wings. He got up with the fly he caught, and walked to an empty white desk with a tank full of different sized Venus Fly Traps. He dropped the fat fly inside and quickly closed the top.

He just watched as the fly struggled to escape the sea of Venus Fly Traps. A smile that could send shivers down anyone's spine, crept onto the face of the little boy, who saw the smallest of the fly traps kill the fly.

"Tian Xiao! I'll be gone for a few days. Don't worry, i'll come back later!"

The creepy smile disappeared from his face when the door closed and his mother left.

'Mother has been going out a lot recently. How very strange that is.' Tian Xiao left his room and went to the kitchen. The fridge was empty. The dishes were somehow all dirty, when he cleaned them all last night. He had already gotten used to this happening. All he needed to do was clean the dishes and don't question anything.

Riinnggg---! Riiinnngg-----!

'Oh. the phone.' The phone on the wall started ringing and ringing. He turned off the faucet and picked it up.

"Baby, listen, I've been wanting to break up with you for a while. Sorry, I just, found someone I love even more. I hope you forgive me." A male voice on the other side of the phone. It hung up before Tian Xiao could do anything.

'I guess I know where mother has been going these past few weeks.'

After the phone call ended and he put the phone back, the entire house was dead silent. Not a single sound. Nothing. There was nothing to do there rest of the day besides chores. When he went to his room again, all he could do was watch the fly traps.

An hour past. Two hours past. Three hours past....


"Welcome home!" It was his mother.

Aside from her, another set of foot steps entered the house.

"It's good to be back again. How nostalgic!" A man who's voice wasn't very deep, sounded through the living room.

Tian Xiao peeked outside of his room, but a gesture his mother had made, made him go back into the room and close the door. What felt like hours were minutes and the happy talk outside of the door was audible to him.

"Hey, I haven't seen our child in two years, where is he?"

"Oh.. he's at a daycare. I didn't want him to interrupt us, you know?"

Tian Xiao clearly heard what his mother had said. Why didn't she want him to be seen? Questions filled his mind. His entire life was just this house and his mother. Another person he didn't know entered the house and it made him panic a little. Having to hide from the person didn't help in the slightest either.

'I'll just have to wait for the man to leave.' Tian Xiao sat leaning against the door.

"I'm going to use the bathroom first." The man got up and walked.

The bathroom was across from Tian Xiao's room. The man walked closer and the floor boards creaked as he got closer. With a click, the door across from him opened.

"Has this door always been this color?" The man got distracted. Tian Xiao's door actually used to be storage room with a blue door before it was painted white.

In that moment, it felt like time froze. The man opened the door and Tian Xiao turned his head to look up at the man. He recognized him! Although it was vague, the man was the one who visited him when he was born! He was happy but them next second was like torture.

The man's black eyes turned from surprise, confusion, and then to disgust. Mother had ran up to my room with a panicked look. It was the first time he saw such a look on his mother's face.

"What.. is this!?"

"I-It's... our child..."

"No! It's obviously someone else's! It doesn't look anything like you, or me!"

'Then.. this man is my father.' Tian Xiao remembered that he looked very caring when he was born. But, the man in front of him now, was furious and didn't have a hint of care for him.

'He looks very different from before.' He stood up and watched the entire argument between his father and mother. When it finally came to a close, father had forgiven mother.

Everything went on as usual and the only difference was an extra person in the house. Tian Xiao cooked and did chores as normal. Mother left alot after father went to work, and father did the same. He didn't understand why, but it was probably something normal for everyone else's parents too.