
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · สมัยใหม่
84 Chs

Expecting A Baby

Three months later.

Patrick became as a shadow of himself as he didn't spoked to his mother and his father actually returned back to their mansion and he heard all the complaint about him but Mr Dylan Anderson couldn't do anything either.

"Son, why would you stoop so low to a maid?. You know how much your mother detested anyone from a poor family background, why?."

Patrick didn't had any word for his father's questions either and after staying home for three months without visiting their company and hotel, he finally resumed.

"Son wouldn't you have breakfast first before leaving to the office?" Mrs Eleanor called back to Patrick as he stepped out dressed in a deep red suit matching with black shoes and his face looked strict.

"Am not hungry mother. I've to leave now."

Mrs Eleanor sighed as Patrick had became more aloof, and cold and he didn't stared to her face nor gave her any pecks before leaving to office. He clearly was showing his disgust and Mrs Eleanor shook her head sadly.

After a week Loveth was sent away, Mrs Olivia actually returned back to the country she was living with her husband and Isabel and her husband had moved into their states but they didn't had the chances to visit home.

Mrs Eleanor wanted to send Aria away but she feared bringing in a new maid whether old or young, as neither her husband nor son were trusted.

She saw Patrick didn't baited an eye on Nora nor Nova and she felt at peace with that.

Sitting down in the dinning table alone as her husband preferred having his breakfast in his chambers, she sighed heavily as she drank her herbal tea alone.

The house automatically became silent and she thought it best to search for a well reputable family daughter, to have their daughter engaged to her son for marriage. Probably that way Patrick would forgive her for terminating Loveth's pregnancy.


Patrick left to office with Jeff and he summoned for Jeff into his executive office on the 8th floor of his luxurious hotel.

"Have you found any traces of her yet?" Patrick asked, as he sat on his executive office seat, while Jeff stood rightly in front of him.

"No boss. Not yet" Jeff replied as he stared downward while Patrick sighed.

"I want you to find someone special to do the job. Even if it meant bribing the person. Just have them search for her and her family. I cannot ask Olivia for her information and I trust you to help me carry out with the job."

"Okay boss. I will look for some trusted person to search for her" Jeff replied.

"Hmm.. Is alright, you can leave." Patrick sighed heavily after Jeff left his executive office. He didn't had any photo or image about Loveth and the footage recording was totally cleared off by Olivia not leaving a single memory about her.

Patrick felt sad as he relaxed his back to the office seat thinking about Loveth.

"I really love her.. I truly do. Just hoped to find her soon."

Patrick felt at relief and he resumed with his office works.

Loveth and her family had relocated to another area after her stomach started growing bigger again.

First her father had spoken to them about finding a new house as he didn't trusted the Anderson family not to come back for them, and especially with how his wife had gone to Mrs Isabel Owen mansion to warned her about her daughter's state of health, they parked out to another area.

"Loveth!. What's wrong with you again?. I thought you said they aborted your pregnancy, How come your stomach is still growing bigger and you getting more sleepy daily?" Mrs Alice questioned as she just returned back from her fruit market and meet Loveth sleeping in their parlour.

"Mom, you're back?" Loveth yawned and asked as she sat up back on the mat she spread in their parlour and her mother's eyes narrowed at her.

"I think we need to go to the hospital at least to confirm what's wrong with you now?" Mrs Alice spoked, but Loveth frowned.

"Am fine mom. You don't worry about me" Loveth replied and her two younger sisters looked visibly worried.

"Don't mind her mom, I think she's still pregnant and probably lying to all of us. Since morning that am home here with her, she has just been sleeping, or spitting around, how else do you explain a pregnant woman, and she looks swollen too" Juliet spoked as Janet actually followed their mother to her shade at the market square.

"Hmm. Is already late for today. Tomorrow, we will go to the hospital first thing in the morning. I would have contacted Mrs Avery, but your father wouldn't be happy if he heard that as he clearly stated, he doesn't want any of our former neighbors to know of our whereabout."

"Okay mom" Juliet and Janet left to their indoor kitchen to prepare their dinner as the rented apartment was actually a 2-bedroom apartment.

"Loveth. Don't let it be that you went ahead and slept with another man, whenever we're not home."

"Mom!" Loveth gasped in shocked and her sleepyhead became active as her eyes narrowed at her mom's word.

"Why will I sleep with someone else?" Loveth asked and her mother laughed out.

"Are you asking me?. How would I know, or how did you slept with your madam son?. Tomorrow we're going to the hospital and I will remember to ask your father for the money. Silly girl" Mrs Alice stood up and left their parlour as she walked into the room she shared with her husband to take her bath.

Loveth was silent as she watched her mother reported her to her father, immediately after dinner at night and her father sighed.

"Is alright. Tomorrow you take her to the hospital to find out."

The following day, Mrs Alice woke Loveth up, as early as 7am.

"Stand up and go and bath quickly" Mrs Alice said to Loveth, and Loveth frowned not wanting to head anywhere.

"Mom, is still early and am tired. I want to still sleep small."

"Shut your mouth and get down now, before I dragged you down by myself."

Loveth had no other option than to prepare and bath and when they got to the hospital, she sat on the guest seat waiting while her mother filled out her information.

They hardly went to the hospital as they mostly took herbal medicine from Mrs Avery, and it was actually her first time of visiting a clinic.

Soon the lab doctor approached her and drew out some of her blood to run some test and when it got to Loveth's turn to see the doctor, the male doctor smiled to Mrs Alice and Loveth as they walked into his office.

"Good afternoon doctor" Mrs Alice greeted the handsome young man that was the doctor in charge of the clinic.

"Yes welcome. Whom among you is Ms Loveth Logan?" The handsome dark skin doctor asked and Mrs Alice pointed to Loveth.

"Okay, I can see she looks dull already. Have your seats."

"Thank you Doctor" Mrs Alice replied as she was already tired, having to wait until it got to their turn to see the doctor.

"What's her complaint?" The doctor asked, but Loveth didn't spoked as she pouted her lips and stared away not liking the smell of disinfectant sprayed around the doctor's office.

"Pardon?" The handsome doctor raised his head up from what he was reading and stared to Loveth and her mother as he had waited for them to spoked.

"Doctor. I don't know what's wrong with her. Her madam sent her away from their mansion and she claimed they aborted her pregnancy and we saw her bleed!ng. Now her stomach is swelling up and we feel she's still pregnant and with a child in her womb." Mrs Alice spoked as she frowned and the handsome doctor raised his head up again and smiled to her.

"Of course, Her medical test result shows she's 12-weeks pregnant. Did you said she aborted nor bleed?."

"Yes doctor. How's she pregnant, for who?."

"Calm down madam. I think your daughter here is no longer a kid. You should patiently ask her whom she meet with after the abortion, or probably the baby wasn't aborted or she still had some semen left in her womb waiting to hatch another egg, so possibly she got pregnant again."

Mrs Alice jaw dropped and she immediately swallowed.

"How's that possible doctor?. She bled and lost the pregnancy, although we didn't did any test on her then."

"Is okay madam. I can understand your fright. But there's nothing to worry about, I will place her on some medication to help her feel better, but she's pregnant and expecting a baby soon, if not twins " The doctor smiled but Mrs Alice wasn't smiling as her mind was totally enraged, so she wondered, 'Did Loveth still shamelessly went to slept with another man?. Is alright.'

"Here's her medication list Ma'am. Meet with the nurses outside, they will direct you to the clinic pharmacy to get her drugs."

"Okay Doctor. Thank you" Mrs Alice offered a forced smile as she collected the file and she walked out with Loveth.