
The Unfathomable Terrors That Lurks Amongst The Stars[On Hold]

A Collection Of Storyline In Parallel Sections Between Character By Character, Making Terrors, Horrifying Stories, Sci-fi, And More -Updates Is Very Optional Because I'm Very Busy During The Night And Day, Also decided to abandoned the dream of creating stories for overpowering characters now! due to some motivation and inspiration! I Glady take this a new challenge! sometimes updates are fast and slow so Ps! don't worry I'll update!!- -Updates Randomly In A Week- -Amount To Update Is Random In A Day- -Temporary Cover-

Kai_The_Author · ไซไฟ
33 Chs

Chapter 27: Detective Mister Misfortune

In Europe a famous detective called Mister misfortune was always an unlucky guy, but even though he is unlucky he solved every single crime in The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden And Many More.

Now misfortune was now sitting in a chair at his office, people still think his the unlucky person, but he thinks his misfortune was luck all along.

As Mister Misfortune sat in his small office, he stared at the stack of papers on his desk. Each document represented a case that he had solved over the years. Despite the misfortune that seemed to follow him everywhere, he had managed to solve more than a hundred mysterious and criminal cases.

Mister Misfortune was considered one of the greatest detectives in the world. He was known for his keen intellect, his sharp eye for detail, and his ability to solve even the most complex cases. However, what set him apart from other detectives was his misfortune, which he often referred to as his luck.

One day, as Mister Misfortune was walking in the far side of the west of the Philippines in Europe, he heard a loud commotion coming from a nearby alley. Without hesitation, he ran towards the sound and saw a man lying on the ground, surrounded by a group of thugs. The man was badly beaten and had lost consciousness.

Mister Misfortune quickly assessed the situation and realized that the man was a wealthy businessman who had been robbed by the thugs. Without wasting any time, he called the police and provided them with a description of the suspects. He then waited with the victim until the police arrived.

As the police took the suspects away, the businessman regained consciousness and thanked Mister Misfortune for his help. He explained that he had been carrying a large sum of money and important documents, which were now safely returned to him.

Mister Misfortune smiled and simply shrugged his shoulders. "Just my luck," he said.

The businessman was puzzled by Mister Misfortune's statement, but he didn't have time to ask any questions before the detective disappeared into the night.

Over the years, Mister Misfortune had solved countless cases by relying on his luck. He always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, and he had a knack for uncovering clues that others had missed. Some people believed that his misfortune was actually a gift, one that he had learned to embrace and use to his advantage.

Whatever the reason, there was no denying that Mister Misfortune was one of the most successful detectives in the world. He had earned the respect and admiration of his peers, and he had made a name for himself as a master of his craft.

As he sat in his office and looked at the stack of papers on his desk, he couldn't help but smile. Despite all the misfortunes he had faced, he had managed to turn them into opportunities. For Mister Misfortune, luck truly was the key to his success.

Mister misfortune was now closing he locked his office at goes down stairs, he walks away to the building where he was always at work, he then stand in a bus stop waiting for the bus to come.

As Mister Misfortune stood under the shelter of a bus stop, he noticed something unusual happening. Letters of every language started to appear and swirl chaotically around him. The letters seemed to form words and sentences, but he could not decipher them.

Mister Misfortune wondered if it was his misfortune playing tricks on him or if he was witnessing something extraordinary. His curiosity getting the better of him, he took a step towards the swirling letters.

As he reached out to touch them, the letters suddenly stopped moving and formed the name of a street. Mister Misfortune looked up and saw that it was an unfamiliar name in a part of the city he rarely visited.

Despite feeling unsettled, Mister Misfortune felt compelled to follow the signs. He hailed a cab and gave the driver the address. The eerie silence in the car was only interrupted by the sound of the raindrops hitting the car windows.

When Mister Misfortune reached his destination, he realized that he was standing outside St. Peter's Cathedral, a place he had never been before. He felt his heart racing and wondered what was waiting for him inside.

As he entered the cathedral, he was greeted by an old man. The man was dressed in a black robe and looked like a priest. He introduced himself as Father Gabriel and explained that he had been waiting for him.

Mister Misfortune was confused. He had no idea why Father Gabriel was waiting for him, but the swirling letters had brought him here. Father Gabriel explained that he had a task for Mister Misfortune, one that was of great importance.

The old priest told him that a group of criminals had stolen a valuable artifact from the Vatican and that they planned to use it for their sinister purposes. He asked Mister Misfortune for help in retrieving the artifact before it was too late.

Mister Misfortune was hesitant at first. He had never worked on a case that involved the Vatican, and he was never a religious man. But he knew that it was his duty as a detective, and he had to help in any way he could.

Father Gabriel provided him with all the relevant information, and together, they formulated a plan. Without giving much thought, Mister Misfortune set out to retrieve the artifact.

It was a dangerous task, but thanks to his experience and luck, he was able to retrieve the artifact and return it to Father Gabriel at the Cathedral. The priest was grateful and thanked him for his help. Mister Misfortune felt relieved, knowing that the artifact was back in safe hands.

As he left the Cathedral, he felt grateful for the letters that had brought him here. He wondered who or what had caused them to appear and guide him to the right place at the right time. But he knew that wherever they came from, he would always be ready for the next adventure, and then he goes off to find the artifacts.

Mister Misfortune resumed his mission to retrieve the stolen artifact of the Vatican around Europe. His next destination was France, knowing that this country had a history of art and culture that could be linked to the possession of rare historical pieces of art and relics.

As he arrived in France, he was greeted by the scenic view of the Eiffel Tower and an atmosphere of classical architecture. He felt that he would enjoy his stay in this country but he couldn't let himself be distracted.

He gathered information from different sources, and finally, he learned of a private auction that was taking place, rumored to have rare historical pieces of art.

Mister Misfortune decided to investigate the auction. He put on his best suit and entered the building where the auction was to be held. As he walked in, he was welcomed by an elegant crowd of rich art enthusiasts.

He moved around the room, pretending to be a buyer, and observed the artifacts that were on display. But something caught his attention. He recognized the artifact that the Vatican was missing from one of the displays.

Mister Misfortune couldn't believe his eyes, but he had to think fast. He needed to come up with a plan to retrieve the artifact without alarming anyone. Mister Misfortune realized that he was not alone in his quest, and his competitors may not hesitate to get rid of him to get their hands on the artifact.

He secretly signaled an undercover detective he has worked with before to join him. The detective joined him, acting as his aide, and they both bid for the artifacts until it got to the artifact they were interested in.

Mister Misfortune and the detective were successful at outbidding their competitors and managed to get their hands on the artifact. As they were leaving the building, they were stopped by the auction organizers, and a physical altercation broke out.

Mister Misfortune, being experienced with fighting, outsmarted the organizers and subdued them. As he and the detective were making their way out of the building, they realized that they were being followed by an unknown figure.

Getting out of breath, Mister Misfortune and the undercover detective made it back to their hideout, barely escaping the clutches of their pursuers. They both celebrated their win and examined the artifact carefully before contacting the Vatican representatives.

As they contacted the Vatican representatives to arrange the return of the artifacts, they finally had a moment of peace. Mister Misfortune couldn't believe the lengths he had to go to just to retrieve the artifacts from the thieves.

He knew that this adventure was far from over and that there was still more to come, but he was ready for anything that came his way.

After successfully returning all the artifacts, Mister Misfortune traveled to England, hoping to solve other cases that may be waiting for him. It was a rainy night, and as he walked through the empty streets, he couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities of other universes that might exist just like his own.

Mister Misfortune was well-versed in many theories, including the infinite dimensional theory, the tree of life and death, and other philosophy and theories of other philosophers. He knew that these theories suggested that there might be other universes that existed with different versions of himself living different lives.

Despite his knowledge, the thought of multiple versions of himself existing in other universes made him feel uneasy. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was the only one in control of his life.

Mister Misfortune knew that he lacked the performance of a philosopher, but he also understood that his profession, being a detective, was as valuable in solving cases and getting justice for the victims of crimes.

As he walked, he thought about how his luck and misfortune had brought him to where he was today, and he appreciated the opportunity to help others by using his skills as a detective.

Just as the rain continued to pour, a sudden scream interrupted his thoughts. Mister Misfortune immediately became alert and ran towards the direction of the noise.

He found himself in front of an old mansion, and he heard voices that suggested that something was wrong. Mister Misfortune knew better than to give up on investigating and approached the mansion's gates.

He was almost stopped by a security guard, who questioned his presence in the area. But Mister Misfortune was not an ordinary detective, so he showed his identification and was allowed in.

As he walked through the halls of the mansion, he noticed that the paintings on the walls were all portraits, each one different from the other, but all of them of the same man.

Mister Misfortune was intrigued but felt a shiver down his spine. He knew that something was wrong, and he was determined to find out what it was.

He continued to search the mansion and discovered an underground chamber. There he found the inhabitants of the mansion gathered in front of a portal with blue light beaming out of it. It was then he knew that he had uncovered something beyond the laws and dimension of his world.

As he entered this strange world, Mister Misfortune felt a shiver run down his spine. It was as if he had entered a realm where anything was possible, and yet nothing was really real.

He looked around him, taking in the strange sights and sounds of this lesser narrative world. He saw strange creatures darting here and there, creatures that seemed to be made up of pure light and energy. He heard whispers and murmurs coming from all around him, as if the very air itself were alive with secrets.

Mister Misfortune felt a creeping sense of unease settle over him as he walked deeper into this strange land. He felt as though he was being watched, as if something or someone was waiting for him just around the corner.

It was then that he saw it, looming up before him like some great monolith of darkness and despair. It was a tower, taller than any he had ever seen, and its blackened surface seemed to suck in all light and hope around it.

Without knowing why, Mister Misfortune felt drawn towards the tower. He felt like he had to go there, to see what lay inside its dark and foreboding walls.

As he approached the tower, he heard the whispers and murmurs growing louder and more insistent. It was as if the very sky itself was trying to warn him away from the tower, to tell him that danger lay within.

But Mister Misfortune was not one to back down from a challenge. He raised his head high and stepped across the threshold of the tower, steeling himself for whatever horrors lay ahead.

Little did he know that what awaited him inside would be far worse than anything he could ever have imagined...

Mister misfortune saw a tower and was walking towards it.

As Mister Misfortune entered the tower, the darkness consumed him. He could barely see his own hand in front of his face, and the whispers and murmurs grew louder and more insistent.

Suddenly, a light flickered in the distance. It was small, like a single candle flame, but it was enough to catch Mister Misfortune's attention. He followed the light, stepping carefully through the darkness.

As he approached the source of the light, he saw that it was coming from a single room. He pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Inside the room, Mister Misfortune saw a figure huddled in the corner. He could not make out its features, but he could sense its fear.

"Who are you?" Mister Misfortune asked, his voice echoing in the small room.

The figure did not respond, but simply trembled in the corner.

Mister Misfortune approached the figure, and as he drew closer, he saw that it was not human at all, but a strange creature that seemed to be made of pure darkness.

"What are you?" he asked again, but the creature did not answer.

Suddenly, the whispers and murmurs grew louder and more insistent than ever before. Mister Misfortune felt a cold chill run down his spine as he realized that the darkness that surrounded him was alive.

He tried to turn and run, but it was too late. The darkness consumed him, and he was lost in its endless depths.

Little did he know that he was now trapped in this world of the lesser narratives, and that escape would be impossible...

As Mister Misfortune found himself trapped in the world of the lesser narratives, he felt something inside him snap. A newfound power surged through his body, and he could feel that he had become something more than himself.

With this power, he could sense the world around him on an entirely new level. The lesser narratives that had once seemed so all-consuming were now like tiny insects beneath him, something he could compare to himself as a higher dimensioned entity.

As he continued to walk the golden ratio staircase, his consciousness expanded, and he only grew stronger with every step. His mind became a conduit for raw power, and with it, he was able to reshape the world around him.

Now, he looked around himself, gazing down upon the lesser narratives that had once been his prison. They seemed infinitely small, insignificant in his now-great power.

He saw their struggles, saw their lives flickering by in brief flashes of time, each one as limited and fragile as a butterfly flitting through the breeze.

And with a wave of his hand, Mister Misfortune could bring a swift end to their struggles. He watched as they were crushed like insects, their brief existence snuffed out just as easily as a candle blown out on a birthday cake.

For a moment, he felt a twinge of guilt, for what he was doing was wholly unnatural. But then, he remembered what the lesser narratives had done to him, how they had entrapped him and threatened to consume him entirely.

And so, he continued his march down in the lesser narratives like in a staircase, bringing destruction to all the lesser narratives in his path. He had become something greater than himself, and he would not stop until he had reduced this world to nothing more than ash and dust.

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