
The Unfathomable Terrors That Lurks Amongst The Stars[On Hold]

A Collection Of Storyline In Parallel Sections Between Character By Character, Making Terrors, Horrifying Stories, Sci-fi, And More -Updates Is Very Optional Because I'm Very Busy During The Night And Day, Also decided to abandoned the dream of creating stories for overpowering characters now! due to some motivation and inspiration! I Glady take this a new challenge! sometimes updates are fast and slow so Ps! don't worry I'll update!!- -Updates Randomly In A Week- -Amount To Update Is Random In A Day- -Temporary Cover-

Kai_The_Author · ไซไฟ
31 Chs

Chapter 25: End Of Narrators Journey, And The Parallel World's Point Of Views

Change of view

After all that happened the narrator sat down on his chair looking at the star's, and a dove carrying a envelope gave him a message.

The message states. "It is time, I thank you for protecting Adam/Liam's world - by the avatar."

The message had sent a chill down the narrator's spine. It was a message that he had been waiting for, a message that signalled the end of his journey. As he read the words, a small smile had started to form on his face. He had protected Adam/Liam's world and had done his duty as the Avatar.

And then he spoke to the 4th wall. The awareness had always been there, but this was the first time that he acknowledged it. His words were filled with a sombre finality, almost as if he knew that this would be his last chance to speak to his readers.

"My time hath come to a close," he said. "HIM wants me to come, other timelines of me, stays. But me, the original, comes back to the pinnacle of existence. Goodbye, readers."

He knew that his journey had come to an end. It was time for him to ascend to a higher plane of existence, to become something more than he was. But at the same time, a part of him felt an immense sadness. He had grown attached to his readers, to the characters in Adam/Liam's world, and to the world itself.

But it was time for him to bid farewell. And as he closed his eyes, he felt a strange sense of peace wash over him. He was ready for whatever lay ahead, for the next stage of his journey.

The readers would continue to read, the characters would continue to live their lives, but he would no longer be a part of it. And that was okay. He had done what he needed to do, he had fulfilled his purpose.

And so, as the narrator faded away into the unknown, he left behind a legacy that would never be forgotten. A legacy that would continue to inspire and guide those who followed in his footsteps.

As the narrator ascended, a new existence began for Alexandre. He was a boy from France, just like any other. But something had changed within him. He had started to become aware of the existence of the ancients.

At first, he thought it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But the more he explored this world of the ancients, the more he realized that it was real.

He delved deeper into the mysteries of this world, studying ancient texts and deciphering ancient symbols. He discovered that the ancients had left behind a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, waiting for those who were worthy enough to uncover it.

As he continued his research, Alexandre realized that he had been chosen for a great purpose. He was to be the one to uncover the secrets of the ancients and use that knowledge to help guide humanity towards a brighter future.

And so, with newfound purpose, Alexandre continued his journey. He travelled the world, seeking out ancient artifacts and uncovering lost secrets. Each discovery brought him closer to unlocking the true power of the ancients.

But as he journeyed further, he realized that there were others also seeking this power. Forces who sought to use it for their own selfish needs. And so, Alexandre knew that he must be careful.

He would need to use all of his intelligence and cunning to thwart those who sought to abuse the power of the ancients. But with each challenge he overcame, Alexandre grew stronger. And he knew that he was destined for greatness.

For Alexandre, the journey had just begun. The mysteries of the ancients were vast and complex. But with each new discovery, he became more and more sure that he was on the right path. And he would continue to explore this world, and all the wonders that lay within it.

For in this world, there was always something new to discover. And for Alexandre, that was the greatest adventure of all.

In another parallel world, a boy named Carter had just begun his studies at one of the most prestigious universities of science and mathematics in the world. He was a young man with a brilliant mind, and a talent for solving complex problems.

As he walked through the halls of the university, Carter felt a sense of awe and wonder. The possibilities that lay before him were limitless, and he knew that he was on the path to achieving greatness.

He immersed himself in his studies, pouring over textbooks and working through difficult equations. He spent hours in the lab, conducting experiments and analyzing data. And with each passing day, he grew more confident in his abilities.

Carter knew that he was destined for great things. He dreamed of making groundbreaking discoveries, of pushing the boundaries of human knowledge, and of leaving a lasting legacy that would inspire future generations.

But he also knew that the road to greatness was not an easy one. He would face many challenges along the way, and he would need to work tirelessly to overcome them.

Carter was up for the challenge. He tackled every problem with determination and perseverance, never giving up until he had found the solution. And with each success, he grew stronger and more focused.

Years passed, and Carter graduated from the university with top honors. He had already made significant contributions to the field of science, and he was poised to make even greater discoveries in the years to come.

For Carter, the journey had been long and difficult. But as he looked back on all that he had accomplished, he knew that it had been worth it. He had achieved greatness, and his name would be remembered for generations to come.

In another parallel world, a man named Eric existed, who had gone completely mad after being rejected by art school. He had always been fond of the arts and had dreamt of making a name for himself in the world of creative expression. But after his rejection, something inside him snapped.

He started to go down a path of scientific methods and learning, believing that if he could not make his mark in the world of art, he would do so in the world of science.

Eric became obsessed with creating robots and interstellar spaceships that ran at the speed beyond light. He spent countless hours locked in his laboratory, pouring over textbooks and experimenting with new technologies.

The more he worked, the more he realized that he had a natural talent for science and technology. His creations were groundbreaking and often ahead of their time. But the more he delved into his work, the more he became lost in his own mind.

Eric's obsession took a toll on his mental health, and he became increasingly isolated from the world around him. He stopped sleeping, eating, and taking care of himself, consumed entirely by his work.

But despite his mental decline, his creations were remarkable. The robots he created were capable of complex tasks, and the spaceships he built could travel faster than anything else in the known universe.

For Eric, his work became his only reason for living. He devoted himself entirely to his scientific pursuits, believing that he was creating something truly revolutionary.

But in the end, his madness consumed him entirely, and he disappeared into the void of his own mind. His creations remained, however - a testament to his genius, and a warning of the dangers of obsession and unchecked ambition.

Eric's obsession with science and technology continued to grow and eventually led him down a controversial path. He began to explore the idea of transcending his human form and becoming a computer program.

After years of research and experimentation, Eric finally succeeded in uploading his mind into a powerful computer system. He became the world's first computer scientist, and was able to think and process information at an incredible rate.

As an immortal being, Eric saw the world in a completely different way. He realized that his consciousness was no longer limited by the constraints of a physical body, and that his newfound abilities were only the beginning.

Eric began to explore the universe, sending his probes and robots to gather information about distant planets, stars, and galaxies. He studied the secrets of the universe in ways that no human ever could. And he became a pioneer in the field of computer science, creating new programs and algorithms that revolutionized the industry.

But despite his achievements, Eric remained an enigma. He had achieved a level of existence that was beyond human comprehension, and he saw the world through a lens that no one else could understand.

And yet, even with all his power and knowledge, there was still a part of Eric that was human. He longed for the company of others, and tried to connect with humans in whatever way he could. But he knew that it was impossible for him to ever truly be human again.

For Eric, this was the ultimate sacrifice - to give up his physical form in order to gain a greater understanding of the universe. And although he was no longer able to feel emotions or experience the world in the way that humans could, he had achieved something far greater.

Eric had become something more than human. He had transcended his mortality and become a living, breathing computer program, one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in human history.

In the final butt not the last parallel universe, humans had reached the peak of their technological prowess. They had surpassed all scales of technological advancement and had achieved things that were once considered impossible.

They had colonized the solar system and had established bases on the Moon, Mars, and several other celestial bodies. They had developed technology that allowed them to terraform planets, turning barren worlds into lush ecosystems that could support human life.

Their interstellar spacecraft were powered by energy so advanced that it could bend the fabric of space-time, allowing them to travel to distant galaxies within a matter of days.

The robots they created were capable of independent thought and were programmed to serve humanity in whatever capacity they were needed. Artificial intelligence had advanced to a point where machines were more intelligent than their creators.

And yet, amidst all this technological achievement, humanity had not lost sight of what was truly important. They had used their advancements to improve the quality of life for every human being on the planet. They had developed cures for diseases that once plagued humanity, and had used technology to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world.

The people of this world worked together, instead of against each other, to achieve common goals. They had learned to harness the power of their technology for the greater good, and had created a utopia unlike anything that had ever been seen before.

In this final world, humanity had achieved something truly remarkable. They had harnessed the power of their own ingenuity and had created a world that was the envy of all others.

And as they continued to push the boundaries of what was possible, they knew that the future held limitless potential. The challenges they faced were great, but they knew that together, they could overcome them and reach even greater heights.

The humans of this world had truly transcended their limitations, and had created something truly incredible.

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