
Insecurities (2)

While what he said had somewhat settled her heart, the truth was that she was still worried about their relationship. If only this trouble would go away. It would be much better if he wasn't an aristocrat or she was one. Reality however, could not be changed by either one of them.

"Okay. next time, I'll make sure to ask you first and wait for your response." Kim remarked.

"You should shower though, your hair smells funny." He commented breezily while still sniffing in her scent like a druggie.

With her sharp elbows, she made to hit his stomach, "If it smells, why then are you sniffing like a dog," she huffed.

Rubbing his stomach, he asked, "Can't you make a better comparison?" Trapping her with his embrace again, he added, "Besides, you smell so good."