
The Undead Gamer

Eric is a failure. A person whose parents aren't proud of him. A person who is quite literally trash. But there is one this he is good at - Video Games. He is one of the strongest PVP players in the game 'ORION'. A no-life tryhard PVPer who revels in toxic behaviour online and shitting on players who are worse than him. One day, however, he decides to go outside after a long while. To get some fresh air. But, that was a grave mistake on his part. *BEEEP* *BEEEEP* *CRASH* Eric died in a car accident. But, Fate is a funny and unpredictable thing, as he gets reincarnated into the world of the game he once mastered, ORION. But not as his player avatar, or any other NPCs, but as a trash mob character that players used to farm for early game exp points. A skeleton wight. Thankfully though, he isn't completely screwed, since he has the system of the game with him and can level up, just like any normal player. But there's one more problem - He knows nothing of the storyline! He was only a PVP player! He just played the game enough to get his gear and went straight into PVP! How is he going to survive in this new and unforgiving world?! Cover Image is AI generated lol.

Slayer_Souls · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Skeleton Eric.

'What happened...', Eric thought as the world around him slowly materialised in his vision.

The sight that followed Eric horrified him to the very core.

Skeletons, torture devices and ancient dried-up bloodstains were all over the room he was in.


Even though Eric was terrified, he couldn't make any noise. And his body made strange sounds.

'Clatter? What the?', Eirc thought before checking his body.

As he checked his body, all he could feel was disbelief and confusion.

'Wh-where's my body? Why am I all bones?', he thought. The shock was so strong that he wasn't even shocked anymore. He just wanted to figure out just what the hell happened.

'I... Remember I went out to walk in the midnight... and then...', he recalled everything that happened.

'Am I dead?', he thought, examining his new skeletal form.

'*Sigh... so is this hell? or limbo? where the hell am I?', he thought, trying to stand up on his bony feet.

*Clatter* *Tap* *Slide*

His skeletal figure made solid noises.

He looked around the room, littered with filth and a gruesome scene of dead skeletons and torture devices.

He just stood there, motionless, as he thought of what he could do in such a situation.

It was strange, even though he was all bones, he could still feel a slight sensation of touch through them. Well, it was strange enough that he was standing upright as a skeleton, but he decided to not worry too much at this moment. After all, there was no possible explanation for this predicament he was currently facing.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Eric heard a Ping sound. It was an extremely familiar sound to Eric. He used to hear that sound all day, every day.

The sound of the System in ORION.

He looked up and sure enough, there was a familiar floating window in front of his hollow eyes.

[Welcome, Xander_@!]

[Your previous session was terminated because you had lost your host body.]

[As compensation, your soul has been integrated into a new host that fit your soul!]

[Here is your status:]

[Name: Xander_@ {Xander}, {Eric}]

[Race: Skeleton Wight]

[Level: 1]

[Class: {Unlocked after level 10}]

[STR: 4]

[STM: INF {infinite, influenced by race}]

[CON: 6]

[MAG: 5]

[WIS: 4]

[CHR: NaN {Skeletons don't have charm}]

[Weaknesses {Influnced by race}: Holy Magic, Fire, Blunt damage]

[Immunities {Influnced by race}: Fatigue, Mental Magic, Darkness, Miasma, Poison, Disease, Ageing, Death Magic, Coldness, Pain]

[Skills: {Dark Vision (passive)}]

'Holy shit... this is insane...', Eric thought.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He had been reincarnated into the body of a trash mob, a Skeleton Wight.


Eric's jaw bones started jittering and hitting each other. His excitement couldn't be controlled.

'I can't believe I've been transmigrated into ORION!!!!!'

'That is the message you get when you either delete your account and create a new one, or your account gets corrupted or hacked and ORION gives you a free account!'

'Wait, does this mean that because I have died, or in other words, my account got deleted, this Skeleton Wight was created?'

Eric once again started overthinking his now non-existent brain.

'URGH! Who cares?! I'm thankful that I finally died and left that fucking world... I don't care if this is a dream or not, but I will 100% take this as seriously as possible. I wasn't a tryhard in the game for nothing!', Eric thought.

'...But... How do I get levels?', Eric immediately got into his first dilemma.

Being a PVP player, he knew very little of the main storyline of the game. He knew some good farming methods but that was it. He knew nothing other than just that.

'In the game, when I created my PVP account, I just followed a guide to go into a dungeon, farm some skeletons for a few hours and gain enough EXP to get to level 10 and then go to the respective class (that you pick) farming grounds. After reaching a certain level, just grind dungeons for like a month and you'll reach level 50. After that, defeat some overworld bosses, and some world bosses, and play with other players to complete difficult quests. This will push you to the Level 100 cap within about 6 months of playing... But, I don't know if I can do quests with others in this world to gain EXP...', Eric thought.

'Let's at least get to level 10 first and pick my class. I'll think about the rest later...'

Eric now returned back to the realm of ORION and left the realm of thinking.

He turned his skull left and right, attempting to locate any exit paths.

He found one, to his left.

He walked over to the rusty old door and attempted to push it outwards.

After some time of pushing, the old door opened with a disgusting sound.

The door revealed a long corridor.