
The Undead Apocalypse ;Endless terror

2025 new virus spreads after the covid 19 "Covid vaccine fails", A new covid variant appears and the people who died from this covid variant start's to rise again and eat other people alive people who get bitten becomes infected and become undead. People who get vaccinated becomes more vulnerable to this virus due to its compatibilty to the host who already have a virus in their body. How can you survive in this apocalyptic world.

2ND_GABSENSEI · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1

2025 March 15

-Flash Report

(Reporter in helicopter)

I am here at the top of Beijing its only been 2 hours since the Chinese Government stated that China is now in the State of Emergency level 3 and the Beijing and Wuhan is under the martial Law, due to the new Covid Virus Variants it says that this covid virus is the most dangerous virus due to its high Fatality rate it was only been a day since this virus appears and it was already killed more than 100 people,

We also get some information from our reliable source that people who get infected become violent and feral we also get some testimonies that some infected bite and harm other people, Our team doctor says that those symptoms is not from covid but a symptoms from a rabies.

As we can see here from the top of the city the army and police is having checkpoints in every street and the citizens are all in their own house to quarantine themselves for a month, President Xin Jing Ping promise to his citizen that the government will give supplies in to their house and the citizens only need to remain on their house for a month.

-Mom take a look at this, a news came from China it says that there's have a new covid variant and it sounds scary the symptoms is like a zombie from those movies that i always watch.

Mary is cooking when she hear about the news from lily she quickly rinse her hands from soap and go into the living and watched the news, She have a very bad feeling about it, because his husband is currently in China for a business Deal.

Lily! call your big brother, tell him to go home early.

Hello? Hello? the call was answered an irritated voice reply " why did you call me Lily, I was still in the office, make sure to make that important"

what? Mom told me to call you and how dare you talk to a princess like me in that tone?

Ahhh okay! okay! what mom wants to say quick my boss is looking at me.

Mom says Go home early, "why do i need to go home, i still have a lot of things to do"

Mom Says that you should go early and contact father ,because currently father was stranded at China, Mother says that you have a friend that head in the N.A.I.A maybe you can ask help from him to help father escape from China.

What? why do i need to do that, Dad can handle his own, And dad is only at Beijing we know that it was a very safe city so you guys don't need to worry about that.

Brother? you didn't know about the news? you moron take a look at your phone. it was an emergency dad's life is in danger?

what kind of bullshit is that? if you are bluffing i will cut your allowance.

He hang up the phone, Lily was pissed because his big brother always grumpy since he started to work, Gab recently graduate as Programmer and got a chance to work in a very big company here In the Philippines.

Gab open his New tube and go to DMA 7 channel, he look into the live news, The live news says that the virus from China enter the Philippines 7 Filipino was detected to be infected at NAIA airport, It says that the zombie apocalypse is happening, the report was interrupted by a flash report from the Malacañang Palace (Malacañang Palace is the center building of the government of Philippines it was the same as white house).

Gab quickly call his officemates to watch, What the President will say's about the virus.

His office mates, Doesn't have any clue about what's happening outside because they are too focus on their work, Gab says that zombie apocalypse is happening and the President will give an information so they should need to watch the news, His workmates doubt him but they knew that this guy would never utter such a joke, They look at the phone they saw president Bong Bon Marcus.

* Live News

My fellow Filipino people, I am very sorry to inform you guys but we couldn't hide it anymore. The Republic of the Philippines is now under the national state of the calamity, And the whole Philippines is at the state of martial law, Most of you already saw this at the news about the virus as a protector of the Philippines I will give information about the virus as much as I can, We are suggesting that we must remain inside our house until the further instructions, charge your phones batteries and stock the water and don't go to the place where most populated, Become a deaf when you hear a screaming outside your house, And to be ready guys make your own weapon, but don't challenge this undead creatures the army will respond and make a safe refugee camp," I repeat remain outside and wait for the authority"

HAHAHAHAHAH!!! bunch of Bastards do you really believe those outrageous things, ( Mr. Gomez is the manager of the company)

(Ryan) But Mr. Gomez the president is the one who's speaking, its means it was true!

- The crowd is agreeing from Ryan's statements

Maybe the government is pranking us? right? so where's the camera show it?

- No one answer his questions.

What kind of bullshit is that dead people that running and Killing people do you really think that I believe at those crap, Bunch of idiots look at the window, The Mr. Gomez Pull the remove the curtain and they saw an airplane crashing into a building, Piles of cars that stuck of traffic tall humanoid being that wreaking havoc,

The Old fat manager terrified at the scene he is seeing with his own 2 eyes.

Gabriel's coworkers also saw what happened outside some women started crying, The boys/interns is panicking and the Men are thinking how can they go back in their house alive because they need to protect their own family.

" Guys Hear me out" Gabriel Get the attention of his coworkers.

Guys calm down if you guys really want to survive what we need to do is get ready to go outside

A woman name Linda shout at him and says her opinion , " So you want us to go outside and become one of those undead, And how can we be calm in this Situation".

What Im saying is we need to survive those monsters are not like zombies that we imagine in our head they are strong so we cannot under estimate them, we need to gather our thoughts and think a plan,"

The Manager but in and says that " i don't think that's a very good idea did you see one of those monster the bigger you saw how fast is that, Do you think we can kill that monster even if all of us fight against one of them?

Yeah Gabriel those zombies are so ferocious so I don't think going outside is a very good idea .- Bert said (Bert is his neighbor and a friend but Bert is the type of person that you cannot trust because Bert is a sly fox.)

Gabriel didn't give up he want to gather more men as much as he can, " Guys take a look at your supplies how much food you have those food aren't even enough for a day so do you think how far can we survive.

Ryan Raise his hand to speak " Brother Gab did you forget that the 1&2nd floor have a food stock pile of food from the restaurant at 1 floor?

" Thankyou for the idea but no we will die before reaching that, In this time People are much dangerous than those monster, Did you guys already forget that we are in the top of this building theres have a many offices and family living in this building, Did you guys really think that we are the only one know about the stock of food, if we go down now we will be in war against other people, they also want tot survive and maybe they will kill us for a kilo of rice.

Mr Gomez and linda responds very badly about his idea " Mr Gabriel you are new here that why maybe you didn' know about the people of this building? You know what they are lambs! They are calmer than the birds they wouldn't even kill a bug so you are thinking that they will attack us for a mere stock of food. may of the old employee agreed at Mr Gomez idea.

Linda also agree about Mr Gomez And said that she is scared and she need some one to protect her, a bunch of simps respond to Linda's Call ( Linda is a real beauty great face and body she is also a model, that's why a lot of men are fantasizing to get laid )

Only four people left in the lobby all of the people go downstairs to get their food.

The only people left is Cindy (A new comer and Gab's classmate in high school) Ryan (Gab's Best friend), Old man Fred the janitor (The janitor Who have a very great physique he was a former army but become injured in the Marawi War ) and Lastly Gabriel Phillip's (main Character)

The old man fred Take a deep breath and started talking" what a bunch of idiot's they didn't know the true human nature becaquse if they only know they will never try to fight against the people who are afraid that have a family to protect, they will get killed downstair

Cindy Replied " maybe we can convince them to stop, maybe we can save them?"

Gabriel Replied no we can't i already try everything to help them i would never bring an extra baggage that will stab me in the back.