
The uncharted identity

This is a tale about the lost prince of Augruviel dynasty Geoffrey, who is destined for greatness and power, but went missing with his mother few days after his birth. He grew like every other kids not knowing his real Identity, Along the line he fell in love with the princess, Agatha who was supposed to be his step sister...but with many twist she turned out to be a mare farmers daughter. as the story goes on Marcus will be said to be an interchange with Agatha who discovered her real Identity as a mare farmers daughter not a princess. Geoffrey on the other hand will discover the truth of his birth and destiny from his mother and made forth to attain his dream, but was faced with so many trials which will lead to his death or maybe rebirth.In the story their will be lot's of magical creatures and deity mentioned. Read on to find out what actually happened to Agatha and Geoffrey's relationship and to know who will be the next king, Marcus or Geoffrey... discover whether Geoffrey actually died or not and more about Sophie, Geoffrey's mother...

EmochMalvine · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The kingdom

"Lancelot". Johnathan called out.

"Yes My Lord".

Lancelot replied dashing forward and kneeling in front of the king with his head low.

"I want to be left alone to think I will let you know when I need you".

Jonathan stated drastically not smiling.

"Yes My Lord". he replied, got up and left without any further words.

On his way out he meet the princess.

"Greetings Your highness". he greeted with his head low, but the princess's eyes were else where looking at the direction he came from looking worried.

"Is my father okay?, and why did you leave him alone to stay all by himself?"

She asked with concern in her light brown eyes making it look cute.

"Yes your highness, His Majesty is quite alright, am out here because he asked me to, he said he needs an alone time to think, that he will call me if he needs my help with anything". he said not wanting to go further with the questions and answers.

"okay then, I will meet with him when I return,in case he asks of me in my absence tell I went for a stroll and please take care of him while I'm gone". she said waiting for Lancelot reply.

"Yes your highness, I will do just that, it is an honor to serve him". Lancelot replied bowing once again as Agatha left.

*few hours later*

The king still in his lost thought jacked up the moment Lancelot entered the palace.

"My Lord, your brother Cane is here to see you".


"yes my Lord" .

"Tell him I will meet him in a while".

"okay my Lord ". he left leaving the king once again in his thought.

"C'mon Johnathan this isn't your first meeting with him, besides he's here after many times of been called,I wonder what he is up to this time around,just be yourself" he said to himself as he took a deep breath and stepped out to meet with cane.

"John ... John ... it's been a while after betraying your own brother and taking over the throne, still the only one with the highest and greatest magical power". he said with a devilish smirk.

"you lie cane, you were the one who betrayed our father by joining forces with his nemesis, you chose Crunthe dynasty over our kingdom cane,and what do you think you are doing by teaching and bringing in more sorcerers in your so called kingdom?, don't make me remind you that you were the cause of our father's death". he said pointing a finger out to him, cane walked closer to him with a smirk once again but changed his direction to his throne.

" Which kingdom are we talking about here John ...or should I say brother? you mean the Augruviel dynasty? the kingdom that never regarded me as theirs or have you forgotten, you are the great and favorite son of Sang Alexandra, the only recognized prince of Augruviel dynasty then and I was the slave girls son remember, your father never recognized me neither did he discuss anything about the kingdom with me, I was an outsider in my own father's palace, because my mother was the second wife? his maid at first, I'm I wrong?." he asked turning back to face Johnathan who was just staring at him.

" Stop all this nonsense brother we can resolve this please, we can bring things back to normal again,back to the way things used to be".

"Wow...wow Johnathan ( clapping and walking round him)such a nice speech, can we actually do that?, I guess I never thought about it,so tell me how long have you been making it?, since your wife and son got missing or since you got married to Ulrika?, you used to claim you love your son and his mother Sophie the most, but tell me something how long after she got missing did you replace her?" "I did no such thing, I didn't replace Sophie, Sophie is still the one I love and Ulrika knows that as well, I got married to Ulrika because the kingdom needs a hair to whom would take over the throne when I'm gone".he said defending his actions.

"And your loving daughter is the hair you gat?,you really are your father's son you are going to abandon Ulrika like your father abandoned my mom, same way my mother was your father's servant so was Ulrika". he said smiling devilishly.

"Watch it Cane or I will lose it, I am abandoning no one, I love my daughter the same way I love Geoffrey so stop it now!" he said in a range, the guards rushed in the moment the heard his angry voice.

"Easy John, let me remind you something you don't know yet John, your kingdom ... I mean Augruviel dynasty will fall sooner or later, believe me". he said glaring at the interior parts of the palace and smirked.

"I know you know something about my wife and son's way about, where's Sophie and Geoffrey?, tell me now!".

" Easy John, you love raising your voice when it's not needed save it for later, besides I know nothing about their way about and if I know do you think I would be wasting my time on you?, you don't get it do you? if I happen to set my eyes on your son first if he is still alive to begin with it will surly be the end of Augruviel dynasty, trust me when I say it, you will hear from me ". Cane said drastically giving him warning stare.

" What do you mean by that?" Johnathan asked frightened, Cane began to laugh devilishly moving closer to Johnathan who was in dismay stepping back, the guards drew their swords pointing at him.

"(Evanesco), he chanted as he vanished into the thin air as dark smoke fills the spot as the echo of his last words filled the air.

" I'll be back Johnathan believe me no one will be spared not even your darling daughter". the words Keep echoing until the smoke completely disperse, leaving Johnathan in dismay.

" Nothing will happen to my daughter, nothing at all". he mumbled working to his throne.