
The uncharted identity

This is a tale about the lost prince of Augruviel dynasty Geoffrey, who is destined for greatness and power, but went missing with his mother few days after his birth. He grew like every other kids not knowing his real Identity, Along the line he fell in love with the princess, Agatha who was supposed to be his step sister...but with many twist she turned out to be a mare farmers daughter. as the story goes on Marcus will be said to be an interchange with Agatha who discovered her real Identity as a mare farmers daughter not a princess. Geoffrey on the other hand will discover the truth of his birth and destiny from his mother and made forth to attain his dream, but was faced with so many trials which will lead to his death or maybe rebirth.In the story their will be lot's of magical creatures and deity mentioned. Read on to find out what actually happened to Agatha and Geoffrey's relationship and to know who will be the next king, Marcus or Geoffrey... discover whether Geoffrey actually died or not and more about Sophie, Geoffrey's mother...

EmochMalvine · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The forest guardian

Geoffrey hides slowly following the trails of the guards, he stopped at a spot still observing sorcerers creates a portal to which they all went through, he wanted to go through the portal but got distracted by laughter that sounded like that of child deep the thick forest, he looked back and saw that Beyer was still eating, he wanted to call him but changed his mind in the process.

"I will go check alone, I will be back before he is done eating". he said to himself as walked into the forest following the sound of the laughter, the laugh suddenly stopped and everywhere became calm as if he wasn't in the forest, he looked back and realized that he had gone really deep into the forest in the short period of his walk without knowing. he turned back wanting to head back to his friend who probably would be looking for him, but stopped on hearing a whistle which seems to be flowing with a melodic music tone.he kept working not looking back to know the distance he had made, the deeper he walks the closer the whistle until he gets to a magnificent tree which seems to be radiating all the colors of rainbow, it attracted Geoffrey's attention which made him forget why he was there, the whistle stopped but he didn't even realize it, he walked to the tree admiring and feeling the texture of the tree.

"Wow, what is this place?" he said in amazement still looking around.

"It is a place where the tree spirits and other spirit dwell". replied a tree spirit, which looks either monstrous or indescribable according to Geoffrey's description after several observation of the creature.

"What are you?". Geoffrey finally asked when he couldn't figure out what it actually is.

"Like I'm a tree spirit also know as a demon-god or a deity as you may prefer to call, but equally known as leshy". it said coming down from the tree looking closely at Geoffrey who doesn't seem to be scared at all, coming down from the tree it changed it's appearance to a whirlwind of leaves from it's initial looks of a dry aged looking tree.

"Wow, did you just changed your appearance, how did you do that, and what do you here? he asked so inquisitively looking at the place once again, moving closer to the creature.

"Geoffrey you are not afraid of me, you really are a brave fellow it's quite rare to see one like you with so much abilities and capabilities, you are yet to know all I can do". it said looking closely at Geoffrey.

"you...you just called my name, I remembered not introducing or telling you my name so how come you know my name?" Geoffrey asked confused about the situation.

"see young man you don't have to tell me your name before I know it, besides I was the one who called you here you didn't come willingly I did all that, I diverted your attention to my whistling not wanting you to enter that portal because you are not strong enough to face what's in there". he stated looking at Geoffrey who is astonished by what he just said.

"Wait, wait you mean you really did that? and if really you did that why did you bring me here?". he asked trying to understand whatever was going on between the both of them.

"Yes, I did that so that you can see the world of magic which you have always been seeking for, and for you to know there are still many things, people and places you know nothing about even when you have heard a lot about them, and don't bother asking how I know all about you because your mind reveals everything about you to me, I can manipulate fear, environment,and equally go through your mind, I'm faster than you can never imagine, and have many other supernatural abilities you can't think of and I can't out list them all for you". leshy replied taking a step back as the place turned into a deserted forest. Geoffrey couldn't explain what was happening looking at the place, he couldn't believe he was still standing on the same spot he was standing filled with grasses but now sand, he raised his feet seeing that there is no sign of grass in the spot his feet has been before the place changed, he squatted gathered some sand, pouring it the place changed again returning to the magnificent magic forest he was before, the sand pouring from his hand turned into flowers, Geoffrey couldn't believe his eyes, he opened his mouth in amazement.

"This is really beautiful leshy, are all this real, can I actually do this?" he asked joyfully.

"Of course you can, because you are one of the bravest magician I have ever meet, with time you can do more than any magician have ever done, but that will only happen if you believe in yourself". it said in assurance.

"it's still bright like sun rise, according to my speculation I have stayed here for long but the weather still seems the same".he asked wanting to know how long he has spent there.

"Of course you have stayed long here you have to go before it gets late, I forgot to tell you that there is no weather change here, it never gets dark in here it's always sunny like summer or sun rise which ever you think is brighter." leshy stated drastically.

"oh, Beyer must really be worried sick about me, I left without telling him, what If he rushes home telling my mother that he couldn't find me what then?" he asked worried and disturbed.

"That's no problem I will help you get to your friend on time." leshy assured with a smile.

"but.. but how?" he asked confused

"I told you that you only have to believe and trust yourself, follow me". it said leading the way, Geoffrey followed it reluctantly, it stopped at a huge tree which doesn't look much adorable like the rest of the trees and turned back to Geoffrey who was reluctantly standing beside it.

"not everyone can pass through this portal for you to pass through it you must believe in yourself, take a deep breath and step in". Geoffrey nodded , took a deep breath before stepping in, the portal opened he saw the place which he started his walk down the forest,he smiled and turned back to look at leshy.

"I wish I could spend more time here, but there really isn't time I really will miss you leshy, and thank you for all you showed me and making me believe in myself." he said and turned back to leave.

"You are always welcome to come here, whenever you want to come here envision the place you want to go and believe in yourself the words will find it's place to your lips." leshy assured him.

"Thank you once again". he said smiling at it as the portal closed.

"I will surly come back some day". he said to himself making his way to look for Beyer.