
the ultimate weapon in rwby

the ultimate weapon was a weapon that gained a soul and tried to kill the gods it was broken into two pieces and banished by john constantine to a random universe

jp_cole · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

ch 1

slay "were am i" as he looks around"i feel like i been torn in two".

see a black pool.

slay"i need to find my other half and revive". as a Apathy comes out of the pool

slay "you have no soul you will do"as he turns into half a sword and forces himself into the Apathys hand as a blue fire forms from the handle as the Apathy is turns into a gladiator like form but missing his left arm.

slay"this will do i have to save as much power as i can".

image of Salem appears "how or what are you".

slay"just your average ultimate weapon that has a soul".

salem "you have a lot of magic energy in you but i can scene you are incomplete".

slay "haha i like you you are right i am missing my other half" as he holds up the half of the sword that is his main body.

salem "i will help you if you can kill a man named Ozpin".

slay "deal my missing piece should give off the same energy as me".

salem "i will send my servant cinder".

slay "okay i will wait here".