
Redeeming the Hostages

"Sir, come and take a look. According to your request, all the bags on the cart are top-grade rice, not a pound less than a thousand."

William Anderson said as he opened a bag, scooping out a handful of white rice and offering it to "The One-Eyed."

Seeing the white rice, "The One-Eyed" laughed heartily.

"Haha, your boss is smart, knowing to use money to avert disaster!"

William Anderson continued to smile obsequiously, "Yes, yes, absolutely!"

"Our boss also said that he didn't know this road was under your control before, so he has specially prepared some fine wine to make amends."

"The One-Eyed" looked at the extra barrels of wine, clearly pleased, but he feigned suspicion.

"You little rascal, you're not trying to poison us with this wine, are you?"

William Anderson, showing no sign of fear, replied earnestly, "Sir, you must be joking. If you


think it's poisoned, I can drink it right here to prove it to you."

William Anderson then pretended to be eager, stepping forward to open a barrel of wine. The aroma instantly filled the air.

As William Anderson was about to take a big sip, "The One-Eyed" pressed his sword against Anderson's neck again.

"This wine is precious, and you, a lowly creature, are not worthy to drink it."

Stopped in his tracks, Anderson quickly explained, "It's just to show you it's not poisoned, sir."

The others who were escorting the goods echoed, "Yes, yes, just to test the wine for you, sir!"

"The One-Eyed" used the flat of his sword to push Anderson back. "I guess your boss and you scoundrels wouldn't dare play tricks."

"Yes, yes, our boss is still in Willowbrook Town. He said once he's finished with his affairs, he'll bring gifts and personally come to apologize to The Crimson Vultures."

Feeling satisfied, "The One-Eyed" sheathed his sword and sneered, "Your boss is wise. Tell him the gifts must be substantial if he wishes to visit us."

"Yes, of course, naturally," William Anderson kept agreeing, while thinking, "The gifts will indeed be heavy... with the lives of over 300 of you bandits!"

"The One-Eyed" whistled, and soon a group of minions brought down the ten Green River Town citizens who had been taken hostage.

Anderson and his companions quickly went to meet them, anxiously leading the rescued people away from Shadowpeak Mountain.

"The One-Eyed" didn't bother with them, instead directing his men to transport the grain and wine up the mountain.

William Anderson led the ten rescued citizens to a hidden spot where they reunited with Magnus Valorion and his men.

Upon seeing Magnus Valorion, the rescued citizens were overwhelmed with gratitude, falling to their knees and thanking him profusely.

"Master, we will never forget your lifesaving grace. If you ever need anything, we will risk our lives to fulfill it."

Magnus Valorion helped them up and checked their injuries, finding only minor wounds.

"It's good that you're all safe. This bottle contains premium Yunnan Baiyao. Treat your wounds now, and later we will move to Willowbrook Town in groups. In three days, we will attack The Crimson Vultures!"

The rescued citizens didn't fully understand why Magnus Valorion wanted to attack in three days, but they trusted him completely.

Meanwhile, the bandits of The Crimson Vultures happily carried the supplies up the mountain.

Back at their base, "The One-Eyed" started to regret.

"Damn it, I forgot. That Magnus Valorion's grain store didn't even haggle and just sent a thousand pounds of rice. Doesn't that mean they're filthy rich? We should have extorted more from them!"

Tuco, seeing the barrels of fine wine, was quite pleased. He then shared his extortion tactics.

"You handled this poorly!"

"Even if the owner of Magnus Valorion's grain store is wealthy, we mustn't be too greedy. If we squeeze too hard, they might go to the Great Latium Imperium's army and have the authorities come after us!"

"The One-Eyed" nodded in agreement, "You have a point. We'll stick to one hundred pounds of grain per person next time."

"Not only that, but from now on, if they want to pass through our territory, they must also pay silver!"

With that, Tuco and "The One-Eyed" laughed heartily.

Tuco grabbed a handful of rice and scooped some wine to taste. The fine wine invigorated him, with no hint of poison.

Feeling elated, Tuco announced, "Brothers, tonight we celebrate! Drink fine wine and eat fresh grain."

The bandits cheered, unaware that their celebration was heralding their demise.

Back in Willowbrook Town, John Falstaff had closed Magnus Valorion's grain store after their goods were stolen, busy gathering intelligence on The Crimson Vultures. This left the Blackthorn family as the dominant grain merchants, doubling the price of coarse grain to two taels of silver per pound.

At the closed grain store, Magnus Valorion sat in his chair, with John Falstaff standing by, reporting all the details of Willowbrook Town.

"You say the information about The Crimson Vultures came from the Blackthorn family? And they previously looked down on you as an outsider?"

"Yes, sir. When I was inquiring about The Crimson Vultures, the Blackthorn family was the first to provide information."

Magnus Valorion sensed something fishy. The Blackthorn family, with no prior connection to Falstaff and even in competition, wouldn't be so kind unless they were involved with the bandits.

"This means the Blackthorn family's information might be unreliable!"

Magnus Valorion regretted only bringing fifty soldiers.

"Let's hope the paraquat-laced wine and grain bring us an unexpected surprise!" he thought.