
Free Refills, Enjoy Smoothly

Magnus Valorion cleared his throat and instructed the gathered people, "Neil Thompson, divide these people into groups of ten and register them with Galen Veritas. At noon, we will cook according to the registered number of people!"


Neil's management skills were impressive, and soon, over twenty groups were formed. He also designated a group of women to prepare the meals.


Among the two hundred or so people, less than ten percent were fully able-bodied. Combined with their hunger and exhaustion, the work efficiency on the first morning was minimal.


As noon approached, around eleven o'clock, Magnus gave Galen a signal. Galen immediately approached and asked, "Young master, what are your orders?"


Magnus whispered to Galen, "It's almost time. Take a few people to the granary and get food and pickles for these 200 people. Remember to make the porridge thicker today."


Galen nodded and led two teams with some carts to fetch the food.


As noon approached, the people who had come to reinforce the town's defenses were all famished. Many wondered if they would actually get food today or if the Mayor's promises were just a trick.


"To prevent unregistered people from taking advantage, everyone line up according to your original groups and get ready to eat," Neil announced Magnus's orders.


The previously scattered crowd quickly found their groups again. The faster groups formed lines, eager to be first.


As the first groups lined up, they could already smell the aroma of the porridge. Soon, the 200 people were lined up in several rows.


When the lid was lifted off the cooking pot, steam carrying the fragrance of rice wafted around.


As the steam dissipated, those at the front of the line saw the thick, white rice porridge, a rare sight for the poorest people of Green River Town.


Those at the front couldn't help but swallow their saliva at the rich aroma.


But what surprised them even more was when Galen had a large wooden barrel brought over, filled with red, oily pickles. The sight alone made their mouths water.


Magnus opened the registration book and addressed the crowd, "Line up by your groups and names. Anyone without a name on the list won't get any food!"


Noah Sullivan's group was first. They efficiently registered, collected their bowls, and received their food. Following their example, the others did the same without any delay.


After getting the first bowl of porridge, Noah couldn't wait and took a big sip, despite the heat. Even though it burned his mouth, he didn't want to spit it out and swallowed it directly.


The warm porridge filled his previously empty stomach, and he realized it wasn't the usual rough, throat-scratching relief grain.


Excitedly, Noah shouted, "Folks, the lord is giving us fine grain!"


Fine grain was something only the wealthy and officials could afford. People like Noah, living on rough, hard-to-swallow grain, couldn't even dream of such fine food.


Now, after just half a day of work, Magnus was willing to give them such precious food. To Noah, Magnus was kinder than his own parents, who had only brought him suffering and never such sweet, smooth porridge.


Noah's shout caused the orderly lines to become chaotic as people craned their necks to see. Some even tried to cut in line to get their porridge sooner.


To maintain order, Magnus shouted, "If you want porridge, line up and register. If the line is chaotic, no one will get any!"


Hearing this, the people quickly reformed their lines. Magnus scolded Noah, "Noah, drink your porridge quietly! Your shouting almost ruined the lines."


"And over there are pickles, go get them! Line up properly!" Magnus added, giving Noah a kick for emphasis.


Noah, far from being angry, thanked Magnus repeatedly, "Thank you, my lord. I'll keep the line in order."


At the pickle barrel, Noah and his group eagerly crowded around, each with a bowl of porridge.


"Noah, what are these pickles?" someone asked.


Noah, smiling, said, "You fools, it's pickles, a treat from the Mayor for our first day of work."


"Line up properly, I promised the Mayor to keep order."


Hearing this, everyone lined up behind Noah.


The young constable serving the pickles was cautious and stingy. Seeing this, Galen grabbed the ladle from him, saying, "That's not enough for anyone!"


"Everyone has worked hard repairing the walls. The pickles will help replenish their salt. Serve them generously."


The young constable, about fifteen or sixteen, said tearfully, "I was worried there wouldn't be enough for everyone."


Galen reassured him, scooping a large ladleful into Noah's bowl, "Don't worry about that, just serve like I did."


With the thick, fine porridge and generous pickles, the workers were already satisfied. The red, oily pickles on their porridge felt unreal to Noah.


Galen handed the ladle back and shouted at the stunned Noah, "What are you standing there for? Move along, there are others waiting!"


Noah moved aside, drinking his porridge in a daze.


Soon, everyone who had worked on the walls had their porridge and pickles. Over 200 workers and constables were fed.


As they ate, many began to cry, some even sobbing. They cried because they had never had such delicious porridge or pickles, their tears ones of gratitude.


Magnus, sipping his porridge in the shade, found the crying annoying, thinking they were still hungry.


Impatiently, Magnus shouted, "If you're not full, go get more. Stop crying!"


The workers, hearing this "scolding," were stunned into silence.


"Sam, did the lord just say we could get more if we weren't full?" someone asked.


Sam nodded, "I think I heard that too."


"We must be dreaming. Just getting one bowl of this delicious porridge is a luxury, and the lord says we can get more?"


Sam, unwilling to put down his bowl, kicked Wood in the butt, nearly making him fall but keeping his porridge safe.


Wood realized the luxury of getting a second bowl, something unheard of during corvée labor in the Great Latium Imperium.


A brave worker asked Magnus, "My lord, can we really get a second bowl?"


Magnus nodded, "Go ahead."


Confirming this, those who had finished quickly lined up for more. The chaos of people rushing for seconds irritated Magnus.


Neil saw this and cracked his whip to restore order, reminding them, "The lord isn't withholding food. Line up properly for more. Don't waste food!"


With this, everyone lined up like lambs, ready for their second helping, looking down on those who had caused the chaos.