
The Ultimate Male God System

My name is Devin Salyars and I am 40 years old this year. I am just a lazy good for nothing high school janitor who spends his free time playing VR games. However this all changed today when I woke up in the body of a teenager. Here is what happened in detail.. Oh and there is a System...

Waking up from a long night of gaming, I am in a state of complete and utter confusion as I am currently in a very masculine and expensive looking bedroom in a gigantic bed. To top it off, I happened to look down at my body and I am ripped. I have the perfect aesthetics in the muscle department, and my body seems to be young. However my penis also seems to have gotten an upgrade. It's huge. Getting up in confusion, suddenly I am hit by a wave of pain in the brain, and memories begin to flood in. My name is Devin Salyars, and I am 15 years old this year.

Confused by the memories of a me that isn't me but now is, I get up and head to my bathroom and look at my appearance in the mirror. To put it simply, my appearance can slay women with a look, and a smile will shatter their souls. Cobalt blue eyes, heroic eyebrows, tan skin, over 6 feet tall and shoulder length silky smooth hair, long eyelashes and red lips, I am a woman's walking orgasm waiting to happen.

However at the next moment my confusion and awe grew even more.

[Ding! Congratulations Host on a successful reincarnation! Also congratulations to Host for successfully receiving the Ultimate Male God System. There is no attributes window, however there is an attraction meter, fame meter, and skills column as well as a mall for purchasing skills and items with fame points. Host please now look at your fame and attraction meter.]

Nonplussed and in total awe, I call out status in my mind.

Name: Devin Salyars


Attraction: Young Adonis

Fame: No one knows you; therefore change this at once!

Skills: None

Suffice it to say, that the things displayed both made me laugh and want to cry simultaneously. I am sexy as hell, but no one knows me? I am not even recognized by my own family? Wait, now that I think about it, there is a memory of being an orphan who received my parents fortune. They were both billionaires, and their lawyers already signed over the entirety of the $10 Billion to my name. That might seem like a small amount of money compared to many uber corporations, but for a 15 year old orphan, this is above and beyond what is needed for my next 100 generations. That could be an exaggeration, but still it's way more money than I could ever hope to spend in my whole life.

I am supposed to be starting high school this year and will be attending an international high school in Tokyo, Japan. This was decided by my parents before they passed away, and the previous Devin passed the entrance exam with such a high score that he became top of the freshmen class, which means that I will have to give a speech when I arrive at school. The other thing? I am already living in Tokyo, Japan in my own penthouse suite. Yeah talk about ostentatious. Anyway, apparently tomorrow is my first day of school, so I should use the time to go over my speech that is saved on my laptop with the same password that I always used in my previous life luckily. Let's get cracking.

It is now game day, also known as my first day of class. It is currently 6 am and I am done with my shower and finished putting on my school uniform which is an all white outfit, even the tie is. God, I look like such a prince charming that it's not even funny. The girls are going to wet their panties when they get a good look at me. I am honestly looking forward to it. I was an ugly bastard in my previous life and single and a virgin at 40, so being reborn as a young sexy bad ass billionaire, I am excited to say the very least.

Heading to the door of my suite at 7 am sharp, I hear a knock at the door. Opening it in zero surprise, I find my driver waiting for me. Yes I have my own chauffeur. "Good morning Young Master Devin! Please follow me to the vehicle." Nodding my head, I followed the guy whose name is Yoshimoto out to the elevator and down to the ground floor. Holding the back door of a Rolls Royce limousine, my driver waits patiently for me to get in. After a few seconds of marveling at my ride, I get in and find a mini fridge full of snacks and drinks. Cracking open an energy drink, I let out a sigh of contentment and sit back with my seat belt on.

20 minutes later, the vehicle stops and Yoshimoto gets out and comes over to my door to let me out. Getting out, I see a large crowd of students staring at my ride in awe and many are taking photos. When I finally got out, there was a large and sharp intake of breaths everywhere and then all girls and some guys started squealing and screaming like crazy. Laughing on the inside, I waved good bye to Yoshimoto who promised to be waiting for me at 5 pm sharp to pick me up. Nodding in assent, I started walking into Starry Youth International High School. Making my way to the auditorium area where everyone was to gather for the student orientation ceremony, I nervously opened the door and quickly found a seat at the back of the auditorium. Luckily the principal hadn't started her speech yet and was waiting for everyone to file in. 10 minutes later she began to speak.

"Welcome freshmen class to Starry Youth International High School! I am the principal, Yumi Suzuki. Please take care of me! Now, for our freshmen representative's speech. Devin Salyars please come up to the podium if you will." Feeling my heart racing in excitement, and some fear, I cleared my throat before standing up and making my way through the dark auditorium and up to the bright stage front and center. Once I turned around and faced the crowd at the podium, silence ensued. The the screams of joy and groans of sorrow began again. Smiling warmly at everyone, I began my speech.

"Greetings to my fellow freshmen classmates! My name is Devin Salyars, and I have moved here from America. I hope that my use of English is acceptable. If not I am also fluent in Japanese and Gaelic. As to why Gaelic? Because I am curious about my Irish heritage. Anyway, let's get to the meat of things. We are the new generation, and it is up to us to fix the world that our parents and grandparents have destroyed. We are going to do more than fix it though! We are going to each create our own legends on the world stage. Now let's go fighting!"

To the words of my speech, there was silence for about ten seconds before someone started clapping and then everyone was cheering and giving a standing applause. Dumbfounded at the overwhelming amount of enthusiasm, I smiled and nodded to everyone before returning to my seat. At that moment, a ding went off in my mind.

[Ding! 350 Fame gained! New skills accessible in mall shop.]

I mentally told my System to filter out everything except what I could afford for skills. And the list was as follows:

Guitar Legend: 100 points

Idol Class Singer: 200 points

Calligraphy: 10 points

Composing: 40 points

I can buy all of those with my current points, and so I decided to throw caution to the wind and buy all of them as 90 percent of them went together anyway. With this, I can now become a top idol singer in Japan and the rest of the world. Now, I need to really accumulate more fame points!

The orientation went on for a few more minutes before teachers lined up at the door to the auditorium and began to call out student's names. I was in class 105. There are 14 other students in this class and of the 14, 10 are girls. Yeah that is one out of wack ratio of guys to girls right there. Anyway, not that I am complaining or anything. For now, let's head to class.

Follow our teacher back to the front entrance of the school and down the right hallway on the left side for five classrooms until we reached 105. Heading inside, the teacher then instructed us on which seats were ours. I got the back left window seat. Cliche! The teacher then introduced herself.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to freshmen class 5! My name is Yuki Mizuki! Please take care of me everyone!" I smiled at her cheerful personality and knew that I was going to get along with this teacher just fine. Leaning back in my seat, I took out a textbook on Japanese history and began reading it, while looking up at the teacher every once in a while. That is when I noticed her saying my name. "Excuse me Devin. I was hoping that as the freshmen class representative that you would introduce yourself to the class and give some background information." Standing up from my seat, I looked around at everyone and saw the sparkling eyes of the girls and simply said, "Devin Salyars 15 years old. I am an orphan. That is all thank you everyone." My response caused an explosion in the classroom. An emotional explosion that is.

"Oh my God, that is so horrible! To be an orphan at 15! I want to hug him to death!" "I know right? I just want to bury his face in my chest and let him know everything is going to be okay!" "What chest? You are as flat as a board Sakura!" Things like this and many others were said by the girls of the class, while the guys just sat their with manly tears in their eyes. One guy got up and clapped a hand on my shoulder and simply said, "You are now officially my bro! My name is Chimuru Hamura, nice to meet you!" Looking at Chi as I decided to mentally call him, I nodded and gave him a fist bump. This got jealousy from the girls who now got up in hordes and were taking turns shaking my hand, slipping notes onto my desk or looking at me with intense passion that screamed, "Let me put out for you!".

I smiled at everyone's enthusiasm and waited for the teacher to bring the classroom back under order before resuming my reading of my textbooks. Suddenly I gained an unexpected thing. A title, and it was called Bookworm. This made me laugh out loud, which drew everyone's attention. I apologized and said that I simply found the math formula in the math book that I was reading to be funny looking. This got many laughs from the girls side. Yeah they are totally doing there best to win me over and ride my joystick. Dang since when were high school girls this thirsty?! Right anyway, enough of this nonsense. I drifted off as the teacher went on and on about respecting boundaries and Japanese culture, blah blah blah. Next thing I knew, the bell rang, and the teacher told us that there were no afternoon classes since it was the first day. Confused, I realized that Yoshimoto played me. He knew that I would be a magnet for attention and left me to play with my new classmates. Laughing inside at the well played ploy by my driver, I looked over at my classmates who were looking at me with passion in their eyes again.

"It seems that I have free time on my hands, I have until 5 pm to be exact everyone. Since it is only 9 am, that leaves several hours to kill time. Who wants to hang out with me?" Yes, I had thrown myself to the proverbial wolves. The girls? Why they were salivating at my words. The guys shook their heads and passed on this one. That means, me and 10 girls were all going to go to a karaoke bar and share a karaoke room. Oh shit, I have idol level singing, wont this expose me? Oh well, let's just have fun for now and worry about it later.

Following the squad of girls out of the classroom, I explained to them that my driver wouldn't be here until 5 and that's why I said I had until 5. Upon hearing the word driver, the girls stopped and looked at each other with a knowing grin on their faces. What the hell? Let me in on the secret girls! Of course, they didn't. Instead, we all went to a bus stop just outside of the school and waited 5 minutes for the bus to arrive. Getting on, I showed my student ID just like the girls did, and took a seat with them in the back. The male passengers were looking at me with complete disbelief on their faces.

5 minutes later we arrived at our stop and got out to walk the 2 more blocks needed to reach the karaoke bar.

Once inside, I went up to the counter and asked the gal in charge for a large VIP booth and flashed my black credit card. Her eyes popped out of her head, and then she very coquettishly agreed to my request, even coming up and grabbing my arm into her nice bust and walking me directly to the VIP booth. The girls of my class didn't take this one sitting down and complained to the girl, who relented when I started tugging away. Sighing in disappointment, the girl brought us to a black door with the gold number one on it, and then said for us to order snacks and drinks with the menu inside. The snacks and drinks were unlimited and free of charge for VIP guests. The girls eyes popped when they hear VIP and looked at me with awe. Not even millionaires got this treatment.. only.. billionaires?! This was the collective thought of all of the girls, and they swooned once they all came to the same conclusion. I was a prince in name and wealth in their eyes now.

So we ordered our snacks and drinks, and everyone insisted that I sing the first song. Laughing in embarrassment, I agreed and sang a certain boy band song about that way. To put it bluntly, half of the girls fainted from my voice, one girl moaned like she was having an orgasm, and the others looked like they were in a vegetative state. The reactions are little too much aren't they? That is until I read the description of my skill about Idol Level Singing.

[This skill grants the Host with the singing skill level of a Galactic Level Super Idol, aka God Class Singer]

In other words, I was the best singer in the freaking galaxy! Oh my God that's exaggerated for the amount of points that I spent! Doesn't that mean that I can purchase Immortality with my system? Suddenly a ding went off and a new option appeared in my System's mall feature.

Mall Skills and Body Upgrades:

New Body Upgrade: Immortality

Description: Grants eternal youth and life to the possessor, however this does not include and indestructible body. For indestructible body please purchase the relevant passive skill.

Fame points cost: 10,000

Feeling like I was close to losing my mind, I confirmed yet again that it was possible for me to attain immortality. Jaw dropped agape after seeing this, I quickly closed my mouth before the girls questioned it. I passed the mic off to one of the girls and asked her to sing next, while I woke the passed out girls up and snapped my fingers in front of the faces of the catatonic ones. Eventually everyone recovered, but they were looking at me with looks of pure rapture. Shit! Did I break these girls? I hope not! Luckily, they all were still treating me like a human being but they simply ended up gushing on my godly voice as they called it. One of the girls suggested that I debut as an idol. I told them that I would consider it. This caused an uproar with the girls and joyous looks crossed their faces.

We are now done singing karaoke, and boy did we ever sing. We were in there from the moment we got here until 4 pm. Leaving and thanking the counter girl, we got onto the bus. I got off at the school, and the girls all made sure to get my number at the karaoke bar before we left. I smiled as the texts were already rolling in as the girls disappeared into the distance. With about 50 minutes until Yoshimoto would get here, I got out my phone and replied to the girl's texts. Before long, I heard a honk and looked up to see my driver waiting for me.

"How was school today Devin? Did you steal any girl's hearts? Knowing you and your looks, you definitely brought a shock to this school. Watch out for the knife in the dark okay? There are bound to be some jealous guys that are going to try to whoop your ass. Anyway, let's get going. You have school tomorrow too after all. Aren't you excited?" Sighing at Yoshimoto's enthusiasm, I got into the limo and rode on home. 20 minutes later we reached my building and I rode the elevator up to my penthouse suite. Walking into my suite after kicking my shoes off, I ran to my bed and collapsed. Day over! Now to make it through three years of this insanity! I better prep well for it! I want to go to Tokyo U after all!

Ahahahahahahahaha! It is finished! My first 3k word chapter like ever! Wish me luck on future chapters guys!

Lord_Vancheltzcreators' thoughts