
The Rising Fall - Part 1

This is the beginning downfall of the old and rise of the new. This story shall be one of the greatest fan-made crossovers in fiction history, alas, let's start at the beginning.

The sky is as normal as it is; neon blue for its nights and shining blue for its days. It is night time. The lights of the buildings and cars illuminate the ground while the stars in the sky make the night sky shine. THEN, our of nowhere, that very sky starts to crack, creating a sort of rift, as if the sky is releasing something, and in an instant, the cracks become a portal, a hole in space-time that reveals our rising hero by showing himself fall from the very sky.

Our hero is shown to be a teen boy, between early to mid teen age, 17 years old to be exact. He is also shown wearing an open andq big black trench coat, brown boots, and a white utility belt, as if he is some sort of freedom fighter. He seems to have a mysterious birthmark, looking like 2 squares interlocking with one another, making them look like an 8-pointed star. His hair is colored black and his dark brown eyes slowly open.

The young boy then freaks out by the fall, screaming his heart out by fear, but is caught off guard by the beautiful city he is in. It is filled with buildings, cars, and people in neon. The place itself looks like New York City, but with a bright and Japanese style. As the strange-looking people look at him, he realizes that he is still falling and screams as he descends into a nearby forest.

He feels a lot of pain, but he survives. Our hero feels terrified at the forest and stays still in fear, saying:

Protagonist: Where the heck am I? What is this place? Hold on a damn second, who the hell am I? Astughfarallah! (This phrase is meant to ask Allah/God for forgiveness for doing something haram/wrong or forbidden) wait a minute, how in the Dunya (Islamic word for worldly/material life) do I know that?! And why there were dragon ball signs in those cafés? And those paper bomb talisman and that arc reactor and the bat signal. Wait, how do I know this but not who I am?

The boy is a Muslim, and knows knowledge from anime, Marvel, and DC, but has amnesia and doesn't know who he is. But our Muslim amnesiac can't try to remember who he is, as a bunch of police officers came up to him and immediately arrest him. They also wore neon, but also had black Japanese Shinigami getup(Bleach) and had swords that for some reason, had the Japanese Kanji for "Destroyer of Demons"(Demon Slayer).

We are then sent into the Anirabia National Police Station, where our hero is held up by Commissioner Gordon(DC). Gordon talks with our hero:

Commissioner Gordon: hey kid, who are you?

Protagonist: I..... I don't know who I am, Mr. Gordon. I have never e....even met this place, and yet I know you.

Commissioner Gordon: amnesia, huh? Seems like a challenge.

Protagonist: what? Y....you're gonna b...bring Bruce Wayne aka Batman here to solve my memory jogging case?

Commissioner Gordon: Wait, what?! How do you know Batman's secret identity? Don't lie kid, who are you?

Protagonist: Iqsum billiah(Arabic for I swear to Allah/God)! I don't know about myself. All i know is that I was sent here by some sort of rift portal in the sky, and then I was here seeing the place. Besides, who would not know who Batman is? He is like as popular as Superman!

Then all of the sudden, Batman arrived to the place and told the Commissioner to not scare the boy and he calmed down the protagonist. Then, the hero tells him: you....you are Bruce Wayne, am I right? Which the dark knight agreed to. He asked the muslim hero : do you remember anything about your life before you got here? To which the Muslim hero disagreed and said: I got no memory on who I am or where I came from, all I know is that I am a muslim and that for some reason, I know tons about superheroes and fictional anime characters, which I never had interest in.

Batman deduces that our Muslim amnesiac is from a separate universe or realm that doesn't have actual heroes. He assures the boy and tells him that this is the Marvelous Kingdom of Anirabia!