

Editor: Translation Nation

Experiencing such a miracle, Philip once again bowed his haughty head before Sheyan.

Within the ship’s hold, Old Bath sighed deeply as he shut his eyes in despair, because he knew, this once proud apprentice of his, had already been utterly persuaded.

Henceforth, the originally downhearted Philip once again reignited his life’s mission. This signified that his goal for fighting would no longer be merely to protect his subordinates, but also to wholeheartedly campaign for this demon like male before him; raking in merits, and transforming himself to greater heights!

As the saying goes – a strong dragon cannot repress a snake*. There were reasons why Sheyan had been conducting himself bombastically, arrogantly and in a despotic fashion after stepping ashore Tortuga.

(TL:* chinese idiom which means, a local gangster who is above the law)

Firstly, because he possessed adequate strength.

Secondly, it was in preparations for his future schemes and plans.