
The Ultimate Being System

Lucas Veridant is an orphan boy who has always been bullied since young and died. He wakes up in another body with a voice in his head calling its self the Ultimate Being System which will help the host become the strongest being in existence. Along the way his journey to become the strongest so he can never become the victim again he gains handsome companions who he can trust and confide like no one else before. A Handsome butler and summons who are loyal to him and handsome monster men who are obsessed with him. Lots of Smut Reverse harems Ps This is the first time I wrote a story so comments appreciated so I can improve on my skills Also I wrote this because I hope their can be more stories where are more BL harems stories with overpowered mc instead of the usual harems so I hope more of these stories can be made and enjoyed Thank you :)

Truckkunisbest · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 8: Power of an S Rank

I watched Hans back as he walked to the goblins nest. Through the soul connection I could feel that Hans was confident without a shred of fear.


The goblins at the watch tower noticed Hans and began alerting the rest of the goblins. Soon 50 goblins gathered together each holding a club.

Hans then stopped walking and looked at the lined up goblins. He then lifted his short sword in his left hand and swung the sword horizontally while uttering two words.

"Aerial slice."


A sonic wave blasted out from that single wave cutting the surrounding air and cutting across to the goblins who had confused looks in their eyes as their body split apart into two!

All the 50 goblins died within a single swing of a sword! Not only did the goblins die the huts and watch towers were broken apart and a small chasm around 10 meter long and 1 meter wide was made cutting deep into the earth it's depth not being visible to the naked eye!


I watched this scene with my mouth wide open! So this is the power of a Rank S! I looked at Hans who was looking at the goblins corpse with a cold look which was different from his usual look.


Hans turned to look at me and his expression completely changed to his usual bright puppy face. 'Was I seeing things?'

"Hans that was awesome! You are so cool!"

I began complimenting him as he really looked cool! I began thinking about reaching that level of strength and ultimately surpassing it.

Hans began to smile with twinkling eye reminding me of a lost puppy finally finding its owner.

"Thank you! But I think you are much cooler!"

Smiling at the compliments from Hans which I'm beginning to get used to I decided that it's time we go home as I was getting tired from the hours of hunting after collecting the magic cores inside the dead goblins.

"Let's go home Hans!"


We began to walk back to the safe area until after a few minutes we ran into a small white rabbit with a horn growing out of its head.

[Horned rabbit

A monster which is famous for its speed. People usually hunt this monster for its meat which contains a lot of nutrients and taste.]

Thinking about it now I haven't ate since coming to this world and when I looked at the horned rabbit I decided to hunt a few to eat back at home. Since I was exhausted I asked Hans if he could hunt a few horned rabbits and within a flash he hunted over 10 of them.

We finally reached the 1km boundary and crossed over it. I finally put my guard down and asked Hans how he killed all those goblins with one strike.

"I used a magic skill which is called 'Aerial strike'. It's wind magic that release fast pressurised wind that can pierce through trees and rocks."

"I see."

Realising the strength of magic, I promised that as soon I gained enough points I would buy a strong magic skill.

When we finally reached the house we entered inside and I decided to buy a few things to put in the house as the empty feeling inside made me feel uncomfortable.

I checked into the system store and saw that I had 150 points. Checking the items I wanted I saw that that they cost 2-5 points each.

Going through the shop I picked the essential items to put in the house.

Stove with oven - 5points

2 Plates - 2points

2 Cups - 2points

2 Cutlery sets - 2points

Tap - 5points

Couch - 3points

Table - 2points

Pans - 2points

Together it cost 23 points leaving me with 127 points remaining.

After putting the items around the house I decided to go have a quick bath while buying some shampoo body wash and a towel that costed 5points together.

After I finished having a warm bath I entered the living room to find Hans having cooked 2 horned rabbits for me and him to eat on the table.

Shocked I remembered that Hans said that he cooking skills and looked at his face which showed that he was excited for me to try some.

Touched I said to Hans "Thanks for making the food let's eat together."

Together he both sat down and as soon I put the meat into my mouth a burst of flavour exploded inside. Starving I devoured the whole thing and realised that what the Appraisal said was true of it being delicious.

Satisfied I offered to clean the plates when Hans casted Purification on the plates and told me to go have some rest.

Nodding I walked up to one of the bedrooms and fell asleep with a happy smile.