
The Ultimate Being System

Lucas Veridant is an orphan boy who has always been bullied since young and died. He wakes up in another body with a voice in his head calling its self the Ultimate Being System which will help the host become the strongest being in existence. Along the way his journey to become the strongest so he can never become the victim again he gains handsome companions who he can trust and confide like no one else before. A Handsome butler and summons who are loyal to him and handsome monster men who are obsessed with him. Lots of Smut Reverse harems Ps This is the first time I wrote a story so comments appreciated so I can improve on my skills Also I wrote this because I hope their can be more stories where are more BL harems stories with overpowered mc instead of the usual harems so I hope more of these stories can be made and enjoyed Thank you :)

Truckkunisbest · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 2: The Ultimate Being System

[Welcome host]

As soon as I reached the blinding light everything went dark again but a different type of darkness then the void like space. This one felt more comfortable as though I was simply sleeping.

Slowly I began to regain my senses. First my hearing then touch and then smell. Finally when I managed to open my eyes everything was blurry and it took a while for everything to clear up. When my eyes adjusted the first thing I saw were rows upon rows of trees around 70meters tall. Above the trees was a clear blue sky without a spot of clouds within sight. Upon the expanding sky I saw something which doesn't make sense!

Did I hit my head to hard!?

In the sky above me I saw TWO suns shining above, radiating their light across the sky glaring down!! How is this possible! Is this some sort of prank!

All of a sudden I remembered being beaten up by Jacob and his gang then drifting in that dark void. I stood up and looked around but all I saw were trees stretching across the horizon. Am I in a forest? Did Jacob think I was dead and bought here? If so why the two suns and why am I not buried?

I was trying to see if I can remember what happened after the beat down and then remembered mechanical voice saying [Welcome host] was I hearing things then.


"Who's there!?" startled I shouted out loud and started to look around to see who was their, but saw nothing but trees. Strange..

For some reason it sounded as though the voice was in my head…Was I imagining it?


I was shocked again. It really was in my head. Have I gone crazy from all the beatings! First the two suns and now the voice! What's happening to me!

[The host is not crazy. The host has died and brought back to life by the system in another world. The hosts current body is a reconstruction of the hosts previous body down to the last cell.]

Host? System? Another world? Died!?

"What do you mean that I died? Are you saying that I'm in another world? What do you mean reconstruction of body? I don't understand! Is this a joke?" Many questions were piling inside my head and these seemed to stand out the most surrounded by all the confusing "information" this so called "system" gave.

[This is not a joke. The host has died in his previous world and the system collected the hosts soul which was floating within the Nether Space. The reason why the system chose the host "Lucas Veridant" is because the host matches the systems agenda and requirements which is the desire to become stronger.The hosts previous body has been left behind in the hosts previous world due to it being badly damaged. So the system created a new body matching the same as the hosts previous one. The reason as to why the host is in another world is to train in this low level world full of monsters from the weakest rank F to this world "strongest" rank C.]


Even though this answered my most prominent questions I feel as though this only gave me more questions then answers with a bonus of confusion.

"So that bastard Jacob killed me and that void like place was called what, the…'Nether space' and you collected my soul due to it fitting your requirements and then you created a new body matching my old one and sent me to another world full of monsters to… train?"

[That is correct. Also the host doesn't need to speak about loud as the system is within the host so you can speak with it in your mind.]


So I really did die and now I'm another world!

I read about these types of situations in novels and stories online but never did I think they would actually happen to me. I mean I did sometimes think about it but through my tough life I learnt not to expect anything as it will always lead to me being hurt so I always dismissed such a ridiculous idea.But to think this actually happened to me!! Part of me believes that I'm in the hospital in a coma but the scent and the feeling of the grass beneath my feet and the two suns above felt terrifyingly real.

I looked down at my body and realised that I had been standing naked this entire time!

Due to all this confusion I never even noticed but it at least makes it easier to check my body. As I did a thorough check on my body almost everything is the same from my skinny legs with not a strand of hair. My penis, which is the only above average thing about me, being the same size as before, of 9" with strands of black pubic hair above it.

My chest which you can see the bones due to not being able to eat, as most of my food was taken by others by force. My arms being about the same length as before and even though I can't see my face it feels roughly the same shape.

The only difference between this body and my previous one is that their are no scars in this one. In my previous body their were scars all over it due to the constant beatings. I guess the system must have something to do with it.

'You said you are a system. A system of what? You said their are monsters what do you mean by that and does it mean they can attack me right now when I'm defenceless?And do you also have any clothes?'

I began asking this "system" more questions as the part about monsters worried me and the origins behind the "system."

[I am The Ultimate Being System. The systems role is to make the host the most ultimate being in existence with strength that none can rival. The world you are in right now has been chosen to be the training ground for the host to improve his strength and become the most powerful in this world before the system sends you to a more powerful world with stronger beings. Currently, in this world their are only monsters in this world and no humans. The current area the host is in is a safe area provided by the system so no harm can come to the host while within. So the host is safe from monsters in an area of 1km. As for the clothes the host can gain new clothes from the system starter pack.]

'Starter pack!?'

[Yes. The system provides a starter pack for the host which contains different armours,skills,weapons and others.

Would the host like to open the starter pack?]

"Yes!!" I shouted out loud due to excitement knowing the power behind the starter pack and what advantages they can bring to me.

[Opening starter pack…]