
The Tyrant Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Jon Hardy had no intention to hold back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1945 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Jon Hardy is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · สมัยใหม่
457 Chs

Chapter 180 HD Airlines Taking Off

  Franklin seemed well prepared and said, "I believe there are significant problems in the current operations of major airlines."

  "Oh? What problems?" Andy asked.

  "Currently, airlines are overly focused on long haul flights, investing heavily in long distance transportation. They emphasize service and comfort, even hiring attractive flight attendants, which all significantly increase costs. In my opinion, an airplane is just a means of transportation. Our goal should be to get passengers to their destinations safely."

  "Luxury meals in lavishly decorated dining areas—all these costs are borne by the company. I think we should cut costs. As for so called team loyalty, it's better to convert benefits into cash and increase salaries, which is more effective."