
Partner in crime

Zaria's eyes went wide. She wanted to use the same trick of pretending she already knew to dig for more dramatic information from Evan but it was too late as her expression gave her away.

"She is not adopted." Desmond remarked. She and her mother looked like two beans in a pod. There was no way they were not biologically mother and daughter.

Hearing his words, Zaria understood what Evan meant. "Did she have Veronica with another man?"

"You catch on fast." He reclined on the couch.

Zaria shook her head. "I don't understand. If she found out that she is not actually a member of the West family, shouldn't she strive to make Gabriel love her too much to want to let her go once the truth is out?"

He shrugged. "That would have been her reaction if she wasn't so bitter about it and if her father didn't hate the West family so much for keeping his daughter away from him."