

Natalie's room, at dawn.

Devonte stroked his fingers along Natalie's skin as she rested her head on his chest. He had missed her much the previous night that he couldn't help sneaking into her room.

"Don't attempt that again. It's too dangerous." She warned as she pinched his chest, though she couldn't deny that the risk of getting caught made it all the more thrilling.

"Why not? It was fun." He chuckled, to which she glared at him.

"Where did you learn to do that anyway?" She asked, referring to how he had climbed up to the third floor using his bare hands. The thought of it made chills run down her spine. What would have happened if his hands slid or if he missed a step?

He chuckled at her worried tone. "I've performed very many action scenes, my love. Besides, I've been doing such things since I was little." He laughed when he thought back to the time when he saved a girl who was stuck on the rooftop, trying to rescue an injured kitten.